Early Technologies Flashcards
What is technology?
A system that leads to creation of predetermined products.
What is invisible technology? Give an example.
Technology where you can’t see the product. Education, government.
When is the prehistoric period?
Before 3200 BC.
When did we first start seeing stone tools being used?
Around 2.5 million years ago.
Where did stone tool using begin?
In the Great Rift Valley, in Africa.
What are the two types of stone tools?
- Oldowan (flake tools)
2. Acheulean (core tools)
How is a flake tool made?
Taking a hard hammer stone and hitting it against another rock (a core), and having a “flake” broken off.
What is an example and a use of a flake tool?
Quartz, basalt, obsidian. Cutting skin off animals.
What was the first species to use the flake tools?
How is a core tool made?
Reverse process of flake tools, chop the flakes off the core and discard the flakes, have the core become your tool.
What was the first species to use the core tools?
Homo Erectus.
What is an example and a use of a core tool?
Flint hand axe, humans killing animals.
When approximately was fire domesticated?
1 million years ago.
When did our species come around?
100,000 years ago.
What do scientists say cannot happen in other animals? What does this phenomenon lead to?
Abstract thinking, leads to ideas for new technologies.
When and where did agriculture first arise?
Around 10,000 BC, Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq/Iran).
Why was Mesopotamia an ideal settling ground in ancient times?
Everything was warm, green, growing, not so cold. Grains were already growing here, not planted.
When did domestication of animals come around?
7500 BC.
What was the shift in mentality for food as agriculture became prevalent? What did this lead to?
From ‘eat when you catch it’ to ‘sae the best for the next year’. Led to division of labour, specialization, political elite, first towns.
What was the first sign of a town? Where?
Çatalhöyük, Turkey.
What was the greatest invention ever and when did it come around?
4000 BC, the plow!
What did the greatest invention lead to?
Plow led to first civilizations, cities, monumental movements.
What was the first advanced civilization?
Sumer. People were called the Sumerians.
What rivers did the Sumerians rely on? What was the nature of these rivers?
Euphrates and Tigris. Unpredictable.
What was the first modern city? Under which civilization? What was its population?
Uruk, by the Sumerians. 50,000.
What is specific to each Sumerian city?
Each protected by a goddess, which was monumentized and worshipped. Offers of tribute were brought to the monument.
What signifies the end of the prehistoric period?
Invention of writing, in 3200 BC.
What was an example of writing in the Sumerian civilization?
Hundreds and thousands of receipts on clay tablets, there were no actual foundations or stories.
What are some other major inventions from the Sumerians?
- clock
- calendar
- wheel
- mathematics
- government
- armor/weapon/metallurgy (bronze)
Did the invention of the wheel have an immediate impact? Did the plow?
Wheel, no. Most cargo was transported by water. Plow, yes. Led to surplus and advancement of civilizations.
When did Sumerians start using metallurgy? When did the bronze and iron ages start?
Gold first, then copper, then silver, then smelting:
- Bronze age (3000 BC)
- Iron age (1480 BC, AFTER Sumerians)
How did the Sumerian civilization end?
Were captured by nomadic Amorites (Babylonians). Eventual decline led to civil disputes for power, and a weakened government.
Why are Egyptians considered more prominent than Sumerians?
Their tombs (pyramids) survived.
What benefit did the Egyptians have from their geography?
- Protective desert.
- Nile, predictable river.
- Predictable water supply, when it was gonna flood, how much it’s gonna flood each year.
- leads to new layer of topsoil every year.
What was a nilometer? What advantage did this lend Egyptians?
A stake with notches on it used to measure the height of the Nile. Led to easier prediction of Nile’s water supply, led to storage of excess water and allowance of TWO harvests.
How did the Egyptians execute social control?
By using stars - used stars to tell time and therefore predict annual Nile events. Knowing this and predicting it correctly made them seem like gods to peasants .
Who was the first pharaoh of Egypt? When? What is a pharaoh’s duty?
Menes c. 3200 BC.
Along with being a god on earth, had to oversee the wealth, centralize granary, make sure taxes were being collected.
When was the Archaic Period?
3100-2800 BC.
What is a mastaba?
Egyptian tomb, flat-roofed, constructed out of mud bricks.
How did the first step pyramid come to be? When?
Imhotep made increasingly smaller mastabas. c. 2650 BC.
When and what was Sneferu’s pyramid?
2613 BC, bent pyramid, didn’t work.
Who built the pyramids? Why?
Not slaves, but rather paid contract workers as a form of social control. Keep the population busy.
What are two theories on how the pyramids were built? Which one holds more likelihood?
- Ramp theory
2. Earth ramps, more likely
What was the purpose of the pyramids?
Act as a tomb for the pharaohs, their wives and belongings and everything they would need for the afterlife would be brought to here.
What were two setbacks that prevented Egyptians from becoming much more technologically advanced?
- Too focused on afterlife, not enough on moving forward with present life.
- Did not know how to separate the divine from the real, when not knowing why something is the way it is: divine, no other reasoning or questioning.
What happened in Egypt around 1700 BC?
Pharaohs abandoned, Hyksos came to be. Egypt was never the same.