Aplastic anaemia Flashcards
what is the key definition of aplastic anaemia?
panyctopenia, hypocellular marrow with no abnormal cell population ( Such as blasts) And no fibrosis
define aplastic anaemia?
Rare stem cell disorder characterised by diminished haematopoietic precursors in the bone marrow and deficiency of all blood cell elements (pancytopaenia)
leads to pancytopenia ( no abnormal cells just less) and hypoplastic marrow ( marrow stops making cells)
At least 2 of the following peripheral cytopenias must be present: haemoglobin <100 g/L (<10 g/dL), platelets <50 × 10⁹/L, absolute neutrophil count <1.5 × 10⁹/L.[1]
Bone marrow should show hypocellularity without evidence of significant dysplasia, blasts, fibrosis, or other abnormal infiltrate.
summarise the epidemiology of aplastic anaemia?
annual incidence: 204/1,000000
slightly more common in males
explain the aetiology/risk factors of aplastic anaemia?
give the three classes
most cases are autoimmune triggered by drugs, viral infection or irradiation
idiopathic, acquired, inherited
what are the idiopathic causes of aplastic anaemia?
more than 40%
may be due to destruction ot supression of stem cells via autoimmune mechanisms
what ate the acquired causes of aplastic anaemia?
- Drugs (e.g. chloramphenicol, sulphonamides, methotrexate)
- Chemicals (e.g. benzene, DDT)
- Radiation
- Viral infection (e.g. parvovirus B19, hepatitis)
- Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria- destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), blood clots (thrombosis), and impaired bone marrow function (not making enough of the three blood components).
what are the inherited causes of aplastic anaemia?
- Fanconi’s anaemia (X-linked)
- Dyskeratosis congenita (a rare, progressive bone marrow failure syndrome) - X-linked
- Schwachman-Diamond syndrome – autosomal recessive
- GATA2-related disorder (persistent warts seen)
what are the presenting symptoms of aplastic anaemia
- Can be both slow-onset (months) or rapid-onset (days)
- Anaemia Symptoms:
- Tiredness
- Lethargy
- Dyspnoea
• Thrombocytopaenia Symptoms:
- Easy bruising
- Bleeding gums
- Epistaxis
• Leukopaenia Symptoms:
Increased frequency and severity of infections
what are the signs of aplastic anaemia on physical examination?
anaemia signs
- pallor
thrombocytopenia sign
- petechiae
- bruises
leukopaenia signs
- multiple bacterial and fungal infections
- no hepatomegaly, splenomegaly or lymphadenopathy
what are the risk factors for aplastic anaemia?
drug or toxin exposure
paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH)
recent hepatitis
what are the appropriate investigation for aplastic anaemia?
- low Hb
- low platelet
- low WCC
- normal MCV
reticulocyte count- low or absent reticulocytes
Bone Marrow trephine biopsy-> definitive diagnosis of hypocellular marrow with no abnormal cell population ( such as blasts)
what investigations may you want to consider?
Blood Film Exclude leukaemia (check for abnormal circulating white blood cells)
Serum B12/ folate should be normal – excluding other options
HIV testing – excluding other options
LFTs – excluding other options (if abnormal may suggest inherited syndrome like Schwachman-Diamond and dyskeratosis congenita)
Autoantibody screen – excluding other options
Fanconi’s Anaemia - Check for presence of increased chromosomal breakage in lymphocytes cultures in the presence of DNA cross-linking agents