Midterm Lecture Material Flashcards
What is social psychology?
the study of individuals (thoughts, feelings, actions)
- often empirical and experimental
manipulate aspects of social environment and see how this affects thoughts, feelings or behavior
What is the difference between social and personality psychology?
social psychology studies personality and the interaction with the environment but personality psychologists tend to study more of the individuals and social psychology more of the individual and its environment
What is the difference between cognitive and personality psychology?
cognitive is based on memory, thinking, learning, remembering
What is the difference between developmental and personality psychology?
how kids develop, learning etc. Examine how other field of study unfolds overtime
What is the difference between neuro and social psychology?
cutting open brains, MRI, biological focus like chemical properties
What is the difference between clinical and social psychology?
anything that is related to overall health, depression, quality of the relationship, psychological well-being
What is the difference between quantitative and social psychology?
statistical tools to make conclusions
Give examples to nudge squads
- small farms gaining access to credit
- increasing recycling
Who did the pantyhose experiment?
Nisbett and WIlson
Explain the pantyhose experiment
The subjects were not told that the stockings were in fact identical. Wilson and Nisbett presented the stockings to the subjects hanging on racks spaced equal distances apart. When asked about their respective judgments, most of the subjects attributed their decision to the knit, weave, sheerness, elasticity, or workmanship of the stockings that they chose to be of the best quality.
Explain the experiment that was done by Triplett that kind of became the setting stone of social psychology
cyclists are faster in the presence of others
What are the first textbooks on social psychology?
- McDougall
- Ross
- Allport
What is the big event that led to more social psychology research in 1930-1950?
- The WWII - Hitler
What are the names of the psychologists involved in social psychology research in 1930-1950?
- Sherif –> intergroup research
- Lewin –> interaction between personality and environment
- Asch –> conformity - social pressure to give and answer
- Milgram –> obedience, conformity
- Festinger –> cognitive dissonance
- Allport –> intergroup bias
– basically all trying to determine how humans could do such things to other humans
Explain the study “Feeling the Future” by Bem
- 9 experiments finding evidence for “psi” –> precognition, predicting the future
- 100 participants
- erotic and non erotic photos
- 52%
What are the ingredients of irreproducible research?
- institutional resources (“publish or perish”)
- flashy and significant effects needed to publish (publication bias)
- lost of ways to analyze data (intentional or unintentional p-hacking)
What is the Amgen Cancer study?
47/53 landmark cancer papers were not reproducible
What are the ways to increase replicability?
- psychological science accelerator
- open data, open code, methods etc.
Does power posing work?
Does ego-depletion work
not significant
Is stereotype threat a real thing?
not as effective as we thought
What is experimenter bias?
the experimenter having and effect on the study
Ex: the Coca-Cola challenge
Why do we do psychology research?
- to understand why things happen
- if we have a good understanding, we can predict the future
- establish causality
Give examples to correlation is not causation
crime vs ice cream sales
books vs child’s education level
a causality relationship can exist without correlation?
- we need correlation to really have causation in the first place
What is random sampling?
Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique where we select a group of subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a population). Each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample.
What is convenience sampling?
Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researcher.
What are the pros of random sampling?
maximizes odds that we don’t have a “cohort effect” and that our results generalize
What is random assignment?
Random assignment refers to the use of chance procedures in psychology experiments to ensure that each participant has the same opportunity to be assigned to any given group.
What is the control group in an experiment?
The control group is defined as the group in an experiment or study that does not receive treatment by the researchers and is then used as a benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do.
What is blinding?
A study done in such a way that the patients or subjects do not know (is blinded as to) what treatment they are receiving to ensure that the results are not affected by a placebo effect (the power of suggestion).
Single blind vs double blind
In a single blind study, the participants in the clinical trial do not know if they are receiving the placebo or the real treatment. … In a double-blind study, both the participants and the experimenters do not know which group got the placebo and which got the experimental treatment.
What is self-concept?
knowing there is a self
Give examples of animals that recognize themselves in the mirror
humans (>1-2 age), chimps, orangutang, some gorillas, dolphins
What is self-schema?
The self-schema refers to a long lasting and stable set of memories that summarize a person’s beliefs, experiences and generalizations about the self, in specific behavioral domains.
- are templates or ideas we have for understanding the self
What are the wats that we can know the self (theoretically)?
- introspection
- perceptions of own behavior
- comparing ourselves to other people
- autobiographical memories
What is introspection and give and example of where we have seen it?
explaining why we did things: thoughts, behaviours
- pantyhose experiment
What is affective forecasting?
Affective forecasting (also known as hedonic forecasting, or the hedonic forecasting mechanism) is the prediction of one’s affect (emotional state) in the future.
Does introspection work?
- we are bad at understanding reasons for our own behaviours
- we are also pretty bad at predicting how we will feel in the future in response to various experiences
Why are we not good at introspection?
- impact bias: we OVERestimate strengths and duration of responses (humans are very good at emotional resilience, they recover and adapt
- we also UNDERestimate influence of other stuff, events
What is impact bias?
In the psychology of affective forecasting, the impact bias, a form of which is the durability bias, is the tendency for people to overestimate the length or the intensity of future emotional states.
What is perception of our own behaviours?
watching our behaviours and inferring internal traits/states
What is the self-perception theory? Who found it? Give and example
Daryl Bem
- we observe our behaviours in a way and we interpret them to explain who we are, what we were we doing and why, etc. at the time.
- It asserts that people develop their attitudes by observing their own behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused it.
EX: if your job to punch walls, you would say you are punching walls for your job and not because you are angry
What did Chaiken and Baldwin find on perception of our own behaviour?
- knew participants had strong or ambiguous attitudes about environment
- completed one of two questionnaires
- -> have you ever recycled?
- -> do you always recycle?
strong attitudes = questionnaire did nothing
ambiguous attitudes = reported themselves consistent with questionnaire
How do we perceive our motivations?
- intrinsic and extrinsic
What is the over-justification effect? Give example
- when receiving extrinsic rewards, can attribute rationale for activity to reward
- critically, this can make people lose interest in activity when reward removed
EX: goldstar and coloring experiment
Does perception of our own behaviours work in defining self?
- observing our behaviours is a method people employ to learn about ourselves and develop a concept of “self”
- not perfect, as various experiments have shown researchers can “lead” people to think one way or another about themselves
- more likely to happen for the attitudes that we don’t already have a strong opinion about. Then once formed, those opinions about ourselves are harder to change
How do we define self by comparing ourselves to other people?
-tend to describe ourselves in ways that distinguish us from one another
-other people help us to define ourselves
Ex: if you are a ginger in a group of gingers, you are not going to define yourself as ginger
What is situational distinctiveness?
McGuire –> % of school children mentioned their gender in spontaneous self-description
What is Festinger’s social comparison theory?
We are particularly likely to compare ourselves to others when unsure or ambiguous about ourselves or performance EX: your grade is XX and you compare it to the class average
What is the two-factor theory of emotion? Give an example? Who are the psychologists?
Schachter and Singer
- we are not good at determining which emotion we are feeling
- we can use social comparisons to determine what we might be feeling.
EX: epinephrine experiment, when the participants didn’t know what they were injected with, they felt the way confederate was acting.
What do we need to “put a label on” what we are feeling?
2 pieces of information:
1. Physiological feelings associated with emotion
2. Cognitive interpretation
EX: pain vs orgasm pictures (you need context)
Does comparing ourselves to other people work in defining self?
- tend to think and describe ourselves in ways that separate us from other people
- we use other people to discern our own attitudes/performance/ emotions when we are particularly uncertain about our attitudes/performance/emotions
- the ways we see we are similar and different from others help us define our self-concept
What are autobiographical memories and how does it define self?
- just as we can “observe ourselves” to determine self-concept, we can draw from memory/older experiences but we don’t remember all events equally or objectively
What is the recency effect?
we remember more recent things more easily
What are the events that we remember more easily?
- recent
- firsts/surprising: first day of uni, 911, moon landing
- positive events
What is self-esteem?
how much value people put on themselves
high —> feel good about self
low —> feels less good/uncertain about self
What are the 2 elements of self-esteem?
both trait and state
- self esteem is pretty stable over lifetime - TRAIT
- but short-term variation following pos/neg feedback - STATE
What are the characteristics of a people who has a fluctuating self-esteem?
some evidence that some people fluctuate a lot in response to feedback, making them highly responsive to praise and overly sensitive to criticism
Higher self esteem is associated with ….
higher life satisfaction
lower depression
higher self-efficacy
more confidence in being liked by others
What are the differences in high and low self-esteem?
- equally liked, intelligent, competent
- little vidence that HSE causes better outcomes (except in romantic relationships)
- more evidence that self-esteem is a consequence of whatever that is going on in our lives
What are the group differences in self-esteem?
- no gender differences
- in NA some minority groups have higher self-esteem
- NA score higher than East Asians
BUT - when we measure self-esteem across groups/cultures in other ways (not-self reported) we find similar results (cultural differences in acceptability, relatively equal self-esteem across all humans)
What is the sociometer theory (Lary&Baumeister)?
- ongoing thermometer of our level of acceptance or rejection by the group
- to make sure we are part of a group
- to survive
- evolutionary psychological perspective that proposes that state self-esteem is a gauge of interpersonal relationships
What are actual, ought, ideal self?
actual self: a representation of the traits/attributes that you believe you actually possess.
ought self: traits that would help you meet duties and responsibilities (traits tahta you think you should have, society thinks that you should have)
ideal self: traits that would help you meet your hopes, wishes and dreams (traits that you want to have)
What is the self discrepancy theory? Give examples. Who is the psychologist?
- Discrepancy between both
actual self vs ought self –> guilt, shame
ex: your mom wants you to be a priest but you don’t
actual self vs ideal self —> disappointment, frustration, sadness
ex: your dream was to be a priest but you are not
How much do we think about ourselves? What is the study that tested this?
- we dont think about ourselves that much
- people wore beepers for a week and wrote down what they were thinking every time it beeped, 4700 recorded thoughts and 8% is about self
Csikszentmihalyi & Figurski 1982
When we do think about ourselves it tends to be positive
How do we cope with a bad feeling about ourselves. What are the two mechanisms? Give examples.
- Fix what we are feeling bad about
- Stop thinking about it (distracting ourselves
- not always possible to fix easily (being poor, married t someone we dislike)
- drug, alcohol, sexual overindulgence, binge-eating, suicide, TV are methods to “stop thinking about it” - Baumeister
What is self-presentation?
Enhancing the self to one self and to others
What is above average effect?
people see themselves as better than average on most positive dimensions (and things that they personally value)
What is the Dunning-Kruger effect?
- Everyone tends to overestimate own abilities
- but some do it more than others
- participants with lowest scores on logic, humour, and grammar were the ones most likely to overestimate their own abilities
What is heuristic? Why does this happen?
mental shortcut - replace a tough question with an easier question to answer.
- partly self-serving bias, and partly self-focused thinking
What is implicit egotism?
we like stuff associated with the self. influences our major decisions
denise –> dentist
louise —> lives in St. Louis
What is self enhancement? What are the strategies?
4 strategies that humans employ to feel better about themselves:
- self-serving cognitions
- self-handicapping
- BIRGing
- Downward social comparison
What are self-serving cognitions? Give example
- take credit for success, distance for failure
- passes test –> I am smart
- fails test –> prof sucks
- INTRINSIC explanations for successes and EXTRINSIC explanations for failures
Why do we have self-serving cognitions? What are the problems with it?
- to protect our self-esteem
- only positive estimate od our future
- people think that they will have higher GPAs, better jobs, etc.
- People think that they have more control over their futures than they do