Lymphoma simple Flashcards
Define lymphoma?
group of blood cancers which develop from lymphocytes and the tumours are mainly found in lymph nodes
patients present with a lump and systemic B symptoms- fever, weight loss, night sweats, weight loss
what are the 2 main types of lymphoma and state the subtype?
Hodgkins lymphoma
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
- Burkitts lymphoma is a subtype of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
what are the risk factors for hodgkins lymphoma?
Bimodal age distribution- peaks between 20-30 and more than 50
50% associated with EBV
what are the signs and symptoms of hodgkins lymphoma?
painles enalrging neck mass which becomes painfull after alcohol conusmption
B symptoms
Non tender, firm, rubbery lymphandenopathy with splenomegaly/ +/- hepatomegaly
how is Hodgkins lymphoma diagnosed?
Reed steinburg cells on lymph node biopsy= bi nucleate lymphocytes
how common is non-hodkins lymphoma?
more common than Hodgkins
85% are B cell, 15% are T cell or NK cell
what are the risk factors for non-Hodgkins lymphoma?
EBV, HIV, SLE, sjogrens
incidence increases with age
what are the signs and symptoms of NHL?
painless enlarging mass in neck, axilla or groin
B symptoms ( less common than HL)
organ involvement- skin rashes, headache, hepatosplenomegaly ( more common in HL)
Describe the diagnosis of non-Hodgkins lymphoma?
no Reedburg Steen burg cells on lymph node biopsy
what is Burkitts lymphoma subtype of?
Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
what are the risk factors for Burkitts lymphoma?
strong association with EBV
Chronic malaria reduces resistance to EBV
describe the presentation of Burkitts lymphoma?
rapidly enlarging lymph node in jaw
describe burkitts lymphoma under micrscopy?
Starry sky appearance under microscopy
what are the differences between hodgkins and non-hodkins lymphoma?
how is lymphoma staged?
Ann arbor staging system