Antibiotic Resistance Flashcards
What are antibiotics
- Naturally produced chemicals / antimicrobial agents, produced naturally by bacteria and fungi that act against other microorganisms
- “Magic Bullets”, kill infection without significantly harming the host
- The presence of antibiotics puts a strong selective pressure onto bacteria
What is antibiotic resistance
- Select for chromosomal mutations conferring resistance
- Transferred vertically to subsequent microbial generations, eventually predominant in a microbial population that is repeatedly exposed to antimicrobial
- Many genes responsible for drug resistance are found on plasmids or in transposons that can be transferred easily between microbes through horizontal gene transfer
- Transposons also have the ability to move resistance genes between plasmids and chromosomes to further promote the spread of resistance
Why is antibiotic resistance increasing
- Increased usage of antibiotics (using antibiotics in animal feed)
- Improper prescription of antibiotics (use for viral infections / inappropriate conditions)
- Poor hygiene, sanitation, lack of herd immunity
- Sub-therapeutic dosage
- Patient non compliance with the recommended course of treatment (failing to complete the prescribed regimen, using someone else’s leftover prescription, using outdated or weakened antibiotics)
- Any use of antibiotics selects for resistance = ↑ number of resistant bacteria in any bacterial population
- 20-50% of antibiotic usage is unnecessary
What are the consequences of antibiotic resistance and how can it be minimised
- Prolongs infections, increases recovery time, increases length and duration of hospital stays & healthcare costs
- Need more expensive and less effective & sometimes more toxic antibiotics to clear infection
- Antibiotic-resistant genes present in nearly every population, physicians cannot use the same antibiotic for long
- Minimised by using antibiotics correctly and only when needed, resistance to a certain antibiotic can be lost if antibiotic is not used for several years
What is cross resistance vs multiple resistance vs resistance
- Single mechanism, closely related antibiotics are rendered ineffective
- Having an efflux pump that can export multiple antimicrobial drugs is a common way for microbes to be resistant to multiple drugs by using a single resistance mechanism
- Multiple mechanisms, unrelated antibiotics, acquire multiple plasmids, major clinical problem
- New mutation or gene transfer (acquisition of a plasmid), provides a selective advantage
List the 4 mechanisms of antibiotic resistance and their targets
- Targets: Cell wall biosynthesis enzymes and substrates, bacterial protein synthesis and bacterial nucleic acid production and repair
- Mechanisms: Prevention of drug penetration, enzymatic inactivation of drug, efflux pumps and alteration to target site
Describe prevention of penetration
- Gram negative bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics because of the nature of their cell wall, restricts entry of many molecules through special openings called porins
- Change one amino acid, one nucleotide
- Some bacterial mutants modify a porin opening so antibiotics are unable to enter the peri-plasmic space
- Some bacterial mutants have beta-lactamases in the peri-plasmic space
Describe enzymatic destruction
- Destruction or inactivation of antibiotics by enzymes (lactamase) that are natural products (penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems - all share beta-lactam ring)
Describe alterations to target site
- Mode of action that inhibits protein synthesis, minor modifications can neutralise effects of antibiotics without significantly affecting cellular function.
- Binding proteins (modify penicillin binding protein)
- Ribosome subunits (resistance to macrolides, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides)
- Lipopolysaccharide structure (resistance to polymyxin)
- RNA polymerase (resistance to rifampin)
- DNA gyrase (resistance to fluoroquinolones)
- Metabolic enzymes (resistance to sulfa drugs, trimethoprim)
- Peptidoglycan subunit peptide chains (resistance to glycopeptides)
Describe the efflux pump
- Certain proteins in the plasma membranes of gram-negative bacteria act as pumps that expel antibiotics, preventing them from accumulating and reaching an effective concentration
- Bacteria normally have efflux pumps to remove toxic substances, first identified with tetracycline
What is the main factor for the outcome of infection
- Must have a specific interaction / receptor between host cell and microbe
What determines the outcome of infection (4)
- Portals of Entry: Mucous membranes (respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary tracts and conjunctiva), skin or parenteral route (direct access to tissues)
- . Evasion of Host Defences: Capsules, cell wall components, enzymes, antigenic variation, invasions and intracellular growth
- Damage to Host Cells: Siderophores, direct damage, toxins (exo vs endo), lysogenic conversion or cytopathic effects
- Portals of Exit: Mucous membranes, skin or parenteral route, or sneezing, coughing and insect bites
What is pathogenicity vs virulence
- Pathogenicity: Ability to cause disease
Virulence: - Relative ability of a pathogen to cause disease
- Degree of pathogenicity by bacteria and viruses (avirulent to highly virulent)
- ID50: Infectious dose for 50% of a sample population, measures virulence of a microbe (skin - 10-50 endospores, inhalation - 10,000-20,000 endospores)
- LD50: Lethal dose for 50% of a sample population, measures potency of a toxin
- Highly virulent pathogens show little difference in number of cells required to kill 100% of population compared to 50%
Define primary vs opportunistic pathogen and compromised hosts
- Primary: Cause disease in a host regardless of host’s resident microbiota or immune system
- Opportunistic: Only cause disease in situations that compromise host’s defences
- Compromised Host: The pathogen-host interaction is dependent upon both host and pathogen, certain medical procedures or underlying conditions predispose individuals to develop diseases
- Nosocomial, viral or opportunistic infections (do not cause disease in healthy hosts)
List the 4 stages of pathogenesis
- Exposure (contact)
- Adhesion (colonisation)
- Invasion
- Infection
- Pathogen must be able to gain entry to host, travel to location where it can establish an infection, evade host’s immune response and cause damage (disease)
Describe exposure in detail (1)
- Ability to gain entry to the host
- Time and concentration of exposure affects ability to colonise / adhere to host
Describe adhesion / colonisation in detail (2)
- Adherence: Bacteria have some means of attaching themselves to host tissues at their portal of entry
- By means of surface molecules (adhesins or ligands) that bind specifically to complementary surface receptors on the cells of certain host tissues
- Adhesion Location: Glycocalyx or other microbial surface structures, such as pili, fimbriae, and flagella
- Colonisation: Growth of microorganisms after they’ve gained access to host tissues
- Process begins at birth, colonisation of the microbiota, typically starts with mucous membranes, or tightly packed epithelial cells coated in mucus, a thick liquid secretion of glycoproteins
- Invasiveness: Ability of a pathogen to grow in host tissue at densities that inhibit host function
Describe invasion in detail (3)
- Invasion: Dissemination of a pathogen throughout local tissues or the body
- Virulence Factors: Allow pathogens to colonise and damage host tissues as they spread deeper into the body, protect them against immune system defences and determine degree of tissue damage that occurs
- Bloodstream: Effective means of dissemination, BV pass close to every cell in the body, however the blood also includes numerous elements of the immune system
- Exoenzymes: Enable pathogen to invade host cells
- Invasins: Surface proteins produced by bacteria that rearrange actin filaments of cytoskeleton, cause membrane ruffling or use actin to move between cells
What are virulence factors required for invasion (3)
- Protection from phagocytosis by host
- Increases virulence, prevent adherence of phagocytes
- Antibodies can be produced against capsules
- S. pneumoniae
Cell Wall
- M protein facilitate attachment to epithelial cells and resists phagocytosis
- Fimbriae / OPA facilitates attachment to host
Enzymes (exoenzymes)
- Coagulase (manipulate clotting, fibrin)
- Kinase (break down fibrin, isolate infection)
- Hyaluronidase (hydrolysis hyaluronic acid, separates cells of connective tissue)
- Collagenase (breaks down collagen)
- IgA protease (destroy IgA antibodies)
Describe infection in detail (4)
- Damage by using host’s nutrients, causing direct damage, producing toxins, transported by blood and lymph, that damage sites far removed from original site of invasion, inducing hypersensitivity reactions.
- Iron: Required for most pathogenic bacteria as a nutrient, minimal conc. of free iron (tightly bound to iron-transport proteins)
- Siderophores: Take iron away from iron-transport proteins by binding iron even more tightly
- Iron-siderophore Complex: Is then taken up by siderophore receptors on the bacterial surface, then the iron is bought into the bacterium
- Direct Damage: Use the host cell for nutrients and produce waste products
- Toxins: Poisonous substances that are produced and secreted by certain microorganisms, contribute to pathogenic properties of microbes
What are exotoxins
- Exotoxin: Proteins produced inside pathogenic bacteria (+ve) as part of their growth and metabolism
- Secreted into surrounding medium during lag phase
- Soluble in bodily fluids, destroy host cells, inhibit metabolic functions
- A-B Toxins: A / B peptides, A part is active (enzyme), and B part is binding component (diphtheria, cholera, tetanus)
- Membrane Disrupting Toxins: Cytolytic, cause lysis of host cells, make protein channels in plasma membrane / disrupt phospholipid layer (leukocidins, haemolysins, streptolysins)
- Super Antigens: Intense immune response, combine with protein on macrophages causing nonspecific proliferation of T cells (staph)
- Genotoxins: Cause breaks in eukaryotic DNA. This causes mutations, disrupts cell division (cytolethal, typhoid)
What are exotoxin infections
- Staphylococcal Food Poisoning: Bacteria ingested (growth of bacteria and production of enterotoxin), onset and recovery both occur within a few hours
- TSS: S. aureus, secretion of TS antigen, stimulates immune system (T cells)
- Botulism: C. botulinum, produces a range of toxins which vary with potency, toxin is associated with germination of endospores and growth of vegetative cells, A-B neurotoxin (acts as neuromuscular junction)
What are endotoxins
- Endotoxin: Lipid portions (A) of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that are part of outer membrane of cell wall of gram negative bacteria (lipid A)
- Low toxicity
- Liberated when bacteria die and cell walls lyses
- Activates innate leukocytes to induce a strong inflammatory response
- Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) Assay: Used to test for endotoxins
What are persister cells, superbugs and resistance genes
- Persister cells: Microbes with genetic characteristics allowing their survival when exposed to an antibiotic
- Superbugs: Bacteria that are resistant to large numbers of antibiotics
- Resistance Genes: Often spread horizontally among bacteria on plasmids or transposons via conjugation or transduction
What are ESKAPE pathogens
- Enterococcus faecium, staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumoniae, acinetobacter baumannii, pseudomonas aeruginosa and enterobacter spp
- These pathogens are able to “escape” many conventional forms of antimicrobial therapy
- Infections by ESKAPE pathogens can be difficult to treat and cause a large number of nosocomial infections
Describe the different terms used for invasion of bacteria in the blood
- Bacteraemia: The presence of bacteria in blood
- Toxaemia: When toxins are found in the blood
- Septicaemia: When bacteria are both present and multiplying in the blood
- Viraemia: When viruses are found in the blood
- Pyaemia: When bacteremia involves pyogens (pus-forming bacteria)