Microcytic anaemia Flashcards
what are the general symptoms of anaemia?
fatigue dyspnoea faintness palpitations headache tinnitus ( perception of noise ringing in ear)
what are the general signs of anaemia?
Brittle nails and hair
Koilonychia (if severe)
what is anaemia defined by?
low Hb concentration may be either due to low red cell mass or increased plasma volume low Hb in males : <130g/L low Hb in females: <120g/L
define microcytic anaemia?
anaemia associated with low MCV ( <80fl)
what is an acronym to remember the causes of microcytic anaemia?
Anaemia of chronic disease
Iron deficiency
Lead poisoning
Sideroblastic anaemia ( abnormality of haem synthesis resulting in the inability to incorporate iron into haemoglobin)
what are the causes of iron deficiency?
blood loss ( GI -tropics, haemorrhoids, lesions, hookworms, NSAIDs use, menorrhagia)
reduced absorption ( small bowel disease, coeliac, H pylori)
increased demands ( growth/ pregnancy)
reduced intake ( vegans)
Describe how anaemia of chronic disease leads to mirocytic anaemia, and give examples o
Due to poor use of iron erythropoeisis
cytokine- induced shortening of RBC survival, and production of and response to erythropoietin
hepcidin plays a key role ( it is elevated) causing serum iron le vels to fall less iron
can occur in chronic diseases: chronic infection, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, malignancy, renal failure, TB, crohns, alcoholics and Hodkins
summarise the epidemiology of microcytic anaemia?
iron deficiency anaemia is the most common form of anaemia worldwide
what are the non- specific symptoms of microcytic anaemia?
exacerbation of ischaemic conditions ( angina, intermittent claudication)
what are the presenting symptoms of microcytic anaemia specific to iron deficiency anaemia
iron deficiency anaemia
PICA- abnormal craving/ appetitie for non- substance food eg dirt, ice, paint or clay
hair loss
attention deficits
growth impairments
what are the presenting symptoms of microcytic anaemia specific to ACD?
systemic symptoms of underlying condition eg fever, night sweats, etc
what are the symptoms of microcytic anaemia specific to lead poisoning?
nausea/ vomiting
abdominal pain
peripheral nerve lesions
what are the general signs of microcytic anaemia?
brittle nails
koilinychia ( if severe)
what are the signs of iron deficiency anaemia?
Angular stomatitis
Restless legs syndrome
Lesion on rectal exam (if blood loss from lower GI)
what are the signs of ACD?
Infection signs e.g. tender joints, decreased breath sounds etc
Neoplasm signs e.g. hepatosplenomegaly, adenopathy, mass
AI signs e.g. rash, tenderness of joints etc.