Midterm - Dermis Flashcards
beneath the epidermis and is
composed of connective tissue.
dermis is beneath the
epidermis and is
composed of
dermis is divided into two layers…
Papillary layer
Reticular Layer
It is arranged into microscopic
structures that form ridges. These are the finger- and footprints
Papillary layer
beneath the papillary layer; it is a white fibrous tissue that
supports the blood vessels
reticular layer
composed of adipose and
connective tissue. It supports, nourishes, insulates, and cushions the skin
subcutaneous tissue
or hypodermis
a threadlike structure formed
by a group of cells that develop within a hair follicle or socket
It is attached to the side of each follicle which causes goose flesh or goose pimples.
pilomotor muscle
Each hair has a _____ that is visible
Each hair has a shaft that is visible and a root that is embedded in the ________
At the base of each hair follicle is a bulb enclosing a loop of capillaries which provides nourishment to the hair
Hair papilla
It is one of the few living parts of the hair, and is responsible for hair growth.
Hair Papilla
It →covers the hair shaft like shingles on a roof, protecting it from the elements and chemicals, and from losing moisture
It provides most of the hair’s weight. It contains melanin which provides color to the hair, stores oils, provides flexibility and elasticity, and
adds shape to the hair.
When the cuticle is damaged and exposes the cortex
hair looks dull and dry
an inner hollow core that runs the
length of the shaft.
are oil glands. They have tiny ducts that open into each hair follicle
Sebaceous glands
Each sebaceous gland secretes ______, which lubricates the hair and skin.
The amount of secretion varies with
age, puberty, and pregnancy
Are hard keratin structures that protect the ends of the fingers and toes.
Fingernails and toenails
begins several millimeters into the finger and extends to the edge of the white, crescent-shaped lunula.
nail root/ germinal matrix / nailbed,
white, crescent-shape seen in the nail
This is where the growth occurs…
approximately _____. per week.
1 mm
The under-surface of the ________/_______ of the nail has grooves that help
anchor it.
nail plate or body
It fuses the nail plate and the skin of the finger together to form a waterproof barrier
cuticle / eponychium
The cuticle is also called the
It is under the free edge of the nail. It also creates a waterproof barrier, fusing the skin of the finger to the underside of the nail plate.
Simply those that have curled down or around and are growing into the skin.
Ingrown nail