Midterm Study Guide Ch.3-5 Flashcards
Who were the Pennsylvania Dutch?
Why did the middle colonies and the South lagged behind New England in education?
Because they spread out,far away from nearest school.(the population was scattered in rural areas.)
What was the best access to the backcountry?
Great Wagon Road
Who were settlers from Ulster?
What were dame school?
Village school in New England
What new technique did Cotton Mather use against smallpox?
What city established the first public library in America?
What were the two largest non-English groups in America?
Scots-Irish and the German
Growing rice was common in which regiona.
The South
Scots-Irish and German settlers mostly occupied which territory?
Why did the Puritans emphasized education for their children?
Because they wanted children to study the Bible
Where did the”colonial style”of architecture originate?
Tudor England
What was the main reason the Scots-Irish and Germans came to America?
They wanted to escape religious intolerance.
Why were epidemics more common in the eighteenth-century colonies?
Because crowed cities helped to spread diseases.
Why did woman in America married earlier than woman in europe?
Because there were more men than woman
What was another name for Baptist German settlers?
Did America’s population increased tenfold during the eighteenth century?
What was the paddle-shaped board for reading?
Who wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac?
Benjamin Franklin
What was the standard text in the colonial period?
New England Primer
What was the most important denomination in the South?
Which group rejected modern ways and desired little contact w/outsiders?
Who was known as the Father of American Presbyterianism?
Francis Makemie
What was the most influential religious movement in colonial America?
What sect was centered in the colony of Pennsylvania?
Who believed that believers should leave the Church of England altogether?
Who missionary to the Indians who wrote an inspirational journal?
David Brainerd
What conservative branch of the Mennonites practiced strict church discipline?
Who was known as Father of American Lutheranism?
Henry Mühlenberg
What group became known as Congregationalists?
What issue in their beliefs distinguished the Congregationalists from the Baptists?
Where did most American Lutherans come from?
Describe the provisions of the Half-way Covenant.
The Half-Way Covenant was parents who were not baptized to have their children baptized.The result of the Half-Way covenant is they want to served only to increase the number of unregenerate church member.
List five results of the Great Awakening
1) number of religious college increase.
2) The Great Awakening brought division to America’s church
3) The Anglican church was powerful,especially in the Southern colonies.
4) in greater freedom of warship to colonists.
5) all laymen began to share equally in the rule of the church.
Who wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”?
Jonathan Edwards
Who was minister to the Algonquin Indians?
John Eliot
They were a doctrinally sound group that wanted to keep the old ceremonies of the Church of England
Low-church Anglicans
Who took religion and education to the “Overmountain” people?
Samuel Doak
He was a Presbyterian graduate of the Log College who aided the Great Awakening
Gilbert Tennent
He was a Presbyterian minister who helped bring revival to Virginia
Samuel Davies
What did the French call the territory they claimed along the Mississippi River?
What important fort did the French build at the Forks of the Ohio River at the out
Fort Dequesne
Why did the Iroquois ally w/the British?
Because the Iroquois’ enemy had joined the French.
What geographic feature was at the heart of the Louisiana Territory?
What “world war” brought an end to French power in New World?
French and Indian war
Why was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham important?
Because the British captured the French Canadian Capital
What peace treaty brought an end to the French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris
What event sparked the French and Indian War
A force commanded by George Washington clashed w/the French near the Forks of the Ohio River
With the Treaty of Utrecht,Britain gained territory of what regions?
Eastern Canada
The West Indies and
During what infamous incident did British redcoats kill five unarmed Patriots in1770?
Boston Massacre
Why did Nationalism grow in the American colonies?
1) the colonies were isolated from the help of Britain.
2) Private ownership of land gave Americans a stake in their society.
3) the colonies were accustomed to self-government.
What was Britain’s chief disadvantage during the French and Indian War
Lack of colonial unity
Who were the Acadians?
French settlers who were forcibly removed from Nova Scotia
Who was the British commander who was badly defeated by French and Indian forces?
Edward Braddock
Why was French a threat to the thirteen colonies?
1) France’s strong alliances w/the Indians
2) the British difficulty in defending its scattered settlements.
3) the failure of the colonies to present a united front.
Why was Franklin’s Albany Plan a failure?
The colonists feared centralized government.
Who was French trapper who explored the upper Mississippi River?
Louis Joliet
Describe William Pitt’s plan to win the French and Indian War
1) let Prussia bear the brunt in fighting in Europe.
2) use British navy to isolate the colony
3) replace old,incompetent commander w/young.
What law requirement that salaries,taxes,and expenditures be scrutinized by elected officials?
Power of the purse