Midterm 2 Flashcards
Which of the following statements is LEAST CONSISTENT with the views of humanistic personality theories?
a. Understanding the wholeness of personality is more important than searching for the basic units out of which personality is
b. We should not allow subjective perceptions of what is relevant guide objective research in personality.
c. The search for meaning and meaningfulness is at the heart of personality development.
d. The development of full potential is each individual’s most important motive.
e. all of the above are CONSISTENT with the humanistic approach.
Maslow, along with Rogers and others, founded the association of Humanistic Psychology 1962. The association was based on
several principles, including that:
a. The primary study of psychology should be the experiencing person.
b. Choice, creativity, and self-realization, rather than mechanistic reductionism, are the concern of the humanistic psychologist.
c. Only personally and socially significant problems should be studied - significance, not objectivity is the watchword.
d. The major concern of psychology should be the dignity and enhancement of people.
e. all of the above
Which of the following comparisons concerning Maslow’s views on human motivation is NOT TRUE?
a. Like Freud and Jung, Maslow believed that all human motives are innate.
b. Like Freud, Jung, and Rogers, Maslow believed that there are only a limited number of basic human motives.
c. Like Jung and Rogers, Maslow believed that different motives govern behavior at different ages, or stages of life.
d. Like Jung, but unlike Rogers, Maslow believed that self actualization was not achieved by most people.
e. All of the above ARE TRUE.
When Maslow said that human needs are ‘instinctoid’, he meant that they:
a. had evolved over time, and were shared with many other species.
b. were built-in from birth, and resistant to social or environmental manipulation or modification.
c. were derived from the transduction (or sublimation) of more primitive instincts or drives.
d. involve not a single biological drive, but a mixture or combination of basic drives.
e. could be repressed, overlain, or modified by experience - unlike animal instincts.
According to Maslow, which of the following would NOT be true:
a. esteem needs are more psychological than are needs for belongingness.
b. physiological needs emerged earlier in evolution than did safety needs.
c. in a few individuals, needs for love and belongingness appear after needs for esteem.
d. cognitive needs are present to some degree in each individual, probably from birth, but certainly from very early in life.
e. all of the above are TRUE
When Maslow said that our behaviors are overdetermined, he meant that:
a. they had a strong instinctive basis.
b. they tend to fulfill several need or motives simultaneously.
c. we tend to continue our behavior even after the motive that prompted the behavior has been satisfied.
d. our behavior is determined both by innate needs, and by social pressures.
e. none of the above.
Maslow recognized several exceptions to the rule that the D-motives always occur in a fixed hierarchy. Which of the following
is an example of one such exception?
a. John moved from the lowest to the highest level in the need hierarchy without any intervening motives ever appearing.
b. Sue had never experienced hunger in her life. When she finally went hungry while working at a medical clinic in Uganda,
she was able to ignore this low-level need to satisfy higher-level values.
c. Born into the middle of a lengthy civil war, Hakim had never known safety and security. When they finally came at war’s
end, they were not enough - new needs began to emerge.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
"I think that it is important for me to trust my feelings about what is right and best for me.” This statement illustrates which aspect of Maslow's Eight-Fold Way? a. Self development b. honesty c. growth choices. d. judgment e. none of the above.
“I think that it is important that I devote all my skills and abilities to achieving the important goals in my life.” This statement
illustrates which aspect of Maslow’s Eight-Fold Way?
a. Self development
b. honesty
c. growth choices.
d. judgment
e. none of the above.
If we compare the Maslow’s ideas about self-actualizing with Rogers’ ideas about the actualizing tendency we find that:
a. Rogers believes that actualization is an innate tendency; Maslow believes that it is acquired.
b. both agree that actualization does not begin until more fundamental human motives are satisfied.
c. both agree that there are several other human motives, and that actualization is qualitatively different from these others.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
Which of the following is NOT true of Maslow’ D-perception (D-cognition)?
a. It is rarely characteristic of individuals who are self-actualized.
b. It narrows our focus of attention to stimuli that are most relevant to our current needs.
c. It leads us to be very active in searching for objects, people and activities that will meet our current needs.
d. It makes us more acutely aware of everything that is going on around us.
e. All of the above ARE TRUE of D-perception
In describing the self-actualized individual, Maslow noted that:
a. She has the capacity for self-extension, and the formation of many interpersonal relationships.
b. She is less concerned with problems in the outside world than with ideas in her inner consciousness.
c. He is creative, filling his life with new ideas, actions and images.
d. She feels little need for privacy, but prefers to spend as much of her life as possible in the company of others.
e. all of the above
Maslow believed that the environment in which an individual lives is important in determining whether or not she can become
self-actualized. Which of the following statements is one Maslow would DISAGREE with?
a. Women today are better able to self-actualize than women 100 years ago, because the former are under less pressure to
conform to sexual stereotypes.
b. People in democratic societies are better able to become self-actualized than those in totalitarian societies because the former
have more freedom to inquire, learn, and take action on that information.
c. People in developed countries are better able to self-actualize than people in poor countries, because the former are less
concerned about satisfying basic D-motives.
d. People are better able to self-actualize if their life does not contain too much or too little stimulation and challenge.
e. Maslow would AGREE with all of the above
For Rogers, the importance of the phenomenal field is that:
a. only events and feelings that are part of the phenomenal field can contribute to the growth or enhancement of the individual.
b. material in the phenomenal field is unavailable to consciousness, and therefore cannot be evaluated by the organismic
valuing process.
c. it is the enlargement of the phenomenal field, especially its enlargement to include the feelings of others, that is the central
process of self-actualization.
d. it is that part of an individual’s conscious and unconscious awareness that is shared by all the individuals involved in a single
social interchange.
e. none of the above.
Rogers argues that the actualizing tendency:
a. acts to keep the individual in contact with experiences that are consistent with the conditions of worth.
b. is a source of energy and motivation that is totally separate and different from the biological drives.
c. is that built-in source of energy that motivates each individual to maintain and enhance himself or herself.
d. is a motivation toward self-enhancement that emerges once the individual has succeeded in satisfying the biological drives.
e. none of the above.