Midterm 1 - Neuroanatomy, Blood Supply, MCDB, CNS, PNS, CNs Flashcards
Sectioning the Brain

Directions and the Brain
Top of Brain - Dorsal (also the back)
Bottom of Brain - Ventral (also the belly)
Front - Rostral (anterior)
Back - Caudal (posterior)
Lateral - Towards side
Medial - Towards middle
Planes of the Brain

Lobes of the Brain

Sulcus vs. Fissure vs. Gyrus
Brain is gyrencephalic.
- Groove
- Deep groove
- Bump
- Lateral (2)
- 3rd
- 4th
- Cerebral Acqueduct

Corpus Callosum
- Thick bundle of axons that facilitates the transmission of information from one hemisphere to the other.
- Connects like areas of brain.
- Fills ventricles
- Made by choroid plexus of each ventricle. The CP of each ventricle gets a blood supply and takes what it wants to make CSF (clear part of blood).
- Drains to 4th ventricle where it becomes a part of the blood supply again.
Meninges in the CNS
- Protective sheaths around brain and spinal cord.
- Pia Mater - thin, delicate layer on top of brain
- Arachnoid Layer - Hollow space where the blood vessels supply the brain with blood
- Dura Mater (outermost) - Beneath skull; thick, tough
Meninges in the PNS
No arachnoid layer, just dura and pia.
What does blood carry to the brain?
- Glucose
- Oxygen
Brain is only 2% of body’s weight but uses 20% of body’s oxygen and 20% of body’s glucose.
7 min w/o oxygen and neurons begin to die.
Arteries Going to Brain
- Carotid (2) - come off front of heart, go up front of spinal cord, go to front of brain
- Vertebral (2) - come off heart and go up spinal cord, supplying blood to the back 1/2 of the brain (go thru hole in bottom of skull: “foramen magnum”).
Primary Vein Leaving Brain
Jugular (carries de-oxygenated blood away)
2 Ways Blood Supply to Brain Is Interrupted
- Stroke/CVA - Plaque in large artery breaks free and gets stuck in smaller branch (in brain).
- Anneurism - Outpouching of artery. Bursts and blood doesn’t get to the neurons it needs to get to.
Blood-Brain Barrier
Comprised of tight junctions of epithelial cells that make up the walls of arteries in the brain. Actually the lining of the arteries themselves.
Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology
- We start as a tube and develop from the inside out, forming 6 layers that become the brain.
- Proliferation of neural stem cells in SVZ
- Migrate to radial glia cells
- Differentiate as climb up radial glia
Tel, Di, Mes, Met, Myel: Become brain and spinal cord
- Telencephalon - Forebrain; Lateral ventricles, cerebral cortex (F-POT), Basal Ganglia, Limbic; front part of brain; becomes brain proper
- Diencephalon - Forebrain; 3rd ventricle, thalamus, hypothalamus
- Mesecephalon - Midbrain, cerebral aqueduct, tectum, tegmentum
- Metencephalon = Hindbrain; 4th ventricle; cerebellum, pons
- Myelencephalon = Hindbrain, medulla
Embryonic Brain Development

(Image of Brain)

- Medulla (myelencephalon)
- Pons (metencephalon)
- Midbrain (mesencephalon)
- Brain + Spinal Cord
- Encased in bone
- Cranial nerves (except for Optic II which is part of diencephalon tract)
- Spinal Nerves
- All nerves that come from your entire body
Somatic - Receives sensory info and controls movement of skeletal muscles
- Sympathetic
- Parasympathetic
Cranial Nerves
(Overview Image)

Cranial Nerves
(All 12)
O, O, O, Titty, Twat, Ass, Fuck, A, Girl’s, Vagina, Says, Hi
- Olfactory - Smell
- Optic - Vision
- Oculomotor - Eye movement
- Trochlear - Eye Movement
- Trigeminal - Jaw Movement
- Abducens - Eye Movement
- Facial - Face muscles
- Auditory - Hearing
- Glossopharyngeal - Muscles of throat and larynx
- Vagus - Internal Organs
- Spinal Accessory - Neck Muscles
- Hypoglossal
Cranial Nerve
Nerve that emerges directly from brain.
Don’t go into spinal cord or thalamus.
Cortex + Brain Stem
Gray Matter
White Matter
- Cell Bodies (outside)
- Myelin (inside)
Spinal Cord:
Gray Matter
White Matter
- Myelin (outside)
- Cell bodies (inside)
Opposite of brain
Afferent Axon
An axon directed toward the CNS, conveying sensory information
***Dorsal Root***
Efferent Axon
An axon directed away from the CNS, conveying motor commands to muscles and glands
***Ventral Root***
Law of Bell & Magendie
Segregation of Spinal Cord
- Anything above the midline (dorsal portion of spinal cord) is info going to brain from the senses.
- Anything below the midline (ventral portion of spinal cord) is info coming from the brain to the muscles.
2 Types of Cells in CNS
- Neurons
- Glia
Types of Glia Cells
- Oligodendrocytes
- Schwan Cells
- Microglia
- Macroglia
- Astrocyte
- Big
- Provide myelin
Schwan Cell
- Smaller than oligo
- Provide myelin
Substantia Gelatinosa
- Junction of oligos & schwan
- Entry to CNS (bacteria can get in)
- Where PNS goes into spinal cord
Microglia + Macroglia
Both involved in immune system in brain.
Eat things
- Starts of the nervous system
- Support neural transmission
- Store glucose (takes from arteries)
- Store ions
- Maintain balance of NTs at synpse by sucking up extra NT or supplying NT when there’s not enough
Glia Cells
Glia Cells
- Can proliferate out of control and form tumors (“glyomas”)
- Can mutate
- Don’t divide
- Once differentiated, stay a particular type of cell
- Never form tumors
Time Frame for Neuron Proliferation, Migration and Differentiation
- Start in 2nd trimester and continues thru 2 yrs old
- Neurons steadily die after age 2 and perhaps reach peak neuronal density before born
Synaptic Plasticity
Brain can change.
A neuron’s ability to form new synapses with other neurons.
How you learn (a physical structure is created every time you learn)
3 Things Affecting Brain Health
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Sleep