Midterm #2 Images Flashcards

Lion capital of an Ashoka column, sandstone, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India, Maurya period, c. 250 BCE. Lee fig. 105.

The Great Stupa of Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India, Shunga and early Andhra periods, 3rd to 1st cent. BCE. Lee fig. 116.
Holds Buddhist relics

The Great Departure, relief panel in sandstone, east gate, Great Stupa of Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India, second half of 1st cent. BCE
Within the story of Siddhartha - it is his leaving the royal palace for his quest to find enlightenment.

Seated Buddha, red sandstone, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2nd century CE, h 70 cm. Similar to Lee fig. 135.
Mathura style is one of 2 styles of the Kushan Empire - the other is Gandhara.
There are 32 marks signifying the Buddha
This focuses on the Buddha teaching - Wheel on palm
Mathura style: Muscular figure, robe transparent, length between knees extremely wide, sense of stability, arching eyebrows and wide eyes… face and lipts

Standing Buddha, schist, Gandhara, Peshawar, Parkistan, 2nd-3rd century CE, h 2.45 m.
From the Kushan Empire, one of two main styles - the other is Mathura.
Influenced by Greek style of sculpting.
Usually Schist stones
Style: hair is wavy, more masculine - body is more angular and face has mustache, more elaborate robe with creases and decorative pattern, body is not as revealed - robe seems more thick.

The assaults of Mara and moment of enlightenment, relief panel in schist, Gandhara, Pakistan, 2nd cent. CE.
Story of the Buddha - when the he 1st reached enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.
Includes tempation and seduction from Devil like creatures

Standing Buddha, red sandstone, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India, Gupta period, early 5th century CE, h 1.6 m. Lee fig. 147.
From the Gupta Dynasty - expresses Gupta style
Has Gupta Style: Elaborate halo, Buddha figure simpler in style, robe is thin and clings to body but covers body, feminie feel to body, face is not looking at you - instead eyes are downcast in intense meditation. Sense of serenity and intensity.

Seated Buddha, sandstone, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India, Gupta period, c. 475 CE, h 1.6 m. Lee fig. 148.
From the Gupta Dynasty - expresses Gupta style
From Sarnath school of Gupta Sculpture
Has Gupta Style: Elaborate halo, Buddha figure simpler in style, robe is thin and clings to body but covers body, feminie feel to body, face is not looking at you - instead eyes are downcast in intense meditation. Sense of serenity and intensity.
-Also - Floating figures, wheel on base…
Gupta sculptors skilled in expressing gestures

Plan of vihara, Ajanta Cave 1, Maharashtra, India, Gupta period, c. 500 CE.
Had a Vihara design - Structure built for monks to live, perform rituals, and meditate.
Inside were painted murals on Buddha’s lives

Plan of chaitya, Ajanta Cave 26, Maharashtra,India, Gupta period, late 5th century CE. Related to Lee fig. 152.
Most famous part is a reclining Buddha - dipicting the Buddha’s Nirvana (south wall)… which is the end of Buddha’s life.
It is 5 meters long
It has a chaitya hall - which is a place of worship

The Buddha’s nirvana, 7 m long, south wall, AjantaCave 26, Maharashtra, India, Gupta period, late 5th century CE.
The Buddha’s Nirvana is of the end of Buddha’s life when he is about to reach Nirvana.
It is located on the south wall
The reclining Buddha is in general an inspiration for many Buddhas around the world

Head of a Buddha, stucco, from Taxila, Pakistan, 4 th-5 th century CE (Gandhara).
Stucco is made of calcium oxide or sulphate …. created with a stone or wood at the core it is a plaster that makes it possible to mold sculpture in a more realistic way
Plan and Elevation of Cave 38, Kizil, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, 5th-6th century (Kucha).
This is a central pillar cave design and function
The pictorial program included Shakyamuni (present), Buddhas Nirvana, and Maitreya bodhisattva (future)
There are wall paintings that depict the story of the Buddha

Preaching Assemblage with Maitreya Bodhisattva,painted mural, Cave 38, Kizil, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, China, 5th-6thcentury (Kucha).
This discusses the future Buddha - Involves the belief that the Buddha will come back - this is known as the Maitreya Bodhisattva - a bodhisattva that has already reached enlightenment and has returned.
When he comes back there will be peace on Earth.

Drawing of the Buddha’s nirvana, painted mural, Cave 38, Kizil, XinjiangAutonomous Region, China, 5th-6th century (Kucha).Similar to Lee fig. 195.
Buddha’s Nirvana - is the end of the Buddha’s life when he is about to reach Nirvana.

West Great Buddha, h 55m, rock-cut statue covered with stucco, Bamiyan, Afghanistan, 7 th century. Lee fig. 191.
Was once the largest outdoor sculpture. - Destoryed in 2001 by the Taliban
Buddha of the East smaller and made before the West - Possibly b/c it the West was to amend the mistakes made in Buddhas of the East.

Standing Buddha, h 15 m, Cave 18, Yungang, Datong, Shanxi province, China, c. 460-468 (Northern Wei).
These caves were created as an initiation to support Buddhism - Previously a king presecuted Buddhism. These caves is an expression of returning back to Buddhism
People worked with basic tool and worked to build cave on a slope - We know this because there are caves left unfinished
It was lot of work to build caves
It was a project under the son of King who was trying to make up for wrong doing of his father

Seated Buddha in meditation pose, h 14 m, Cave 20, Yungang, Datong, Shanxi province, China, c. 460-468 (Northern Wei). Lee fig. 198.
These caves were created as an initiation to support Buddhism - Previously a king presecuted Buddhism. These caves is an expression of returning back to Buddhism
People worked with basic tool and worked to build cave on a slope - We know this because there are caves left unfinished
It was lot of work to build caves
It was a project under the son of King who was trying to make up for wrong doing of his father

Central seated Buddha of the west wall, h 6.5 m, Binyang Cave Central, Longmen, Luoyang, Henan province, China, c. 508-523 (Northern Wei).
2 phases of construction - 6th and 8th centuries
Had elongated style (dirived from Chinese)
Expresses the Sinicization that occured with the Northern Wei - The assimilation to the Chinese culture- This is seen in the style of robe and facial features.

Panel depicting empress procession, entrance wall, Binyang Central Cave, Longmen, China, ca. 508-523 (Northern Wei); now in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City.
2 phases of construction - 6th and 8th centuries
Had elongated style (dirived from Chinese)
Expresses the Sinicization that occured with the Northern Wei - The assimilation to the Chinese culture- This is seen in the style of robe and facial features.

Seated Buddha in a sculpted niche, Lianhua Cave, Longmen, Luoyang, Henan province, China, dated 527 (Northern Wei). Lee fig. 202.
2 phases of construction - 6th and 8th centuries
Had elongated style (dirived from Chinese)
Expresses the Sinicization that occured with the Northern Wei - The assimilation to the Chinese culture- This is seen in the style of robe and facial features.

Buddhist stele, gray limestone, h 2 m, originally from Shanxi province, China; now in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; dated 554 (Western Wei). Lee fig. 204.
This is a Buddhist devotional object. Used by laity in public or private settings.
Back has list of names of donors
It is a product of individual or group devotion for aristocrats, government figures, and commonors.

Plan of Chang’an in Tang dynasty, Shaanxi province, China
Ward system - grid system
Wall separates each ward and there is a curfew as well. Urbanism would have taken off, but didn’t because of city planning.
Large city that had various cultures and religions. Also - alot of foreigners

The miniature pagoda, gilt bronze, Famen Temple crypt, Fufeng, Shaanxi, China, first made in 8 th century.
This is a reliquary
It features the Pagoda style - including the bracket system with posts and beams.
It also has the features of the stupa - spire - at the top of the roof.

Vairochana Buddha and accompanying bodhisattvas and disciples, h. 17 m (main icon), monumental cliff-side sculptures, Fengxian Temple, Longmen Caves, Henan province, China, 676. Lee fig. 227.
This features the Flower Garland Sutra
Shakyamuni Buddha is greater than the gaurdian figures
Buddha presented on platform - sense of stability… Guardians have sense of vitality verses stability… upper part large but feet short

Plan of Cave 220, Mogao, Dunhuang, Gansu province, China, 642.
Consists of two sections - north and south - south has 492 caves
This cave has 2 images of the pure land depicted. Focuses on the Medicine and Manjusri Buddha

Amitabha in the Western Pure Land, painted mural, south wall, Cave 220, Mogao, Dunhuang, Gansu province, China, 642.
Consists of two sections - north and south - south has 492 caves
This cave has 2 images of the pure land depicted. Focuses on the Medicine and Manjusri Buddha

Central Buddha, stucco, west niche, Cave 328, Mogao, Dunhuang, Gansu province, China, 683-704. Lee color plate 12.
Consists of two sections - north and south - south has 492 caves
This cave features a sculptures along with this central Buddha
All statues in this cave are made of stucco

Five-storied pagoda, wooden-framed structure, Horyuji, Nara, Japan, original structure dated to 7 th cent. (Asuka). Lee fig. 212.
There are diagonal beams to provide stability - it has brackets
The roof is extremely heavy - made of fire clay bricks…. provides protection from the rain…
The many layered roofs provide protection from rain but also it psychologically impresses stability

Sakyamuni triad, h 1.76 m, gilt bronze, Golden Hall, Horyuji, Nara, Japan, 7th cent. (Asuka). Lee fig. 216.
Shakyamuni large with an almond halo and has accompanying figures
Gesture is not holding anything… has fear not gesture
Elongated style with elaboratly flowing robe

Guardian king in Golden Hall, wood, Horyuji, Nara, Japan, c. 650 (Asuka)

The Great Buddha Hall, Todaiji, Nara, Japan, original structure dated to c. mid-8th cent.; most recent reconstruction dated to early 20th cent.
This is not the original building - it was reconstructed… Original was acutally larger.
Inside is the Colossal Buddha - Cosmic Buddha… it is the largest indoor bronze statue
The construction of the Great Buddha Hall came from the monks Roben and Gyoki. Involved people to be a part of the process. Once finished it a triumph for the emporer and a major event. The temple became important for Buddhism throughout history

Vairochana Buddha, h 15 m, bronze, Great Buddha Hall, Todaiji, Nara, Japan, original dated to 752; reconstruction dated to 17 th cent
This is a colossal buddha - Cosmic Buddha
It is the largest indoor bronze statue
The construction of the Great Buddha Hall came from the monks Roben and Gyoki. Involved people to be a part of the process. Once finished it a triumph for the emporer and a major event. The temple became important for Buddhism throughout history

Guardian figure, h 1.7 m, painted clay, Todaiji, Nara, Japan, mid 8 th century (Nara). Lee color plate 13.
Features the International Tang style

Plan of Sokkuram, Kyongju, Kyongsang Pukdo, S. Korea, begun in 751 (Unified Silla).
Located at Mount Toham
It is connected to the mounded tomb tradition. The upper part had indigenous tomb building techniques. The ground plan was of a chiatya hall.
The golden section rectangle was a feature in the construction.
It points to underwater king who founded Unified Silla

Vairochana Buddha, h 3.25 m, granite, main chamber, Sokkuram, Kyongju, Kyongsang Pukdo, S. Korea, begun in 751 (Unified Silla).
This is the Cosmic Buddha - Featured because everything leads to the Cosmic Buddha - All in one and One in all
It ties in with the Flower Garlend Sutra - Which is the lecture given shortly after the Buddha became enlightened.
Discusses Vairochana - transcendental realm… perfect world… Wholistically… Cosmic Buddha represents the perfect world just as Sukkorm is supposed to represent the perfect world.

Guardian King, granite, front chamber, Sokkuram, Kyongju, Kyongsang Pukdo, S. Korea, begun in 751 (Unified Silla). Similar to Lee fig. 244.
Dynamic Poses

Eleven-headed Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, granite, main chamber, Sokkuram, Kyongju, Kyongsang Pukdo, S. Korea, begun in 751 (Unified Silla).
Shiva Nataraja (Lord of the Dance), copper alloy,Tamil Nadu, India (now in Los Angeles County Museum of Art), 950-1000 (Chola).Similar to Lee fig. 249.
Dancing trying to create a world
Surrounded by a ring of fire
Human body depicted in motion… Destroying with one hand (holding fire to destroy) and creating with the other.
He stands on a demon at the base
He is inviting you to sit on his leg

Triple Manifestation of Shiva, sandstone,Elephanta, Maharashtra, India, 7th century(Kalachuri). Lee fig. 285.
God of creation and destruciton
Has 3 different faces that expresses his manifestations

Dharmaraja Rath, granite, Mahamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, India,7th century (Pallava). Lee fig. 259.
Architecture is seen as sculpture
There is an elaborate sculpted exterior
There is a hidden secret sanctum… inside is small and minimal. Center is inner sanctum… abstract form of Shiva - phallic symbol
This temple comprises 5 raths (shrines)
Also seen is the Shikhara - cap of the Hindu Temple

Descent of the Ganges, granite relief,Mahamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, India, 7thcentury (Pallava). Lee fig. 260.
Gigantic boulder with cleft in it… designed the relief around this cleft
Story involves a man meditating to cleanse self and family… called to devine for help… relief is of the story in different episodes….when it rains it plays into the story of the relief.

Plan of the KailasanathaTemple, Ellora, Maharashtra, India,second half of 8th century (Rashtrakutan & Chalukya). Lee fig.275.
The construction process involved building a massive ditch… stones were removed until one-piece standing… then the architects came to build.
Any left stones were carved into.
Site is about Shiva… Links to the story of Mount Kailasa in the Himalayan Mts. - home of Shiva.

Overview of the KailasanathaTemple exterior, Ellora, Maharashtra, India, second half of 8th century (Rashtrakutan & Chalukya). Lee fig. 274.
The construction process involved building a massive ditch… stones were removed until one-piece standing… then the architects came to build.
Any left stones were carved into.
Site is about Shiva… Links to the story of Mount Kailasa in the Himalayan Mts. - home of Shiva.

Shiva and Parvati on Kailasa, Ellora, Maharashtra, India,second half of 8th century (Rashtrakutan & Chalukya). Lee fig.281.
References Shiva and Mount Kailasa in the Himalayan Mts. - The demon Ravana shook the mountaings and Shiva calmed the shaking with his foot.

Shiva and Parvati on Kailasa, Banteay Shrei, near Angkor, Cambodia, 967. Lee fig. 336.
References Shiva and Mount Kailasa in the Himalayan Mts. - The demon Ravana shook the mountaings and Shiva calmed the shaking with his foot.

Angkor Wat, main complex from west entrance, Angkor, Cambodia, 1 st half of 12 th cent. Lee fig. 342.
Part of the Khmer Empire and constructed under Suryavarman II
Relates to the Vishnu Cult
It had four layers of enclosure, including a moat and outer wall
Included were themed bas reliefs
It was the smaller part of a large city

Plan of Angkor Wat, Angkor, Cambodia, 1 st half of 12 th cent. Similar to Lee fig. 343.
Part of the Khmer Empire and constructed under Suryavarman II
Relates to the Vishnu Cult
It had four layers of enclosure, including a moat and outer wall… it has three concentric galleries and a pyramidal tower at center.
Included were themed bas reliefs
It was the smaller part of a large city

Central scene from the Churning of the Sea of Milk, sandstone, Angkor Wat, Angkor Cambodia, 1 st half of 12 th cent. Lee fig. 347.
This is a story that involves Gods vs. Demons… this is a story about the create of the universe.
Gods and Demons were fighting… they engaged in a tug n war… fighting on who was to be first to create a magic elixir.
Vishnu (as a turtle) got them to work together… using Vasuki’s body (Naga King)
With Vishnu’s help Indra (King of Gods) defeated the Demons

Central towers of the Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia, late 12 th-early 13 th cent. Lee fig. 350.
One of the greatest kings of Khmer embraced Mahayana Buddhism… He built Angkor Thom… Was influenced to practice Buddhist because he spent some parts of his life in Vietnam and was introduced.
Wanted to be an ideal Buddhist king… did alot of charity work and created Buddhist monastries.
This was one of them… it was the state temple.