3 - Jung and Analytic Psychology Flashcards
Who is Jung?
- Jung is the 2nd most influential figure in psychodynamics
- fundamental ideas became important in the humanist perspective
- primary source of personality is in the unconscious
- had an understanding of patterns of thinking
What is the collective unconscious?
- collective/shared nature of all humans
- all humans share life energy (libido) that can serve a number of different needs and motives (archetypes/instincts)
- instincts = built in reactions and ways of thinking
- when we project an archetype, it releases pleasure and uses energy
- Jung identified these archetypes by listening to stories and myths across cultures
What is the personal unconscious?
- contains things specific to our own lives (either non-existent at birth, or empty)
- contents are organized into complexes (collections of thematically-related material)
- complexes gather around archetypal energy
- we all have different complexes due to personal experiences
- complexes can be good or bad
- can detract from product use of libidio
- can drive creative endeavors
What are the two elements that the personal unconscious contains?
- thoughts that were once conscious, but were forgotten or repressed
- thoughts that never made it into consciousness (weak sensory experiences)
What is the function of complexes?
provide energy and guide conscious thinking
What are vital archetypes?
archetypes in which individual has a complex
What is the ego? (according to Jung)
- similar to Freud’s view
- conscious part of the mind
- guides individual through life in a rational way
- allows for projection of archetypes
What is the persona?
- archetype = instinct for social conformity; the desire to please others
- complex = the personality shown to others; the social self (often done deliberately)
- danger = important part of ourselves may remain hidden from others and ourselves (inflation)
What is the anima?
- archetype = a male’s image of femaleness; a male’s feminine instincts
- archetype is projected onto the interactions with women
- complex = all aspects of a male’s personality considered contrasexual (repressed)
- eg. Pretty Woman
What is the function of the anima?
- have to understand and go through the anima complex to discover new things
- organizes and serves as guide to personal unconscious
- doorway to creativity of unconscious mind
What is the animus?
- archetype = a female’s image of maleness; a female’s masculine instincts
- complex = all aspects of a female’s personality considered contrasexual (repressed/rejected)
What is the function of the animus?
- masculine traits
- guide to personal unconscious
- key to creativity of unconscious mind
- framework for interaction with men
What is the shadow
- archetype = a person’s most primitive and basic instincts; our dark animal side
- tendency to think of the shadow as evil, but just powerful and difficult to control
- complex = all aspects of personality seen as “other” and rejected
- by not recognizing shadow, increase risk it will burst forward without conscious thought
What is the self?
- most important of the vital archetypes
- archetype = instinct to seek unity, wholeness, integration
- projections = desirable goal, things that are positive, valued (eg. gems, royal figures, spherical objects)
- complex = the integration of all aspects/complexes of personality
- most do not have a self complex (only 5 - 10%)
What are the processes of self actualization?
- becoming aware of and getting to know complexes
- starts with persona, then by discovering contrasexual side
Transcendent function
- once a complex has been individuated, the transcendent function works to integrate that complex into a single unified self
- when the self develops, it encompossases and replaces all other complexes
- complexes become unrecognizable
Two processes occur simultaneously
What are Jung’s stages of development?
- stages are differentiated by what particular instincts are being powered
Childhood (birth to adolescence)
- libido used for basic life functions
- emergence of sex drive
Young adulthood (adolescence to age 40) - energy devoted to finding mate, building a family, having a career
Middle age (40 to 65)
- life is set in it’s pattern
- beginning to turn inward, self-actualization
Old age (65+) - time of decline/withdrawal
What are Jung’s two basic attitudes?
- outward (extroversion) and inward (introversion)
- not a statement of personality, but rather about direction of attention
- first to talk about introversion and extroversion, but the definition is different as it is today
- ideally the two attitudes would be balanced, but people usually have a preference
What are the four functions?
Rational = involve judging or evaluating
- thinking
- feeling = evaluating emotionally what we are feeling
Non-rational = do not involve judging or evaluating
- sensing = being aware of the presence of a stimulus
- intuiting = gut orientation, decision based on a vague internal inclination
What are primary and auxiliary functions?
- most people have a bias towards a certain function (conscious ego)
- the opposite function (same category of rational vs non-rational) dominates the unconscious (repressed)
- auxiliary function = opposing function (i.e. non-rational for rational)
- not everyone has an auxiliary function
What is a thinking extrovert?
- objective, cold, lives according to fixed rules
- positive and dogmatic in thinking
- feeling is repressed
What is a feeling extrovert?
- emotional, respectful of authority and tradition
- sociable, seeks harmony with the world
- thinking is repressed
What is a sensing extrovert?
- pleasure-seeking, - socially adaptive
seeks new sensory experiences and sensual pleasures (art, food) - realistic, intuiting repressed
What is an intuiting extrovert?
- decides based on hunches rather than facts
- changeable, creative
- moves from idea to idea rapidly
- very familiar with unconscious
- sensing repressed
What is a thinking introvert?
- intense desire for privacy
- socially inhibited with poor practical judgement
- intellectual who ignores practical life
- feeling repressed