Midterm Flashcards
The x-ray intensity is less at the anode side of the x-ray beam than the cathode side of the x-ray beam. This is called the
Heel effect
The high voltage on the x-ray tube
Accelerates the electrons
What happens to the energy spectrum when the kVp is decreased
The amplitude and maximum voltage decrease
What is the power produced in an x-ray tube when operated at 110kv and 50 mA
5.5 kilowatts
Most of the electrons which strike the target of an x-ray tube will produce
Thermal energy
The primary purpose of voltage rectification is
Prevent electrons from striking the cathode
Tungsten is a good material for an x-ray target because
It has a high atomic number
Which is true regarding the use of filtration for an x-ray beam
It increases the average energy of the x-ray beam
A change in which of the following has the least effect on the average energy of the electron spectrum
Which of the following will increase the number of photons in the x-ray spectrum
Decreasing filtration
Increasing mAs
Increasing Kvp
Increasing atomic number Z
The characteristic x-ray position will change horizontal location on the energy spectrum with a change in
Target material
The efficiency of x-ray production increases with
The applied voltage between the anode and the cathode
How will the emission spectrum change with an increase in mAs
Only amplitude of the spectrum will increase
Increasing filtration to an x-ray beam will decrease the
Quantity of x-rays in the beam
The intensity of the x-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance, d
When waves appear to change direction at the interface between two different media is called
The double slit experiment is an example of how sub atomic particles
Behave as waves
When sub atomic particles are directed at a small single slit, the resulting distribution is
Single bunch pattern
The intensity of electrons created by photoelectric production can be increased by
Increasing the number of photons
What is the energy of a photon beam if the frequency is 4. 25 x 10^23 hertz
h= 4.15 x 10^-15 eV-s
E: hF
- 15 x 10^-15 eVs x 4.25 x 10^23 hz
- 6375 x 10^8 ex
- 76 x 10^9 ex
- 76 Gev
When waves seem to bend around an obstacle is called
Increasing the energy of electromagnetic radiation is associated with
Increasing frequency
For a given energy beam, the penetration ______ with _______ atomic number
Increases, lower
Which of the following will always increase the quality of an x-ray beam
Increases the kVp and increases filtration
Increases the kVp and decreases the mAs
Increases mAs and increases the filtration
Which is true about pair production
The photon interacts with the electromagnetic field of the nucleus
All the photon energy is given to the nucleus
The photon energy must be greater than 1.02 Mev
The process where the photon is absorbed by the nucleus and a nucleon is emitted is called
Which is true about eh probability of photoelectric interactions
Increases with increasing atomic number, z
What is annihilation radiation
A positron interacts with a free neutron creating two photons
Which is true about the probability of Compton interactions
Decreases with increasing energy
Independent of atomic number, Z
Directly proportional to the density of material
What is the energy of a photon beam if the wavelength is 0.22mm
h= 4.15 x 10^-15 eV-s
5.7 meV
Referred to notes for work