Midterm Skin Flashcards
What is skin?
porous and protective! It seperates me/not me, 64,000 sensory receptors! skin=layers, whole skin replaced every 27 days.
What does skin do? 1) to do with liquids
It’s waterproof. puncture-resistant protective covering guarding against foreign invasion and fluid loss
What does skin do? 2) hot/cold environment
Temperature regulator. extra capillaries either constrict to send blood in or gorge to pull blood out and sweat glands cool through evaporation.
What does skin do? 3) to do with sweat and waste
sweat glands also excrete waste
What does skin do? 4) to do with which system in the body
part of immune system through lymph glands/vessels
What does skin do 5) with fat
metabolic organ involved in the metabolism, storage, and catabolism of fat
What does skin do 6) through sweat? (besides temp and waste)
regulates salt/water levels through sweat
What does skin do 7) stomach
a reservior of food and water
What does skin do 8) (sun)
a sote pf Vitamin D synthesis
What does skin do 9) veins
regulator of blood pressure
What does skin do? 10) what does my face create?
source of moisture and lubrication
What does skin do? 11) (feeling)
a sensory organ
What does skin do? 12) the one that makes no sense, haha get it? Cause it’s the wrong sense
2 way passage of gasses
Touch 1 (pain receptors)
pain receptors, everywhere except the brain
Touch 2 (Free nerve endings)
light touch, everywhere
Touch 3 (Meissner’s corpuscles)
acutely sensitive to light touch but numb out when stimulus does not change, lips/fingers
Touch 4 (Expanded tip tactile receptors)
transmit long continuous signals so as to pinpoint an object that is stationary in the skin.
touch 5 ( Hair end organs
Register movement of hair
Touch 6 (Ruffini’s end organs)
deep in the skin pressure, in joint capsules letting us know where our limbs are.
Touch 7 (Pacinian corpuscle)
fast light touch, movement or vibration, in skin and deeper tissues.
We do we need touch as humans?
Touch affects our personality and cultures. touch helps us grow, develop, and mature throughout our lives. Touch is essential food. babies die without it.
Skin is:
surface of the brain
internal organs
connective tissues, bones, skeletal muscles
skin and nervous system information travels back and forth from the periphery to the central nervous system, touch helps the nervous system to grow.