MICROBIOLOGY- Basic Bacteriology Flashcards
This Bacterial structure gives rigid support, protects againts osmotic pressure
This is the chemichal composition of peptydoglycan
Sugar backbone with peptide side chains
Which is the link between Sugar and peptide in the peptydoglycan?
Cross linked by transpeptidase
What is the difference in the membrane between gram positive and gram negatives?
Gram positive have cell wall/ cell memebrane
Gram negative have Outer membrane
In the gram positives works as the major surface antigen
Cell wall/ Cell membrane
This bacterial structure gives support to the cell membrane in gram positives
This element on the cell wall in gram positives induces TNF and IL-1
Lipotheichoic acid
In Gram negatives this is the site of endotoxin and major surface antigen
Outer membrane
In gram negatives is consider the endotoxin
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
In the outer membrane of gram negatives, who induces TNF and IL-1
Lipid A
This chemical compositon plays the role as the antigen in the outer membrane
O polysaccharide is the antigen
Unique to gram positives
Lipoteichoic acid
Unique to gram negatives
Which is the function of plasma membrane in the bacterial structure?
Site of oxidative and transport enzymes
Which is the chemical composition of Plasma membrane?
Phospholipid bilayer
This bacterial structure manages the Protein synthesis
Which kind of subunits do the bacterias have?
50S and 30S Subunits
This is a characteristic just for gram negatives which consists of a space between the cytoplasmic membrane and outter membrane
What does the periplasm contains?
Many hydrolytic enzymes including β Lactamase
This Bacterial structure gives protection against phagocytosis
Which is the chemical composition of capsule on the bacterial structure?
Which Bacteria is the only exception on the chemical composition of the capsule?
Bacillus anthracis
Why is Bacillus anthracis the only exception on the chemical composition of the capsule?
Because it contains D glutamate instead of polysaccharide
Which importance does Pilus has in the bacteria structure?
Mediate adherence of bacterial to cell surface
What other name does the pilus receives?
Who carries the attachment between 2 bacteria during conjugation?
Sex Pilus
This is the chemical composition of fimbria
Who gives the motility to the bacteria?
The flagellum is composed of….
This bacterial structure makes the bacteria resistant to dehydration, heat and chemicals
This bacterial structure gives the bacteria a Keratin like coat
Chemicaly this are the composition of the spore
Dipicolinic acid; peptidoglycan
Contains a variaty of genes for antibiotic resistance, enzymes and toxins
What is the composition of the plasmid?
Mediates adherence to surfaces, especially foreign surfaces (indwelling catheters)
What is the difference between Glycocalyx and Pilus?
Glycocalyx is made of polysaccharide
Pilus is made of glycoprotein
Which are the types of bacterial morphology?
Circular (coccus) Rod (bacillus) Branching filamentous Pleomorphic Spiral No cell wall
Give examples of circular (coccus) gram positive
In the morphology Neisseria is an example of?
Coccus gram negative
Who are examples of Rod (bacillus) gram positive?
Clostridium Corynebacterium Bacillus Listeria Mycobacterium Gardnerella
This kind of Rod bacteria is consider a gram variable
Which is the classification of Bacillus Gram negatives?
Give examples of Rod Gram negatives of the enteric famiy
E. coli Shigella Salmonella Yersinia Klebsiella Proteus Enterobacter Serratia Vibrio Campylobacter Helicobacter Pseudomonas Bacteriods
Which is the bacterial taxonomy of Haemophilus, Legionella and Bordetella?
Bacillus gram negative of the respiratory family
This respiratory Rod bacteria is consider pleomorphic
Who are consider Zoonotic Bacterias?
Which bacterias are consider branching filamentous?
Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae which morphology do they have?
Giemsa stain is used for this bacterias
These three bacterias are consider Spiral or spirochetes
Which is the only bacteria that doesn´t has a cell wall?
Why doesn´t Mycoplama Gram stains?
Because it doesn´t has cell wall
So… if Mycoplasma doesn´t has a cell wall, what does it has?
Contain sterols
What is so special about mycobacteria cell wall?
Contain mycolic acid. High lipid content
These bacterias do not Gram stain well
Treponema Mycobacterias Mycoplasma Legionella pneumophila Rickettsia Chlamydia
Which is the reason treponema doesn´t Gram stain well?
Too thin to be visualized
What is needed in order to visualized Treponem?
Treponemes-dark field microscopy and fluorescent antibody staining
This bacteria has high lipid content in cell wall, that´s why it doesn´t stain well with Gram
So… if it´s difficult for Mycobacteria to be visualized with Gram stain, How do we detect it?
Detected by carbolfuchsin in acid fast stain
Which is the reason Legionella pneumophila has limitation with Gram stain?
Because is Primarily intracellular
This special stain is used for Legionella pneumophila
Silver Stain
These two bacterias are consider intracellular parasites
What does Chlamydia lacks in the cell wall?
Lacks muramic acid in cell wall
Name 5 types of stain
Giemsa PAS Ziehl Neelsen India ink Silver stain
These 5 bacterias are stain with Giemsa
Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsiae, Trypanosomes, Plasmodium
What does the PAS stains?
Stains Glycogen, mucopolysaccharides
Which disease is diagnosed with PAS?
Whipple disease (Tropheryma whipplei)
Which is the meaning of PAS?
Periodic acid acid Schiff
Ziehl Neelsen works for these bacterias
Acid fast organisms (Nocardia, Mycobacterium)
Which other name does Ziehl Neelsen receives?
Carbol fuchsin
This bacteria requires India ink because of its thick polysaccharide capsule
Cryptococcus neoformans
What else can be use to stain thick ploysacharide capsules?
mucicarminne stains red
Who can be stain with silver?
Fungi (Pneumocystis), Legionella, Helicobacter pylori
Which media is used in special cultures for H. influenzae?
Chocolate agar with factors V (NAD+) and X (hematin)
Thayer Martin (or VPN) is the media culture for this bacteria
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
Neisseria Meningitidis
Which characteristics does VPN media has?
Vancomycin (inhibits gram positives organisms)
Polymyxin (inhibits gram negative organisms except Neisseria)
Nystatin (inhibits fungi)
For Bordetella Pertusis this is the special media culture
Bordet Gengou (potato) agar
Tellurite agar, Loffler medium is special media culture for?
C. diphteriae
In order to make a culture for M. Tuberculosis, what agar is needed?
Lowenstein Jensen agar
For M. pneumoniae which is the media used for isolation and what is the special requirement?
Eaton Agar, requires cholesterol
Pink colonies on MacConkey agar is used for…
Lactose fermenting enterics
Why do the colonies turn pink with MacConkey agar?
Fermentation produces acid, turning colony pink
Apart from MacConkey agar, where else can E. Coli grow?
Eosin Methylene blue (EMB) agar with green metalic sheen
This is the media used for isolating Legionella
Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with cysteine and iron
If you want to make a special culture for Fungi which agar do yo need?
Saboraud agar
Why do the Obligate aerobes are O2 dependant?
To generate ATP
These are examples of obligate aerobes
Nocardia, Pseudomona aeruginosa and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
If there is a reactivation of M. tuberculosis where is the predilection site of apperance? Why?
Apices of the lung, which have the highest POs
Which cases can be at risk for reactivation of M. Tuberculosis?
After immune compromise or TNF α inhibitor use
In which patients can P. aeruginosa be seen?
Seen in burn wounds, complications of diabetes, nosocomial pneumonia, pneumonias in cystic fibrosis patients
Clostridium, Bacteriodes and Actinomyces on which kind of conditions do they have to live?
Obligate anaerobes
Why do the obligate anaerobes are suceptible to oxidative damage?
They lack catalase and/or superoxide dismutase
Why do the obligate anaerobes generally have foul smell?
Short chain fatty acids
These bacterias are difficult to culture, and also produce gas in tissue
Obligate anaerobes
Which kind of gas do obligate anaerobes produce?
CO2 and H2
Are part of the normal flora in GI tract, but pathogenic elsewhere
Obligate anaerobes
True or False… Aminoglycosides are effective against anaerobes
False aminoglycosides are ineffective against anaerobes
Why are aminoglycosides ineffective against anaerobes?
Because these antibiotics require O2 to enter into bacterial cell
Which Bacterias are Obligate intracellular?
Rickettsia and Chlamydia
Why Rickettsia and Chlamydia are Obligate intracellular?
Because they can´t make their own ATP
Which Bacterias are consider Facultative intracellular?
Salmonella, Neisseria, Brucella, Mycobacterium, Listeria, Francisella, Legionella, Yersinia pestis
Which is the mnemonic for facultative intracellular bacterias?
Somo Nasty Bacterias May Live FacultativeLY
Give examples of encapsulated bacteria
Sterptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type B, Neisseria meningitidis, Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Klebsiellapneumoniae, and group B Strep
What importance does the capsule has in the Bacteria?
Serves as an antiphagocytic virulence factor
What purpose do the Capsule + protein conjugate have?
Serves as an antigen in vaccines
How does the body reacts to encapsulated bacterias?
Are opsonized and then cleared by spleen
Which kind of patiens have increased risk for severe infection?
Asplenics have ↓opsonizing ability
For the asplenic patients is neccesary giving vaccines, for which bacterias?
S. pneumoniae, H. influenzar, N. Meningitidis
What does the catalase degrades?
H2O2 before it can be converted to microbicidal products by the enzyme myeloperoxidase
Which kind of deficiency do people with chronic granulomatous disease have?
NADH oxidase deficiency
Chronic granulomatous disease patients are propense to have reccurents infections of which organisms?
Catalase + organisms
Which bacterias are consider Catalase positive?
Pseudomona, Listeria, Aspergillus, Candidam E. Coli, S aureusm, Serratia
How dow do the encapsulated bacteria vacinnes enhance immunogenicity?
By promoting T cell activation and subsequent class switching
Can a polysaccharide antigen alone be presented to T cells?
No, it has to be conjugated
Which are examples of conjugated vaccines?
Pneumococcal Conjugated Vacine (PCV)
H. influenzae type B
Meningococcal vacinne
Which comercial name does Pneumococcal conjugated vaccine receives?
This is an example of no conjugated with proteins vaccine
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine with no conjugated protein
This is the commercial name of Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine with no conjugated protein
Which bacterias are consider Ureasa positive?
Cryptococcocus, H. pylori, Proteus, Ureaplasma, Nocardia, Klebsiella, S. Epidermidis, S. saprophyticus
Which is the nmemonic for Ureasa positive bugs?
CHuck norris hates PUNKSS
Which bacteria has yellow sulfur granules composed of filamentof bacteria?
Actinomyces israelli
Which pigment does Pseudomona aeruginosa produces?
Blue green pigment
This bacteria produces a red pigment
Serratia marcescens
Which is the purpose of Bacterial virulence factors?
Promote evasion of host immune response
These are examples of mechanisms of Bacterial virulence factors
Protein A
IgA protease
M protein
Where does Protein A of bacterial virulence factors works?
Binds Fc region of IgG
What does Protein A prevents?
Prevents opsonization and phagocytosis
Which Bacteria expresses Protein A?
S. aureus
This bacterial virulence factor cleaves IgA
IgA protease
Which bacterias secrete IgA?
S. pneumonia, H. influenzae type B and Neisseria
Why do S. pneumonia, H. influenzae type B and Neisseria secrete IgA?
In order to colonize respiratory mucosa
This bacterial virulence factor helps prevent phagocytosis
M protein
Which bacterial virulence factor does group A streptococci expresses?
M protein
Which kind of bacterias have Exotoxin?
Certain species of some gram positive and gram negative
Who has and where are located the endotoxins?
Outter cell membran of most gram negative bacteria
The Exotoxin is mainly composed by?
Chemically which is the main component of Endotoxin?
When does the endotoxin of Lypopolysacharide is released?
When lysed
Exotoxin or Endotoxin… The location of their genes is in plasmid or bacteriophage
Where is the location of genes with the Endotoxin
Bacterial chromosome
Who is more fatal, exotoxin or endotoxin?
Exotoxin, high toxicity
Which is the fatal dose with exotoxins?
1 µg
Which is the fatal dose with endotoxins?
hundreds of µg
Which are clinical effects of Endotoxin?
Fever, Shock, (hypotension), DIC
This is the mode of action
Induces TNF, IL- 1 and IL-6
Induces high titer antibodies called antitoxins
They are consider poorly antigenic… Endotoxin or Exotoxin?
Toxoid used as vaccines… Endotoxin or Exotoxin?
How is the heat stability for Exotoxins?
Destroyed rapidly at 60º C
Which is the only exotoxin that isn´t destroyed at 60º C
Staphylococcal enterotoxin
At which temperature are endotoxins still stable?
Stable at 100ºC
For how much time do Endotoxins can be stable at 100ºC?
For 1 hr
These are the typical diseases that have exotoxin
Tetanus, botulism, diphteria
Which bacterias have endotoxin?
Meningoccocemia, sepsis by gram negative rods
These bacterias produce exotoxins that inhibit protein synthesis
Croynebacterium diphteriae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Shigella spp
Enterohemorragic E. Coli, including O157: h7 strain
Which exotoxin Corynebacterium diphtheriae produces to inhibit the protein synthesis?
Diphteria toxin
Which exotoxin Pseudomona aeruginosa produces to inhibit the protein synthesis?
Exotoxin A
Which is the mechanism of action of Diphteria Toxin and Exotoxin A?
Inactivate elingation factor (EF-2)
If you have a patient infected by Corynebacterium diphteriae which are the manifestation?
Pharyngitis with pseudomembranes in throat and severe lymphadenopathy (bull neck)
What are the repercussions at cellular level with Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection?
Host cell death
These two exotoxins inactivate 60S ribosome
Shiga toxin (ST) and Shiga-like toxin (SLT)
How do Shiga toxin (ST) and Shiga-like toxin (SLT) inactivate 60S ribosome
By removing adenine from rRNA
This bacteria produces Shiga toxin
Shigella spp
Who produces Shiga like toxin?
Enterohemorragic E. coli, including O157: H7 strain
What kind of toxins are Shiga toxin and Shiga like toxin?
ADP ribosylating A-B toxin
How does ADP ribosylating A-B toxin works?
B (binding) component binding to host cell surface, enabling endocytosis
A (active) component attaches ADP ribosyl to disrupt hist cell
Which manifestations does Shiga toxin has?
GI mucosal damage leading to dysentery
Enhances cytokyne release causing hemolytic uremic syndrome
Which manifestations does Shiga like toxin has?
Enhances cytokyne release causing hemolytic uremic syndrome
Cellulary which difference do Shigella and Enterohemorragic E. Coli have?
Unlike Shigella, Enterohemorragic E. Coli does not invade host cells
Which kind of effects can Exotoxins cause?
Inhibit protein synthesis Increase fluid secretion Inhibit phagocytic ability Inhibit release of neurotransmitters Lyse cell membranes Superantigens causing shock
These bacterias with their exotoxins can cause an increase fluid secretion
Enterotoxigenic E. Coli
Bacillus anthracis
Vibrio cholerae
These are the two toxins Enterotoxigenic E. coli can produce to cause increase fluid secretion
Heat labile Toxin
Heat Stable toxin
Which is the mechanism of action of Heat labile toxin of Enterotoxigenic E. Coli
Overactive Adenylate cyclase (↑ cAMP)→ ↑Cl- secretion in gut and H2O efflux
This exotoxin causes Overactive Guanylate cyclase (↑ cGMP)→ ↓ resorption of NaCl and H2O in gut
Heat stable toxin of Enterotoxigenic E. Coli
Who produces Edema Factor, that increases the fluid secretions?
Bacillus anthracis
Which mechanism does Edeme factor in order to increase fluid secretion?
Mimics the adenylate cyclase enzyme (↑ cAMP)
How is clinicaly manifestated Bacillus anthracis with the edema factor
Likely responsible for characteristic edematous borders of blak eschar in cutaneous anthrax
Which is the name of the famous toxin produced by Vibrio cholera?
Cholera toxin
This is the mechanism of action of Cholera toxin
Overactive Adenylate cyclase (↑ cAMP) by permanently activating Gs→ ↑Cl- secretion in gut and H2O efflux
Which is the clinical manifestation of Cholera toxin?
Voluminous rice water diarrhea
This bacteria has the ability to inhibit phagocytic pertussis
Bordetella pertussis
Which is the exotoxin produce by Bordetella pertussis?
Pertussis toxin
This is the mechanism of defence of how Bordetella pertussis protects itself from phagocytosis with Pertussis toxin
Overactive Adenylate cyclase (↑ cAMP) by disabling Gi, impairing phagocytosis to permit survival of microbe
Whooping cough is the clinical manifestion of…
Bordetella pertussis
What is the whooping cough?
Child coughs on expiration and whoops on inspiration
What can Pertussis toxin cause in adults?
100 day cough
Which is the exotoxin effect of Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum?
Inhibit release of neurotransmitter
Which exotoxin are secreted by Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum?
Tetanospasmin and Botulinum toxin
This is the mechanism of action of Tetanospasmin and Botulinum toxin
Both are proteases that cleave SNARE proteins required for neurotransmitter release
This is the clinical manifestation of Clostridium tetani
Spasticity, risus sardonicus, and lockjaw
What does the Tetanospamin prevents?
Prevents release of inhibitory (GABA and glycine)
Tetanospamin Prevents release of inhibitory (GABA and glycine), but which cell produces them?
Renshaw cells in spinal chord
This bacteria causes Flaccid paralysis and floopy baby by effect of its toxin
Clostridium botulinum
Which neurotransmitter is prevented from being release by Clostridium botulinum toxin?
Prevents release of stimulatory ACH signals at neuromuscular junctions
These bacterias cause lyse cell membranes
Clostridium perfringens
Streptococcus pyogenes
Which is the exotoxin of Clostridium perfringens that causes lyse cell membranes
Alpha toxin
Phospholipase (lecithinase) that degrades tissue and cell membranes produce by a certain Bacteria
Alpha toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens
What is the effect of Alpha toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens to the cell memebrane?
Degradation of phospholipids→ myonecrosis and hemolysis
How is manifested the myonecrosis caused by Clostridium perfringens?
Gas gangrene
Which is the finding seen with hemolysis caused by Clostridium perfringens?
“Double zone” of hemolysis on blood agar
This exotosin is produced by Streptococcus pyogenes in order to degrade cell membranes
Streptolysin O
What manifestation does Streptolysin O has in the blood?
Lyses RBCs, contributes to β hemolysis
What is used to diagnose rheumatic fever?
Host antibodies against Toxin (ASO- Anti Streptolysin O)
Is it the same Anti Streptolysin O (ASO) to the immune complexes of streptococcal glomerulonephritis?
No, they are completely different
This two bacterias cause superantigens causing shock
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Its Sthaphylococcus aureus superantigen causing shock
Toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1)
Which is the superantigen causing shock produce by Streptococcus pyogenes?
Exotoxin A
How do Toxic shock syndrome toxin and Exotoxin cause Shock?
Bring MHC II andTCR in proximity to outside if antigen binding site to cause overwhelming release of IFN γ and IL-2 → Shock
Which clinical manifestation are seen in Toxic shock syndrome caused by S. aureus or S. pyogenes?
Fever, Rash, Shock
Which other exotoxin are produced by S. aureus?
Exfoliative toxin (Cause scalded skin syndrome) Enterotoxin (Food poisoning)
Where do we find LPS?
Outer membrane of gram negative bacteria (cocci and rods)
LPS are consider an exotoxin or a endotoxin?
Which kind if lipids do Endotoxins have?
Lipid A
Which are the three main functions of Endotoxins?
Activate macrophages
Activate complement
Activates tissue factor
These are the secretion of macrophages activated by Endotoxin
IL- 1
Nitric oxide
What is the effect of increase IL-1?
From the activated macrophages, who manage the hypotension?
Nitric Oxide
This macrophage secretion manages both Fever and hypotension
These two products of complemtent are activated by Endotoxin
Which activated complement causes hypotension and edema, C3a or C5a?
Which is the effect of C5a?
Neutrophil chemotaxis
If endotoxin activates tissue factor… which could be the repercussions?
Coagulation cascade→ DIC
Which is mnemonic used for Endotoxin effects?
ENDOTOXIN Edema Nitric oxide DIC Outer membrane TNF α O antigen eXtrimely heat stable IL-1 Neutrophil chemotaxis
These are some Bacterial genetics characteristics
For a Bacteria, what is a transformation?
Ability to take up naked DNA from enviroment (also known as competence)
In the Bacterial Conjugation, what does it means F+ x F-?
F+ plasmid contains genes required for sex pilus and conjugation, Bacteria without this plamid are termed F-
How is it replicated and transfer the Plasmid (dsDNA)?
Through pilus from F+ cell
Is it a tranfer of chromosomal genes with F+ cell?
No transfer of chromosomal genes
What is high frequency recombination (Hfr)?
When F+ plasmid can become incorporated into bacterial chromosomal DNA
In the Hfr x F- conjugation, is it possible to have a tranfer of plasmid and chromosomal genes?
In the bacteria genetics, what is the transposition?
Segment of DNA tha can jump (exceision and reintegration) from one location to another, can transfer genes from plasmid to chromosome and viceversa
Which is an example of transposition in bacterias?
Antibiotic resistance genes on R plasmid. One bacteria that has a flaking DNA is excise and after that incorporated to plasmid and tranferred to another bacterium
In the bacterial genetics which is the classification of Transduction?
What is a generalized transduction in bacterias?
A packaging event
Explain the generalized bacterial transduction
Lytic phage infects bacterium, leading to clevage of bacterial DNA. Parts of bacterial chromosomal DNA may become packaged in viral capsid. Phage infects another bacterium, transferring these genes.
What is a specialized bacterial transduction?
An excision event
Explain the specialized bacterial transduction
Lysogenic phage infects bacterium, viral DNA incroporates intobacterial chromosome. When phage DNA is excised, flanking bacterial genes may be excised with it. DNA is packaged into phage viral capsid and can infect another bacterium
Which are the 5 bacterial toxins encoded in a lysogenic phage?
ABCDE ShigA- like toxin Botulinum toxin (certain strains) Cholera Toxin Dhiptheria Toxin Erythrogenic toxin of S. pyogenes