obligate/strict aerobe definition
NEED oxygen
obligate/strict anaerobe definition
killed by oxygen
pink gram stain
Gm neg
purple Gram stain
Gm pos
most common coliform
what type of haemolysis is partial haemolysis
what colour does it turn around the colony
alpha haemolysis
what type of haemolysis is full haemolysis
what colour does it turn
beta haemolysis
what type of haemolysis is no haemolysis (no change in colour)
gamma haemolysis
Gm negative cocci (2)
Neisseria gonorrhoea
Neisseria meningitidis
grows in chocolate agar
haem influenza
what does MRSA release
panton valentine leurkocidiin (PVC)
alpha haemolysis organisms
strep pneumonia
strep viridans
(in greek viridans means green :))
what is the haemolysis test used to distinguish between
different types of strep
beta haemolysis organisms
group A (strep pyogenes) and group B strep
gamma haemolysis organisms