Bacterial Growth / Control and Sterilisation Flashcards
What is the facultative mechanism of obtaining energy
- Facultative refers to the ability to live under more than one specific environmental condition
- Organisms obtain energy from aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and fermentation
- There is only one type of facultative organism (facultative anaerobes)
- Can survive with the presence or absence of oxygen
- Organisms live in external environment as well as inside the host
- Parasites can survive without the host
- Efficiency of the energy production in facultative organisms is high
What is the obligate mechanism of obtaining energy
- Obligate means to be restricted to a particular characteristic
- Organisms obtain energy from aerobic respiration or anaerobic respiration or fermentation
- There are two types of obligate organisms (obligate aerobes and anaerobes)
- Obligate aerobes survive in the presence of oxygen, obligate anaerobes survive in the absence of oxygen
- Obligate aerobes only live in the external environment while obligate anaerobes only live inside hosts
- Parasites only survive in the presence of the host
- Efficiency of the energy production is less
- Microbe: Obtain cellular energy from bacteria, fungi and endoparasites such as protozoans and worms
How does one transport nutrients into the cell
- Active Transport: Accumulation of solutes against a concentration gradient
- Transporters: Simple transport, group translocation of ABC system, energy driven (proton motive force, ATP or another energy rich compound)
- Simple Transport: Driven by proton motive force, either symport (solute and H co-transported in one direction) or anti-port (solute and H transported in opposite directions)
- Iron Metabolism Siderophores: Bacteria have an essential requirement for iron, have specialised Fe- binding proteins, capture free Fe released as a result of cell death
What is bacterial growth and what are the requirements
- Bacterial Growth: Increase in number of cells not cell size, requirements are both chemical and physical
- Chemical Requirements: Nutrients and trace elements, oxygen (or lack of) and organic growth factors
- Physical Requirements: Temp, pH and osmotic pressure
What are some of the chemical requirements
- Chemicals and elements utilised for bacterial growth are referred to as nutrients or nutritional requirements
- Some chemicals are required in large amounts (C,H,O,N,S,P) and others in trace amounts (Zn, Co, Cu, Mo)
- Found in the form of water, inorganic ions, small molecules and macromolecules
- Living cells require both an energy and carbon source to build necessary components for all cell structures
- Organic GF: Organic compounds obtained from environment (vitamins, AA, purines, pyrimidines)
Describe temperature as a physical requirement
- Minimum, optimum and maximums growth temp
- Organisms are placed in three large groups based on preferred growth temperatures (no strict cutoff, overlapping)
- Minimum: Membrane gelling, transport processes so slow that growth cannot occur, 0-10°C, many bacteria survive, some grow, very few pathogens
- Optimum: Enzymatic reactions occurring at maximal possible rate, 15-55°C (danger zone) rapid growth
- Maximum: Protein denaturation, collapse of cytoplasmic membrane, thermal lysis, 60-70°C, destroy most microbes (lower temperatures take more time to destroy)
- Classification: Psychrophile (0 - 15°C), mesophiles (15 - 50°C), thermophiles (50 - 80°C), extreme thermophiles (can even thrive at near boiling temperatures)
Describe microbial life at high temperatures
- Thermophiles inhabit moderately / intermittently hot environments, thermal gradients form along edges of hot environments
- Distribution of microbial species along the gradient is dictated by organism’s biology
- Enzymes and proteins function optimally at high temperatures, features that provide thermal stability.
- Critical amino acid substitutions in a few locations provide more heat-tolerant folds.
- Increased number of ionic bonds between basic and acidic amino acids resists unfolding in the aqueous cytoplasm, highly hydrophobic interiors
- Production of solutes helps stabilise proteins modifications in cytoplasmic membranes to ensure heat stability
Describe microbial life at low temperatures
- Extremophiles: Organisms that grow under very hot or very cold conditions
- Psychrophiles: Organisms with optimal growth temp ≤ 15°C, max ≤ 20°C, min ≤ 0°C, inhabit constantly cold environments
- Psychrotolerant: Organisms that can grow at 0°C but have optimal of 20-40°C, widely distributed in nature than psychrophiles, isolated from soils and water in temperate climates / food at 4°C
- Cytoplasmic membranes function at low temp, high unsaturated and shorter-chain fatty acid content, some polyunsaturated fatty acids, which remain flexible at very low temperatures
- Cold shock proteins (chaperones)
- Cryoprotectants (e.g., antifreeze proteins, certain solutes) prevent formation of ice crystals
- Exopolysaccharide cell surface slime
Describe oxygen as a physical requirement
- Oxygen Metabolism: Byproducts can damage membranes and toxic to cells, must neutralise metabolites
- Anaerobic Bacteria: O2- - metabolism - toxic products (O2-, OH, H2O2) - no detoxifying pathway - bacterial death
- Aerobic / Facultative Bacteria: O2 - metabolism - toxic products (O2, OH, H2O2) - detoxifying pathway (superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase) - nontoxic products (H2O, O2)
- Enzymes: Protect bacteria from the effects of oxygen and enable bacteria to survive in oxygen
- O2- + O2- + 2H+—(superoxide dismutase)—H2O2 + O2
- H2O2—(catalase)— H2O + O2
- H2O2 + NADH + H+ —(peroxidase)— 2H2O + NAD
What is an obligate aerobe vs anaerobe
- Obligate Aerobes: Grow in presence of oxygen, no fermentation, oxidative phosphorylation, example (Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacillus subtilis)
- Obligate Anaerobe: No oxidative phosphorylation, fermentation, killed by oxygen, lack enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase), example (Clostridium tetani and Clostridium perfringens)
What is a facultative and aerotolerant anaerobe and microaerophile
- Facultative Anaerobe: Can grow without oxygen but uses oxygen if it is present, can also use fermentation and aerobic respiration, survives in oxygen, example (E.coli, Enterobacter aerogenes)
- Aerotolerant Anaerobe: Cannot use oxygen for their growth but are not harmed by it, respire anaerobically, not killed by oxygen, example (Lactobacilli and Streptococci, Clostridium SPP)
- Microaerophile: Require lower concentrations of oxygen (2-10%), grow in low oxygen concentration, killed in presence of high oxygen concentrations (H. pylori)
Describe pH as a physical requirement
- Neutrophils: Most bacteria grow best between pH 6.5-7.5
- Acidophils: Low pH can be used as a food preservation technique, tolerant of acidity
- Alkaliphils: Organisms that grow best at high pH (>9), moulds and yeast grow over a wide pH range than bacteria (optimal pH 5-6)
- Internal pH: Must stay relatively close to neutral, despite external pH being highly acidic or basic
- As low as 4.6 and as high as 9.5 in extreme acido- and alkaliphils, respectively
- Urease Enzyme: Can generate NH3 and CO2 from urea which is released into the environment to increase pH (H. pylori)
Describe osmotic pressure as a physical requirement
- Osmotic Pressure: Pressure exerted on bacterial cells by their environment, effects the growth of microorganisms
- Typically, the cytoplasm has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding environment; water moves into the cell (positive water balance)
- When a cell is in an environment with a higher external solute concentration, water flows out unless the cell has a mechanism to prevent
- Plasmolysis: Hypertonic environments, increase salt or sugar, useful in food preservation
- Bacteria: Cell wall enables resistance to forces in a hypotonic, less able to deal with a hypertonic
- Facultative Halophiles: Salt tolerant, can handle a higher salt environment (Staphylococcus)
- Halophiles: Organisms adapted to living in high salt concentrations, grow best at reduced water potential
- Extreme Halophiles: Organisms that require high levels (15–30%) of NaCl for growth
- Halo tolerant: Organisms that can tolerate some reduction in water activity of environment but generally grow best in the absence of the added solute
What is exponential growth and generation time
- Exponential Growth: Growth of a microbial population via a mathematical pattern in which cell numbers double within a specific time interval, initially slow but increases at a faster rate,
- When a cell is placed on a solid growth surface, like an agar petri dish, it will begin to divide
- Generation Time (g) = t / n, where t is duration of exponential growth (minutes, hours, days) and n is the number of generations during exponential growth
- Colony: ‘Pile’, all cells in such a colony are identical
What are the stages of the microbial growth cycle
Lag Phase:
- Interval between when a culture is inoculated and when growth begins, transporting of molecules into the cell
- Accumulation of substances to allow for growth to occur
- Adapting to environment
- Time needed for biosynthesis of new enzymes and to produce required proteins
Exponential Phase:
- Cells in this phase are typically in the healthiest state, most active growth phase
Stationary Phase:
- Growth rate is zero, either an essential nutrient is used up or waste product accumulates in medium
Death Phase:
- If incubation continues after cells reach stationary phase, the cells will eventually die
- Cell proliferation = cell death
Define sterilisation, inhibition, decontamination, disinfection, antisepsis, sanitisation, biocide / germicide and bacteriostasis
- Sterilisation: The killing or removal of all viable organisms within a growth medium, commercial sterilisation (killing C. botulinum endospores)
- Inhibition: Effectively limiting microbial growth
- Decontamination: The treatment of an object to make it safe to handle
- Disinfection: Directly targets the removal of all pathogens, not necessarily all microorganisms
- Antisepsis: Removal of pathogens from living tissue
- Sanitisation: Lower microbial counts on eating utensils
- Biocide / germicide: Kills microorganisms, bactericidal
- Bacteriostasis: Inhibiting, not killing, microorganisms
What is bacterial cell death
- Bacterial Death: The irreversible loss of the ability to reproduce (multiply), confirmation requires laboratory culture techniques, bacterial populations die at a constant logarithmic rate
- Antimicrobial Treatment: Effectiveness of treatment depends on number of microorganisms (population load), environment (organic matter, temp, pH, biofilms), time exposure and microbial characteristics
How do we control microbial growth
- Control Agents: Alteration of membrane permeability, damage to proteins, damage to nucleic acids
- Target cell wall & cell membrane integrity, target cell replication (DNA, RNA synthesis & replication), target cellular metabolism (cellular respiration, protein synthesis)
- Physical: Heat, filtration, freezing, high pressure, desiccation, osmotic pressure, radiation
- Chemical: Disinfectants
Controlling microbial growth via heat
Dry Heat:
- At high temperature will oxide (burn) organic matter to ash (flaming, incineration, hot air sterilisation)
- Effective but tends to destroy material being sterilised
- Metal or glass can be effectively treated this way but most material is not capable of taking this type of heat, high temperatures are needed for this to work
Moist Heat:
- Steam, affects the function of proteins (denaturation)
- Enzymes (proteins) are required for metabolism, effectively destroys cell but not utterly destroys it like dry heat would
- Autoclave: Heat and steam, sterilisation, 121 degrees, 15 psi, for about 15 min
- Thermal death point (TDP): Lowest temperature atwhich all cells in a culture are killed in 10 min
- Thermal death time (TDT): Time to kill all cells in a culture at a given temperature
- Decimal reduction time (DRT): Minutes to kill 90% of a population at a given temperature
- Pasteurisation: Process of using precisely controlled heat to reduce the microbial load in heat-sensitive liquids, reduces spoilage organisms and pathogens
Controlling microbial growth via filtration, freezing, high pressure, desiccation, osmotic pressure
- Filtration: Removes microbes, passage of substance through a screen-like material, used for heat sensitive materials, pores of filter are too small for organisms to pass through, pores allow liquid / gas through, HEPA (depth) filters remove microbes >0.3 µm, membrane (sieve) filters remove microbes >0.22 µm
- Refrigeration / Freezing: Inhibits bacterial growth, refrigeration, deep freezing, lyophilisation
- High Pressure: Denatures proteins, increased pressure can lead to protein unfolding
- Desiccation: Dehydration, absence of water prevents metabolism, removal of H2O from the cell
- Osmotic Pressure: Uses salts and sugars to create hypertonic environment; causes plasmolysis
Controlling microbial growth via radiation
- Damages DNA, electromagnetic radiation that produce ions and reactive molecules, generates electrons, hydroxyl radicals, hydride radicals
- Ionising Radiation: Strong enough to pass into the cell, where it alters molecular structures and damages cell components including DNA (high energy electron beams, x-rays, gamma rays)
- Non-Ionising Radiation: Commonly used for sterilisation and uses less energy than ionising radiation (UV), still able to cause modifications and breaks in DNA
Controlling microbial growth via disinfectants (evaluation)
- Used on inanimate objects
- Depends on presence of organic matter, degree of contact with microorganisms and temperature
- Dilution Test: Metal rings dipped in test bacteria are dried, dried cultures placed in disinfectant for 10 min at 20°C, rings transferred to culture media to determine whether bacteria survived treatment
- Disk-diffusion Method: Vary between gram positive and negative, observe zone of inhibition
- Surface Active Agents: Have limited bactericidal action but assist in the removal of microorganisms
What are types of disinfectants
- Alcohol: Denature proteins, dissolves lipids, ethanol, isopropanol, no effect on endospores and non-enveloped viruses, requires water to be effective
- Heavy Metals (Ag, Hg, Cu, Zn): Oligodynamic action, very small amounts exert antimicrobial activity, denature proteins
- Chemical Food Preservatives: Organic acids
- Antibiotics
- Aldehydes: Inactivate proteins by cross-linking with functional groups (NH2, OH, COOH, SH)
- Gaseous Sterilants: Cause alkylation, cross-links nucleic acids and proteins, used for heat-sensitive material
- Peroxygens: Ozone [O3], peroxide [H2O2]), oxidising agents, contaminated surfaces and food packaging
- Phenol and Phenolics: Lysol, carbolic acid (phenol used by Lister), injure lipids of plasma membranes, causing leakage
- Bisphenols: Disrupt plasma membranes
- Biguanides: Used in surgical hand scrubs, disrupt plasma membranes
- Halogens: Iodine (iodophors), chlorine (liquid or gas), bleach is hypochlorous acid (HOCl)
- Oxidising Agents: Shuts down cellular enzyme systems (chlorine, iodine)
Identify different organisms through the way they acquire energy (chemical requirement)
- Energy is acquired from one of two sources
- Phototroph: Gathers light energy from the sun using chlorophyll
- Chemotroph: Gets energy through the breakdown of organic molecules like sugar
Identify different organisms through the way they acquire carbon (chemical requirement)
- Breakdown of inorganic material or air, living cells require both an energy source and a source of carbon to build the necessary components for all cell structures
- Heterotroph: Gets organic carbon from the breakdown of other organic matter
- Autotroph: Takes CO2 from the air, keeps the Carbon and releases the Oxygen
- Chemoorganotroph: Conserve energy from organic chemicals
- Chemolithotroph: Oxidise inorganic compounds (H2, H2S, NH4+)
What is binary fission and generation time
- Binary Fission: Cell division following enlargement of a cell to twice its minimum size, cell duplicates DNA, development of septum and simply splits into two cells, new cell identical to original cell
- Growth: Increase in number of cells
- Septum: Partition between dividing cells
- Generation Time: Time required for microbial cells to double in number, most bacteria have shorter generation times than eukaryotic microbes, dependent on growth medium and incubation conditions
- Cell Division: Each daughter cell receives a chromosome and sufficient copies of all other cell constituents to exist as an independent cell