Blood product transfusion Flashcards
summarise what blood patients with different blood types can receive?
what are the different blood transfusions?
Red cells
Packed cells with plasma removed
Fresh frozen plasma
Prothrombin complex concentrate
how is fresh frozen plasma produced?
produced from freezing plasma within 6 hours of donation to preserve all coagulation factors
how is cryoprecipitate produced?
Produced from thawing FFP overnight in 4 degrees Celsius
Concentrated form of fibrinogen, factor 8, vWf, factor 13 and fibronectin
what is prothrombin complex concentrate and what is it used to treat?
concentration of factors II, IX and X – used to treat bleeding in haemophilia B
what are the indications for a red cell transfusion?
what are the indications for FFP?
Bleeding and abnormal coagulation tests (PT, APTT)
Reversal of warfarin e.g. for urgent surgery
Warfarin overdose
Liver disease
what are the indications for cryoprecipitate?
Massive bleeding with very low fibrinogen
what are the indications for platelets?
Bone marrow failure patients
Massive bleeding
Surgery in patient with low platelets
Reversal of anti-platelet drugs for urgent surgery
what are the early complications of a blood transfusion?
Acute haemolytic reactions
Bacterial contamination
Febrile reactions
Allergic reactions
Fluid overload
Transfusion related acute lung injury
what are the late complications of a blood transfusion?
Iron overload
Post transfusion purpura