Chapter 10: Helping Others Flashcards
What is altruism?
Desire to help another, to improve their welfare, regardless of whether we derive any benefit. Helping another without conscious regard for one’s self-interest
What does prosocial behavior mean?
Actions intended to benefit others.
All prosocial behaviors are altruistic.
All altruistic behavior is prosocial behavior, but not all prosocial behavior is altruistic behavior.
Why do we help?
Evolutionary Theory
• Survival of the Fittest - The “Selfish Gene”
• In a way, altruism doesn’t make sense from evo standpoint: If we are dead we can’t pass on our genes
• Should see survival of “selfish gene” because those who helped would surely die out
• QUESTION: Why might we, as a species, still have altruism?
• Helping has survival advantages:
• Kin Selection – Help your kin = Help your genes
What is kin selection?
Preferential helping of genetic relatives, which results in the greater likelihood that genes held in common
will survive.
What is reciprocal altruism?
helping someone else can be in your best interests because it increases the likelihood that you will be helped in return (Krebs, 1987; Trivers, 1985). If A helps B and B helps A, both A and B increase their chances of
survival and reproductive success. Over the course of evolution, therefore, individuals who engage in reciprocal altruism should survive and reproduce more than individuals who do not, thus enabling this kind of altruism to flourish.
What is group-level altruism?
The idea behind group selection is that groups with altruistic members may be more likely to thrive and avoid extinction than groups with only selfish individuals (O’Gorman et al., 2008; Wilson et al., 2008).
What is direct reciprocity?
Helping someone who may help you later
What is indirect reciprocity?
Help someone; someone else helps you later
Why do people engage in prosocial behavior?
- Norm of equity
- Norm of reciprocity
- Norms of social responsibility
- Concerns about justice or fairness
- Cultural norms
Explain the norm of equity
• Getting less than you deserve
• Become angry and resentful
• Getting more than you deserve
• Experience guilt
Fairness requires balancing
•Unique to humans
What is social exchange theory?
helping can actually be rewarding in a number of ways
•“minimax” strategy
•Unconscious weighing of costs and rewards
•If we can minimize the costs and maximize the rewards – we will help
According to SE, true altruism does not exist. People help when the benefits outweigh the costs.
What is the empathy-altruism hypothesis?
According to the empathy-altruism hypothesis, taking the perspective of a person in need creates feelings of
empathic concern, which produce the altruistic motive to reduce the other person’s distress. When people
do not take the other’s perspective, they experience feelings of personal distress, which produce the egoistic
motive to reduce their own discomfort.
What is empathy?
Understanding or vicariously experiencing another individual’s perspective and feeling sympathy and
compassion for that individual
What is arousal: cost-reward model?
The proposition that people react to emergency situations by acting in the most cost effective way to reduce the arousal of shock and alarm.
What is negative state relief model?
The proposition that people help others in order to counteract their own feelings of sadness
Egoistic vs altruistic
- Egoistic: Motivated by the desire to increase one’s own welfare.
- Altruistic: Motivated by the desire to improve another’s welfare.
2 emotional components of empathy:
personal distress & empathic concern
Emotion experienced depends on perspective taken:
- Empathic concern -> altruistic motive.
* Personal distress -> egoistic motive
Telling the Difference Between Egoistic and Altruistic Motives: How easy it to escape from a helping situation?
- If egoistic motive, helping should decline when escape from the situation is easy.
- If altruistic motive, help is given regardless of ease of escape.
Explain the story of Kitty Genovese
The story begins at about 3:20 in the morning on March 13, 1964, in the New York City borough of Queens. Twenty eight-year-old Kitty Genovese was returning home from her job as a bar manager. Suddenly, a man attacked her with a knife. She was stalked, stabbed, and sexually assaulted just 35 yards from her own apartment building. Lights went on and windows went up as she screamed, “Oh my God! He stabbed me! Please help me!” She broke free from her attacker twice, but only briefly. Newspaper reports indicated that 38 of her neighbors witnessed her ordeal but not one intervened. Finally, after nearly 45 minutes of terror, one man called the police. But before they got her to the hospital, Genovese was dead.
What is the bystander effect?
The effect whereby the presence of others inhibits helping