Microbial Metabolism Flashcards
What is metabolism
- Refers to the thousands of chemical reactions that occurs in a living cell, transformation of nutrients into energy, fundamental basis of life (prokaryotes and eukaryotes)
- Catabolism and anabolism
- Metabolic Pathways: Is a sequence of enzymatically catalysed chemical reactions in a cell, determined by enzymes, enzymes are encoded by genes on DNA
What is catabolism
- Breaking down macromolecules to their smaller component parts, provide the building blocks for anabolic reactions
- Catabolic reactions are coupled to ATP synthesis
- Generates the energy in the form of ATP that is needed to drive the anabolic reactions
- When the terminal phosphate group is released from ATP energy is released, ATP to ADP + Pi + energy
- Energy from catabolic reactions combines ADP and Pi to re-synthesise ATP, ADP + Pi + energy ATP
What is anabolism
- The building of complex molecules from simpler ones (sugars, proteins and nucleic acids), anabolic reactions are coupled to ATP degradation
What are enzymes
- Biological catalysts, accelerate chemical reactions by lowering activation energy, typically proteins (some RNAs), highly specific, may not consist entirely of proteins
- Active site is the region of an enzyme that binds the substrate, classified by the type of chemical reaction they catalyse
- Some require co-factors to become functional e.g. metal ions (Fe, Mg, Zn)
- If the cofactor is an organic molecule = a coenzyme
- Many enzymes contain small non-protein, non-substrate molecules that participate in catalysis
- Prosthetic Groups: Tightly bound, usually bind covalently and permanently (haeme in cytochromes)
- Coenzymes: Loosely bound, most are derivatives of vitamins
- Catalysis depends on substrate binding position of substrate relative to catalytically active amino acids in active site, endergonic and exergonic reactions coupled (ATP hydrolysis or proton motive force)
What are electron donors and acceptors (ATP, FAD, NAD, NADP)
- Redox: Energy from oxidation–reduction reactions is used in synthesis of energy-rich compounds (ATP), redox reactions occur in pairs (two half reactions)
- Electron donor: oxidised
- Electron acceptor: reduced
- Redox Couple: Either electron donors or acceptors under different circumstances
- Redox Tower: Range of possible reduction potentials, the farther the electrons “drop,” the greater the amount of energy released (ΔE0′)
- O2 is the strongest significant natural electron acceptor
- NAD+ and NADH: Facilitate redox reactions without being consumed, they are recycled, allows many different donors and acceptors to interact, coenzyme acts as intermediary
- NADP+/NADPH facilitate anabolic (biosynthetic) redox reactions
What are factors that affect enzymatic activity
- Increasing temp, will increase the RoR and enzymatic activity, eventually reach a temp when enzyme denatures and reaction stops (~60-70°C), thermal denaturation is time dependent
- Denature: Damages protein structure, alter shape of substrate site, optimal temperature for most disease causing bacteria (mesophiles) is 35 – 40 °C,
- Increased enzymatic activity at optimum pH, above or below optimum pH causes enzymatic decline
- Extreme changes in pH can cause denaturation of an enzyme
- Acids and bases can alter the 3D structure of a protein
- The H+ and OH- ions can compete with hydrogen and ionic bonds in an enzyme
Substrate Concentration:
- There is a max rate at which a certain conc of enzyme can catalyse a specific reactions
- If conc of substrate is high (saturation), the enzyme catalyses at its maximum rate
What are enzyme inhibitors
- Molecules which stop or slow down enzyme reactions, 4 classes (reversible, allosteric, irreversible covalent, enzyme catalysed covalent)
- Competitive: Fill active site of an enzyme and compete with the substrate
- Noncompetitive: Binds to enzyme altering shape of enzymes active site (functions less effectively)
- Metabolic Pathway: A series of chemical reactions where products of one reaction become reactants (substrate) for next reaction, different enzyme catalyses each step
- Feedback Inhibition: Final product of metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier reaction in the sequence, by inhibiting the first enzyme in the pathway this will prevent metabolites from accumulating in the cell
What is carbohydrate catabolism
- Most microorganisms oxidise carbohydrates as their primary source of cellular energy, glucose is the most common source, however lipids and proteins can also be catabolised
- Microorganisms use two processes to generate energy from glucose cellular respiration (anaerobic or aerobic) or fermentation
Describe the steps of glycolysis
- Multistep biochemical pathway of enzyme conversions, oxidation of glucose to pyruvic acid, produces 2 ATP, 2 NADH, 2 Pyruvate
- Ubiquitous, substrate-level phosphorylation, conversion of glucose to form two pyruvic acid molecules (pyruvate, 3 carbon molecule) and 2 ATP, used by mitochondria, splitting of sugar
- Releases a small amount of energy stored in glucose, much energy still locked up in pyruvate (C-H)
- Further Processing occurs via anaerobic (fermentation) or aerobic (citric acid cycle and electron transport chain / chemiosmosis respiration)
Describe the steps of the Krebs cycle / TCA
- Oxidation of acetyl (derivative of pyruvic acid) to CO2, complete oxidation of glucose for energy, produces 2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2
- Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA (2 NADH)
- Acetyl CoA (2 C) combines with oxaloacetic acid (4 C) to produce citrate / citric acid (6 C), subsequent decomposition / oxidation of citrate to produce oxaloacetic acid
- Transfers high energy e- to carriers, harvested electrons are directed to the electron transport chain (ETC) to drive ATP synthesis
Describe how the TCA is regulated and oxidative phosphorylation
- High levels of ADP and Pi (inorganic phosphate) relative to ATP, stimulate ATP production
- Citrate (which also inhibits glycolysis), succinyl-CoA and a high ratio of NADH to NAD+ inhibit ATP production
Describe the steps of the electron transport chain
- Multi protein complexes and mobile carriers in cell membrane of bacteria, each compound in the sequence has a higher affinity for electrons
- Involves oxidative phosphorylation of NADH and FADH2 to 3 and 2 ATP produced in glycolysis and citric acid cycle
- Produces 30 ATP (from 10 NADH), 4 ATP (from 2 FADH2)
- The phospholipid membrane is normally impermeable to protons, one directional pumping establishes a proton gradient across the membrane, excess H+ makes one side of membrane positively charged
- Protons can diffuse across membrane, only through special protein channels = ATP synthase, when this flow occurs energy is released and is used by ATP synthase to generate ATP
Describe chemiosmotic energy coupling
- Proton gradient needed for ATP synthesis can be stably established across a topologically closed membrane (plasma membrane in bacteria)
- Membrane must contain proteins that couple the “downhill” flow of electrons in the electron transfer chain with the “uphill” flow of protons across the membrane
- Membrane must contain a protein that couples “downhill” flow of protons to the phosphorylation of ADP
What are the different types of energy pathways
- Three different biochemical pathways used to generate ATP, different pathways are not used by all cells under same conditions, one of the biggest issues is the availability of oxygen
- Glycolysis: The process where a single molecule of glucose is broken down into two molecules of Pyruvate, can happen with or without oxygen, produces a net yield of 2ATP.
- Anaerobic Fermentation: Cells need to get rid of the Pyruvate, no ATP produced in this process, waste products in the form acids [not just lactic acid]
- Aerobic Respiration: Oxygen available, occurs in mitochondria, produces 36-38 ATP
What is a pure culture, where did it originate and some related terms
- Robert Koch (1843-1910): Developed the germ theory of disease (1 microorganism = 1 disease)
- Lead to attempts to isolate microorganisms
- Not all microbes are easy to culture (non-cultivatable strains), must isolate the bacterium and inoculate
- Nature: Attach to surfaces, secrete polysaccharide matrix and live in communities called biofilms
- Beneficial Properties of Environment: Acidic / low pH, high salt, fastidious nutrient requirements, chemicals and antibiotics
- Pure Culture: Contains only one species or strain
- Colony: Population of cells arising from a single cell or spore or from a group of attached cells, bacterium are often called colony-forming units (CFU)
- Streak Plate: Used to isolate single colonies
What is a culture medium and the requirements
- Nutrients prepared for microbial growth, used to isolate and maintain pure cultures of bacteria and for the identification of bacteria according to their biochemical and physiological properties
- For successful cultivation of a microbe, it is important to know nutritional requirements and supply them in proper form and proportions in a culture medium
- Sterile: No living microbes
- Inoculum: Introduction of microbes into a medium
- Culture: Microbes growing in or on a culture medium
- Constituents: Amino nitrogen, growth factors, energy sources, buffer, mineral salts / metals, selective agents, indicator dyes and gelling agents
Difference between liquid and solid culture media
- Liquid: Easiest to prepare and use, good for growing large quantities of bacteria needed for analysis or experiments, unless inoculated with pure culture, cannot separate different organisms (broth)
- Solid: Usually made by adding agar / gelling agents to appropriate liquid, widely used for the isolation of pure cultures and for estimating viable bacterial counts, when grown on solid media, cells form isolated masses (colonies)
What is agar
- Complex polysaccharide, derived from a group of red / purple marine algae
- Used as solidifying agent for culture media in petri plates, slants, and deeps, cannot be metabolised by microbes
- Good transparency, consistent lot-to-lot gel strength
- Consistent gelling (32-40°C) and melting (~85°C) temperatures
- Hysteresis (melts at different temperature from that at which it solidifies)
- Essentially free of metabolically useful chemicals
- Lack of substances that could interfere with diffusion of added molecules such as antibiotics & nutrients, freedom from contamination, free of toxic substances (haemolytic substances)
- Normally used in final concentrations of 1-2%, but lower concentrations are used for specific purposes
What are the different types of media (6)
- Chemically Defined Media: Exact chemical composition is known, composed of pure commercially prepared biochemicals, growth of fastidious organisms (require many growth factors)
- Complex Media: Exact chemical composition is NOT known, extracts and digests of yeasts, meat, or plants, usually provide the full range of growth factors - useful for isolating and growing unknown bacteria and those with complex nutritional requirements (agar)
- Enriched Media: Encourages growth of desired microorganism, preferentially permits the growth of specific types of bacteria, similar to selective but usually a broth
- Reducing Media: Assist the cultivation of obligate anaerobes, contain chemicals that combine to and deplete O2, heated to drive off O2
- Differential Media: Make it easy to distinguish colonies of different bacteria based on observable trait in their pattern of growth on the medium
Allow distinguishing of colonies of different microbes on the same plate
Achieved by the addition of various chemicals and indicator dyes or other constituents (eg. blood) - Selective Media: Suppress unwanted microbes and encourage desired microbes, contain inhibitors to suppress growth (chemicals, dyes and antibiotics)
Describe combined selective and differential media
- Colonies of different bacteria are distinguished based on some observable trait in their pattern of growth on the medium (e.g. fermentation of carbohydrates, lysis of RBCs)
- Selective growth achieved by addition of various chemicals / indicator dyes or other constituents (blood)
What is blood agar
- Enriched differential agar
- Promotes fastidious organisms to grow (organisms that have complex nutrient requirements)
- Helps the culturing of Streptococci family
- Shows the type of haemolysis (RBC breakdown) trait of the organism, substances produced by bacteria that cause haemolysis are referred to as haemolysins
What is chocolate blood agar
- Enriched differential agar
- Variant of sheep blood agar
- Contains slowly lysed RBCs by gradually heating agar to 80°C which turns agar brown
- Used to grow fastidious respiratory organisms (Haemophilus influenzae or Neisseria meningitidis)
What is macconkey agar
- Selective and differential
Selective: - For gram-negative bacteria, particularly enteric gram-negative bacilli
- Crystal violet and bile salts inside the agar inhibit gram-positive growth (except Enterococcus and some Staph
Differential: - Variant shows if the bacteria can ferment lactose (contains neutral red pH indicator)
- Lactose fermenters: produce lactic acid, decreases the pH indicator turns agar pink around the colonies
- Non-lactose fermenters: do not disturb agar, agar stays yellow
- Weak fermenters may be orange/pinkish but the agar will not change colour much
- Visual pH indicator to distinguish bacteria that can ferment (Lac+) or not
What is mannitol salt agar
- Selective and differential
- Mannitol (sugar) and phenol red (indicator dye)
Selective - High salt (7.5-10%) conc = selective for halophiles (salt-tolerant bacteria)
- Inhibits most gram-pos / neg (only typically grow in salt conc < 5%)
Differential: - Particularly used to identify Staphylococcus spp. or other gram +ve cocci that are halophilic
- Coagulase +ve (mannitol fermenters) produce white colonies surrounded by yellow zones
- Coagulase –ve (non-mannitol fermenters) agar remains pink/red
What is eosin methylene blue agar
- Selective and differential
Selective: - Selective for gram-negative bacteria; particularly enteric gram-negative bacilli
- Eosin Y & methylene blue dyes inhibit gram-positive growth
- 2 dyes give agar its purple/burgundy tinted colour
Differential: - Used for the isolation and detection of intestinal pathogens, eosin & methylene blue are chemical dyes that allow the distinction of lactose and non-lactose fermenters
- E. coli – colonies with dark green metallic sheen
- E. aerogenes – small mucoid colonies, larger than E. coli
- Salmonella – do not ferment lactose, colourless colonies
What is Phenylethyl Alcohol Blood Agar (PEA)
- Selective media
- Selective for gram-positive bacteria
- Phenyl ethyl alcohol inhibits DNA replication / synthesis in gram-negative bacteria
- Prevents proteus species from swarming across the surface of the agar
- Shows the type of haemolysis trait of the organism (sheep blood incorporated in the agar)
What is nutrient agar
- Varient
- Supports growth of a wide range of non-fastidious organisms
- Frequently used for isolation and purification of cultures.
What is fermentation
- Releases energy from sugars, amino acids, organic acids, purines and pyrimidines, does not require oxygen, alternative pathway to the citric acid cycle and ETC
- Uses organic molecule as final electron acceptor, produces only 2 ATP from starting material, much of the energy remains in chemical bonds of ethanol and lactic acid
- Lactic Acid: Conversion of 2 pyruvate to 2 lactate (muscle cells)
- Alcohol: Conversion of pyruvate to 2 acetylaldehyde and CO2 converted to 2 ethanol
Describe the different types of haemolysis
- a-haemolysis: Blood agar colonies turn green, partial haemolysis of RBCs (Strep pneumoniae)
- b-haemolysis: Clear area around edge of colony, complete RBC lysis (Streptococci pyogenes GpA)
- g-haemolysis: Bacteria does not induce haemolysis (Enterococcus faecalis)
Describe the streak plate method
- Streak series 1 is made from original bacterial culture
- In streaks 2, 3, 4, the inoculated loop picks up bacteria from the previous series, diluting the number of cells each time
- Allows bacteria to grow in isolated colonies and distinguishable differences to be identified