mid ter rewview Flashcards
Beliefs and Values
Form of power-knowledge that orients society toward a “good life.”
Moral Space
Defines society’s moral framework (Charles Taylor).
Pierre Bourdieu’s idea of cultural beliefs being embodied in durable dispositions.
Social performances that manifest cultural values.
Social Action & Practices
Uses symbols (words, gestures) to create shared understanding
Communication forms society by producing a shared sense of social reality.
Agency of Communication:
Media conveys symbolic meaning (speech, print, broadcast, etc.).
The form of media (e.g., smartphone, fiber optic cables) affects the message’s meaning (“The medium is the message”).
Media organizes communication into ordered and durable practices.
Forcing action against will.
Controlling parameters to use others’ goals for personal means.
Media forms open or constrain actions and social practices.
Can be physical (e.g., computer) or immaterial (e.g., code).
Technique (“Know-how”)
Technical skills involved in using or making technology.
Heidegger’s idea of technology as a material and symbolic practice that frames the world.
Technological Determinism:
Technology changes society (e.g., social media affecting attention spans).
Social Construction of Technology (SCOT):
Social forces shape technology (e.g., telephone domesticated by women for social communication).
Social Shaping of Technology (SST):
Technologies offer affordances, and people’s usage of them evolves (e.g., SMS, hashtags on Twitter).
Domestication of Technology:
Technology becomes ordinary and embedded in life (e.g., electricity, Wi-Fi).
Focuses on relations among practices and representations that make up technology.
Looks at how these practices and representations form dynamic structures.
Characteristics of Media:
Different media (TV, radio, print) create different social-psychological environments.
Innis’s Medium Theory:
Communication technologies alter society by:
Changing symbols and material properties (what people think with).
Shaping society’s interests (what people think about).
Forming new communities (who people think with).