Classification of Microorganisms Flashcards
what is classification, phylogeny and taxonomy
- Classification: Organisation of organisms into progressively more inclusive groups on basis of phenotypic similarity or evolutionary relationships
- Phylogeny: Study of evolutionary history of organisms
- Taxonomy: Branch of science concerned with classification of organisms, grouped according to degrees of relatedness, enable identification and comparisons
- Bacterial Taxonomy: Incorporated multiple methods for identifying and describing new species, the polyphasic approach to taxonomy used three methods, phenotypic, genotypic and phylogenetic
Describe elements of phenotypic classification
- Observable characteristics provide differentiable traits
- Morphology: Colony, cell size, shape, pattern of flagellation, presence of spore, inclusion bodies, capsules, s-layers, stalks / appendages, fruiting body formation
- Motility: Non-motile, gliding motility, swimming (flagellar) motility, swarming, motile by gas vesicles
- Metabolism: Mechanism of energy conservation (phototroph, chemoorganotroph, chemolithotroph), utilisation of individual C, N or S compounds, fermentation of sugars, N fixation
- Physiology: Temperature, pH / salt ranges for growth, response to oxygen (aerobic, facultative, anaerobic), presence of catalase or oxidase, production of extracellular enzymes
- Cell Lipid Chemistry: Fatty acids, polar lipids, respiratory quinones
- Cell Wall Chemistry: Presence or absence of peptidoglycan, AA composition of cross-links, presence or absence of cross-link inter-bridge
- Other Traits: Pigments, luminescence, antibiotic sensitivity, serotype, production of unique compounds
Describe elements of genotypic classification
- Genome: Genetic composition of an organism, speciation of microorganisms, 1970’s
- Species posses a variety of individuals with different traits
- Sequence changes can be used as a molecular clock to estimate time since two lineages diverged.
- Major assumptions are that nucleotide changes accumulate in proportion to time, generally neutral and do not interfere with function, random.
- Most reliable if calibrated with evidence from geological record
Describe elements of phylogenetic classification
- Evolutionary variation and analysis
- Genetic profile of an organism (genetic relatedness) using molecular biology methods
- Based on rRNA sequences present in all cells (16S rRNA prokaryotic, 18S rRNA eukaryotic)
- Most rRNA mutations are deleterious – very few mutations are neutral
- Evolution of 16S RNA is very slow and is a true reflection of an organisms evolutionary history
Describe the history of classification systems over time
- 1735: Linnaeus classified living organisms into just two kingdoms, plants (algae) and animals (protozoa)
- 1857: Carl von Naegli placed bacteria and fungi into the plant kingdom
- 1937: Woese described 11 phyla of bacteria from analysis of rRNA genes isolated from cultured species.
- 1969: Robert Whittaker founded 5 kingdom system and bacteria were separated into the procaryotae and eukaryotes comprised other 4 kingdoms
- 1978: Carl Woese, three domain system (eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea)
- 1998: Analyses of rRNA genes from environmental samples as described by Norman Pace had revealed evidence for 36 bacterial phyla.
What is the 3 domain system
- Organisms can be separated into 3 evolutionary groups, further divided into kingdoms
- Bacteria: All pathogenic prokaryotes and many non-pathogenic prokaryotes
- Archaea: Prokaryotes that do not have peptidoglycan in their cell walls
- Eukarya: Animals, plants, fungi and protists
- Origin: Woese used the nucleotide sequence of rRNA (SSU) and other RNA and protein sequences as an evolutionary chronometer
- rRNA Chronometer: Universally distributed across all organisms, it’s functionally similar between organisms (protein synthesis), sequences change slowly and sequences can be aligned between organisms
What is nature microbiology and the tree of life
- Bacteria and archaea
- Incorporates new genomic data from uncultivated organisms into an expanded ‘tree of life’ (domain system)
- Reveals a striking number new lineages and microbial discoveries
- Number of major lineages without isolated representatives (can’t be cultured)
- Eukaryotes: Believed to be evolutionary chimaeras that arose via endosymbiotic fusion, probably involving bacterial and Archaeal cells
What is scientific nomenclature
- 1735: Carolus Linnaeus established the system of scientific nomenclature now used worldwide
- Taxonomy: Life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus species
What is the difference between a species and strain
- Species: Groups of similar organisms within a genus, groups strains on the basis of genetic similarity
- Strain: Group of bacteria derived from a single cell, closely related strains constitute a bacterial species
What is a microbiome / the human microbiome
- Microbiome: A functional collection of different microbes in a particular environmental system
- Microbiota: Describes the microbes in a microhabitat (often have unique microbiota), different microhabitats support difference microbes (skin, saliva, urogenital tract and gastrointestinal tract)
- Heat map provides knowledge of abundance / niches of strains / bacterial populations in body
- Human Microbiome: ~1013 microbes in human microbiome living in complex communities / microhabitats (skin, airways, oral, gastrointestinal, urogenital)
- Benefits: Development of biomarkers for predicting predisposition to disease, designing targeted therapies, personalised drug therapies and probiotics, establish symbiosis with host
- Microbiome Projects: Most bacteria cannot be cultured, however advanced sequencing (16sRNA) techniques allow for identification of different microbiota at different body sites
Describe characteristic elements of prokaryotes
- Pre-nucleus, one circular chromosome (no nuclear membrane)
- No histones or organelles
- Peptidoglycan cell walls (bacteria), pseudomurein cell walls (archaea)
- Reproduce via binary fission
Describe characteristic elements of eukaryotes
- True Nucleus, paired chromosome (nuclear membrane)
- Histones and organelles
- Polysaccharide cell walls
- Reproduce via mitotic spindle
Compare archaea, bacteria and eukarya
- Cell type, cell wall, membrane lipids, first AA in protein synthesis, antibiotic sensitivity, rRNA loop, common arm of tRNA
- A: Prokaryotic, variation in composition, no peptidoglycan, branched C chains attached to glycerol via ether linkages, methionine, no, lacking, lacking
- B: Prokaryotic, contain peptidoglycan, straight C chains attached to glycerol via ester linkages, formylmethionine, yes, present, present
- E: Eukaryotic, vary in composition, contain carbohydrates, straight C chains attached to glycerol via ester linkages, methionine, no, lacking, present
Describe characteristics of a virus, viroid and prion
- Viruses: Microorganisms not cells (informational parasite), consist of DNA or RNA core surrounded by protein coat (may be enclosed by a lipid envelope), replication only when a living host cell is present
- Kingdoms: Each have their own associated viruses, viruses from other kingdoms cannot infect others
- Prions: Small pieces of protein (infectious proteins), example (BSE / CJD)
- Viroids: Short pieces of naked infectious nucleic acids, cause plant diseases
What are the major shapes of bacteria
- Coccus (round)
- Bacillus (rod)
- Pairs (diplococci, diplobacilli)
- Clusters (staphylococci)
- Chains (streptococci, streptobacilli)
- Star shaped (steel)
- Square (haloarcula)
- Coccobacillus (short rods)