Midterm 1-Review Flashcards
What is a mineral?
Naturally occurring inorganic solid
Result of crystallization
Ordered internal structure
Definite chemical composition
What is the definition of a rock?
An aggregate of crystals composed of one or more mineral types
What is ionic bonding?
Attraction do to oppositely charged particles
What is covalent bonding?
Atoms share electrons
What is metallic bonding?
Outermost electrons are free to migrate
About how many elements have been identified on earth?
About 4000
What are the 8 most common elements in minerals?
Oxygen silicon aluminum iron magnesium calcium sodium potassium
What is hardness?
Resistance of a mineral to abrasion or scratching
What is luster?
The way a mineral shines in light
What is cleavage?
The tendency to break along planes of weak bonding
What is fracturing?
The absence of cleavage when a mineral is broken
What is streak?
The color of a mineral I. It’s powdered form
True or false? Silicates comprise the most rock forming minerals
What is the temperature range for magma?
Between 700-1400 degrees Celsius
What are the three components of magma?
Melt, crystals, and volatiles
What are the three gasses or volatiles found in magma?
Water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide
What is another name for extrusive igneous rocks?
Volcanic rocks
What is another name for intrusive igneous rocks?
Plutonic rocks
How will a melt form if cooled quickly?
With small crystals or as a glass
How will a melt form if cooled slowly?
Cool with large crystals
What is Bowes reaction series?
It is the temperature that minerals cool at when compared to each other based on melting points
What are the dark silicates?
What are the light silicates?
Quartz Feldspars Plagioclase Orthoclase Muscovite
Are high silica rocks felsic or mafic?
They are felsic low silica rocks are mafic
What are some felsic rocks?
What are some mafic rocks?
Where does magma originate?
It melts in the upper mantle
What is crystal fractionation?
Separation of a melt from earlier crystals to form a differently composed magma
What is assimilation?
Changing of magma’s composition by adding surrounding rock bodies
What is magma mixing?
When two bodies of magma mix and become one magma that is not similar to either of its predecessors
What is aphanitic texture?
Rapid cooling
Microscopic crystals
May contain vesicles
What is phaneritic texture?
Slow cooling
Crystals can be identified
What is porphyritic texture?
Minerals form at different temperatures
Large crystals in a fine matrix
What is glassy texture?
Rapid cooling looks like glass e.g. obsidian
What is the difference between effusive and explosive eruptions?
Effusive is flowing explosive is violent
What is viscosity?
A measure of a materials resistance to flow.
What factors affect viscosity?
Silica content
Dissolved gasses
What are pyroclasts?
Volcanic fragments e.g. ash, lapilli,and bombs
What is tuff?
Rock resulting from pyroclastic deposit
What is the difference between pumice and scoria?
Pumice is rhyolite with vesicles and scoria is made of basalt
What are the two types of pyroclastic transport?
Pyroclastic fallout(vertical) and pyroclastic flow(horizontal)
What is a shield volcano?
Very large but short dome composed of basaltic lava
What is a composite volcano?
Large classic volcano composed of alternating layers of lava flows and pyroclastic debris
What is a cinder cone volcano?
Small volcano with a steep slope usually occur in groups built from lapilli fragments
What is a Maar volcano?
Formed through explosion”explosion crater” explosive Diego interaction of lava and water mainly basaltic but also rhyolitic
What is a caldera volcano?
Collapse depression due to collapse of magma chamber very large in size example is crater lake
What is a flood basalt?
Forms large lava plateaus eruptions from fissures example is Columbia river gorge
What is a pluton?
It is a underground igneous body that cools and is solidified
What are the six classification of plutons?
Shape Tabular Massive Orientation with respect to host Discordant Concordant
What are the 4 types of intrusive bodies?