Midterm Prep Climate Change Flashcards
What is the atmosphere composed of?
Primarily Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon. Less than one percent is CO2, Ne, He, CHu, Kr, H2
Anthropogenic climate change
1800s. Caused by humans, Industrial Revolution
How does ice hold clues about climate change?
By measuring oxygen isotopes in ice, it can tell us how cold it was when it snowed.
Snowfall traps air, which is now encased in the ice. Changes in CO2 concentration are directly related to the temperature.
What is the IPCC?
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. United Nations body for assessing science related to climate change. There are three working groups and they create special and assessment reports.
What are some environmental consequences of climate change?
Climate change acts as a stress multiplier for poorer communities
Increased temperature:
1- of air and water
2- melting glaciers
3- reduced sea ice results in less polar bears
4- rising sea levels endanger sand pipers
What are some environmental consequences of ocean acidification?
bleaches coral/deforms shells
more powerful storms and tornadoes
affected Puertan Rican parrot population
increased rainfall and floods
increased drought and crop failure
larger, more intense fires
impacted CA condors
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
The Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the UNFCCC by committing industrialized countries to reducing GHG emissions
What is the Paris Agreement?
a legally binding international treaty on climate change that covers mitigation, finance, and adaptation