Ch20 Flashcards
The theme of Harding’s presidential campaign was to return to …..
Belief that emphasized Christ would return at any time to establish his kingdom, was a rising influence in American Christianity during the 1920’s
The main theme of America’s foreign policy during the 1920’s
King of Chicago’s underworld
Al Capone
Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein
Claimed to promote “100% Americanism”
Ku klux klan
Effort to settle the war debts-reparations cycle.
Dawes plan
First solo, non-stop flight across the Atlantic.
Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.
Prevented European trade with the United States
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Looked like a president; head of the “Ohio gang”
Warren G. Harding
“The business of American is business”
Calvin Coolidge
Agreement to limit the number of battleships a nation could have?
Washington Naval Conference (Japan)
First commercial radio station.
Making small monthly payments until the item is paid for
Installment plans
Murder trial tainted by prejudice.
Sacco-Vanzetti case
Austrian psychologist who opposed self-restraint.
Sigmund Freud
Teacher convicted of teaching evolution.
John T. Scopes
Agreement to make war legal.
Kellogg-Braid Pact
Defended the Bible against theory of evolution.
William Jennings Bryan
Scandal involving the secretary of the interior.
Teapot Dome
The purchase of something at a low price by someone who hopes to resell it later a higher price to make a profit.
Theological battle with modernist over doctrine, and control of the major denominations’ school, mission boards and institutions.
Fundamentalism modernist controversy
Legal quotas restricting immigration.
National Origins Act
“Wet” Roman Catholic presidential candidate
Al Smith
Time of near panic caused by wave of leftist bombings.
Red scare
President’s administration closely associated with the Great Depression.
Herbert Hoover
1929-Sudden drop in stock prices.(~Stock marker crash)
Black Tuesday