Chapter 11: Aggression Flashcards
What are the three types of “social”?
prosocial - Altruism, helping behaviour
asocial - Being on your own, not doing anything with anyone
antisocial - Aggression, violence, hurtful, destructive behaviour
What is aggression?
Aggression is behavior that is intended to harm another
What is violence?
Violence is usually defined as aggression with the goal of extreme harm, including injury or death
What is the Armin Meiwes case?
- Software engineer and he has a midlife crisis
- He posted online that he wanted to find a well build men who wanted to be eaten.
- A person named Brendon agreed to this, they met up, they had dinner together, they started eating a little bit of Brandon together and then Brendon took bunch of drugs, got in a bathtub and then was killed. Armin chopped him up and stored him in the freezer and ate him overtime.
- It is cannibalism but it is consensual cannibalism
- Brandon agreed to this and there is a lot of evidence on that so is this aggression?
- Turns out in Germany cannibalism is not illegal
What are the emotions underlying aggression?
Anger and hostility are considered the emotions and attitudes underlying aggression
but are not necessarily connected, e.g., you can have anger without aggression (which is healthy) and aggression without anger
What are the types of aggression?
instrumental and emotional
What is instrumental aggression?
Inflicting harm in order to obtain something of value
aka “cold aggression” or proactive aggression, i.e., aggression that is a means to some other e
What is emotional aggression?
Inflicting harm for its own sake.
aka “hot aggression” or reactive aggression, i.e., aggression driven by anger and performed as an end in itself
Who Commits Violent Crimes and Against Whom?
In the U.S., teenagers and young adults, aged 14 – 24 years, are more likely to engage in violent crime and also be a victim of violent crime
Most violence against others within our group/around near u
How does gender play a role in aggression?
- Men are more violent than women in virtually every culture and time period that has been studied.
- Males tend to be more overtly, physically aggressive than females.
- Females are somewhat more indirectly or relationally aggressive than males
Guys > Gals
Men get in fights more, do more crime (Buss, 2011)
Guys = Gals: Physical vs. Relational
We have to examine type, women gossip in aggressive ways (Galen & Underwood, 1977)
Guys > Gals (Card et al., 2008)
Men gossip almost as much as women (if not equal), AND punch people
Straight men > Gay men
Both indirect, but straight men physic
How does culture play a role in aggression?
- Some research suggests that individualistic cultures tend to have higher rates of aggression than collectivistic cultures.
- The forms that aggression may take and attitudes about whether various practices should be considered aggression vary across cultures.
- Bullying is a persistent and widespread problem that affects a large number of young people in the world.
- Within a society, different subcultures exhibit different norms concerning aggression.
- Teenagers and young adults, African Americans, and people in the South are the groups most prone to violence in the United States.
How do individual differences play a role in aggression?
- There is some stability in aggression: Aggression in childhood predicts aggression in adulthood.
- People who tend to hold hostile cognitions, express anger, and exhibit irritability tend to behave more aggressively.
- Some other personality traits are associated with aggression only after provocation. These include emotional susceptibility, narcissism, Type A personality, and impulsivity.
What are the reasons for aggression? (Evo theory)
Males: Combat is high risk/high reward
Females prefer high status males for mating
Aggression as a way of displaying and maintaining status over time
Man v Man violence: Status
Man v Women violence: Sexual Jealousy
(Buss & Duntley, 2014): Based on crime statistics
We should be less violent toward those sharing our genes
Parents more likely to abuse foster children than their biological offspring
Is aggression innate?
• Evolutionary psychology views aggression as a universal, innate characteristic that has evolved from natural and sexual
selection pressures.
• Evolutionary accounts propose that gender differences in aggression can be traced to competition for status (and the most desirable mates) and sexual jealousy.
• Some research suggests that individual differences in aggression are produced by genetic inheritance.
• The sex hormone testosterone and the neurotransmitter serotonin appear to play roles in human aggression.
• Impairments in several areas of the brain, especially to executive functioning, are associated with aggressiveness.
• Biological factors interact with social factors in producing or regulating aggression.
What are social learning theories of aggression?
• Basic idea: We learn to use aggression through personal experience and from role models/society
• Personal Experience
Want something? Try aggression:
- success –> keep doing it
- failure –> adopt other strategies!
Is aggression a learned behavior?
Aggressive behaviour is strongly affected by learning
Those who are rewarded for their aggression will maintain the behaviour (e.g., bully on the playground)
How can aggression be reinforced?
positively and negatively
What is positive reinforcement of aggression?
Aggression is reinforced when it produces desired outcomes
What is negative reinforcement of aggression?
Aggression is reinforced because it prevents or stops undesirable outcome
How to learn aggression from others?
What about the role of punishment to decrease aggression (e.g., removal of privileges or spanking)? Punishment may lead to a decrease in aggression, but only when…
1) immediately follows the aggressive behaviour
2) is strong enough to deter the aggressor
3) is consistently applied and perceived as fair and legitimate by the aggressor
How is the social learning theory related to aggression?
aggression is a learned behaviour through both rewards and observation (e.g., in the family) especially when the models are rewarded and not punished for their behaviour
Aggression can be learned due to 3 factors:
People learn the specific aggressive behaviours from models
People develop positive attitudes and beliefs about about aggression, in general
People construct social “scripts” about how to behave and resolve interpersonal conflict through aggression