Midterm #2 Flashcards
Question 1: What is the difference between holistic and prescriptive techs and why are prescriptive techs seen as a problem?
- Holistic: associated with craft, usually one person controlling every aspect of the technology.
- Prescriptive: focus is on efficiency, predictability, division of labour
- Prescriptive bad because takes out nurturing aspect, creates designs for compliance
What are your three supporting arguments for question 1? (prescriptive vs. holistic) Elaborate.
- Healthcare and education (describing necessary holistic techs)
- Industrial revolution, describing modern prescriptive techs, lean towards negativity here
- Communication of modern world, reciprocity, lack of compassion, logical overpowering social
Question 2: What is the culture of compliance, how was it created, and how does it function within technology?
- phenomenon created by rise of prescriptive technologies
- one technological solution becomes standard
- people stick to new dominant technology within culture
What are your three supporting arguments for question 2? (compliance) Elaborate.
- First prescriptive technologies (Chinese bronze casting), how this leads to compliance
- Industrial Revolution, how this shaped everything we see today as compliant, ties in with prescriptive tech
- Today’s compliance, digital age, people being compliant towards social media, texting, leads to lack of genuine reciprocity, takeover of technology
Question 3. What is the overall argument of Ursula Franklin about technology, how is this argument supported in her book, and is her argument convincing?
- heavily interwoven with compliance
- the above is negative
- convincing, examples are good and she explains lack of reciprocity today well
What are your three supporting arguments for question 3? (overall opinion of technology) Elaborate
- culture of compliance and prescriptive technology definitions
- industrial revolution, sewing machine
- communication tech, modern day, reciprocity
Question 4: Why and how did dependency on technology lead to the enslavement of society?
- compliance
- structures and infrastructures stemming from technology
- above lead to an enslavement
What are your three supporting arguments for question 4? (enslavement of society) Elaborate.
- Definitions of compliance, prescriptive technologies
- infrastructures put in place, tell Robert moses story
- industrial revolution, sewing machine
Question 5: Please explain how the idea that technology is a “catalyst for the spread of control and management” is developed and reflected in the book.
- governing bodies take advantage of culture of compliance
- infrastructures laid out as a result of new technologies
- numerous historical examples support this
What are your three supporting arguments for question 5? (catalyst for spread of control) Elaborate.
- defining culture of compliance, prescriptive technologies
- infrastructures laid out, Robert moses
- industrial revolution, sewing machine
Question 6: Please explain how the idea that technology is a system is developed and reflected in the book.
- counter point to idea that tech is a practice
- entails more than material components and revolves around organizations and procedures
- is a mindset
- more of a broad definition than it being a practice
What are your three supporting arguments for question 6? (system) elaborate
- define culture of compliance, driving force behind mindset, prescriptive techs
- infrastructures put in place product of system, Robert moses
- industrial revolution, factories, sewing machine
Question 7: What is the “real world of technology” and why is it a problem?
- phenomenon of enslavement of modern society
- due to culture of compliance
- lack of reciprocity, logic and efficiency take over social lives
What are your three supporting arguments for question 7? (real world of tech) Elaborate
- definining culture of compliance, prescriptive technology
- industrial revolution, sewing machine,
- communication tech, lack of reciprocity
Question 8: Please explain the idea that the major component of technology is a mindset is developed and reflected in the book.
- mindset of what’s efficient = right thing to do
- dangerous to fall into (comply) to lure of efficiency
- hard to change, lack of reciprocity
What are your three supporting arguments for question 8? (mindset) Elaborate
- culture of compliance, prescriptive vs. holistic
- industrial revolution, modern day mindset, factories
- communication tech, all efficient, complete lack of reciprocity