MIDTERM 02 - Feelings and Moral Decision Making Flashcards
Holds that there are no objective moral properties and that ethical statements are in fact arbitrary because they do not express immutable (unchanging) truths (Feeling based theories)
Ethical subjectivism
2 feeling based theories (EE)
Ethical subjectivism, Emotivism
The view (originally put forward by Protagoras) that there are as many distinct scales of good and evil as there are individuals in the world (Varieties of ethical subjectivism)
Individualist subjectivism
Individualist subjectivism was originally put forward by __________ and states that there are as many distinct scales of good and evil as there are individuals in the world
Individualist subjectivism is effectively a form of __________, which maintains that every human being ought to pursue what is in his or her self-interest exclusively
The view that for a thing to be morally right is for it to be approved of by society (Varieties of ethical subjectivism)
Moral relativism/Ethical relativism
The view that what is right is determined by the attitudes that a hypothetical ideal observer (a being who is perfectly rational, imaginative, and informed) would have (Varieties of ethical subjectivism)
Ideal observer theory
Ideal observer theory is the view that what is right is determined by the attitudes that a hypothetical __________ (a being who is perfectly rational, imaginative, and informed) would have
Ideal observer
Implies that moral statements are less significant than most people think they are
Refers to a theory about moral judgments, sentences, words, and speech acts (Feeling based theories)
Emotivism is the name of only the earliest version of __________, also known as expressivism and non-descriptivism
Ethical non-cognitivism
Emotivism is the name of only the earliest version of ethical non-cognitivism, also known as __________ and __________ (EN)
Expressivism, Non-descriptivism
Is used to state facts or what we believe to be facts; it may be used like utterance or command
__________ presupposes that moral disagreements are incapable of being resolved by rational discourse
How choices are framed can sway your choices in ways that may contradict your core values (Moral decision making development)
Don’t accept the problem as given
Issues of right and wrong matter deeply to us, as they should (Moral decision making development)
Listen to both your head and heart
How we name things exposes (or masks) the nature of our actions and their consequences (Moral decision making development)
Watch your language
Our actions, and ultimately even our values, are influenced by the company we keep (Moral decision making development)
Take special care in dimly lit places
Most of us believe that we are more ethical than others (Moral decision making development)
Be modest about your virtue
Some lapses may be due to moral failure, but others can be caused by external factors that have little to do with their fundamental nature (Moral decision making development)
Understand why others transgress
__________ plays a role in regard to how people are tested and what resources they can draw upon
Honest reflection about the past, coupled with a measure of humility, can serve as foundation for leading a responsible life going forward (Moral decision making development)
Don’t give up on yourself (or on others)
Is not merely, or even principally, determining the right thing to do in specific instances, rather it entails who we want to be and what kind of life we want to lead
As __________ notes, “temperance, continence, kindness, friendship, and simply being nice” all comprise being a virtuous person, yet none of these traits are evoke or tested by clever philosophical puzzles
A process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions
Decision making
Refers to the ability to make a choice or decide which is the right course of action when an ethical issue arises
Moral decision making
It is a conscious mental activity that consists of transforming information about people and their actions in order to reach a moral judgment or decision
Moral reasoning
Refers to a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
Refers to the fast, automatic, and affect-laden processes in which an evaluative feeling of good-bad or like-dislike appear in the consciousness
Moral intuition
__________ and ___________ are jointly at work and tightly intertwined in decision making (RE)
Reasons, Emotions