Microbes Flashcards
Kon kon microbes hai ?
Protozoa, bacteria,fungi, microscopic Animals, plant viruses, viroids, prions(proteinaceous)
Lactobacillus? Kaam
(LAB )lactic acid bacteria
Grow in milk and convert into curd
Produces lactic acid that coagulates and partially digest milk protein
Increase vitamin b12
Checking disease causing microbes
Bakers yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Toddy ?
South Indian drink
Fermenting sap from palm tree
Swiss cheese
Large holes present due to co2
By bacteria
Propionibacterium sharmanii
Roquefort cheese
Flavour specific
Beverages me konsi yeast?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Commonly called brewers yeast p
Distillation and without distillation drinks ?
Distillation - whisky,brandy ,rum
Without distillation - wine beer
Beverages quality depends upon
Raw materials
What are antibiotics?
Antibiotics are chemical substances which are produced by some microbes and can kill or retard the growth of other disease causing microbes
Alexander Fleming? Ka kaam
Staphylococci bacteria
Chemical produced- penicillin
Penicillium notatum
Penicillin ka full potential kisne diya?
Ernest chain and florey
Used to treatment of American soldiers in ww2
Fleming chain florey
Nobel price 1945
Antibiotics aur kis bimari me kaam ati hai uske ex?
Whooping cough (kali khasi)
Diphthria(gal ghotu)
Leprosy(kust rog)
Acid producers microbes example?
Aspergillus niger (fungus) - citric acid
Acetobacter aceti ( bacteria) - acetic acid
clostridium butylicium( bacteria) - butyric acid
Lactobacillus - lactic acid
Lipase (enzyme) function
Detergent formulation removing oily stains
Why bottle juices are clear than home?!
Use of pectinase and protease
Clot buster ? Kon
Bacteria streptococcus
Produces streptokinase
Remove clots from blood vessel of patients undergone myocardial infarction
Cyclosporine A ?
Fungus tricoderma polysporum
Immunosuppresive agent in organ transplant
Blood cholestrol lowering agent
Monascus puppureus (yeast)
Produces statins
Inhibit enzyme responsible for synthesis of cholestrol
The type of gas depends upon
Microbes and organic substances
Methanogens ? And example
Grows anaerobically on cellulose material produce large amount of CH4, CO2 and H2
Ex- methanobacterium
Found in anaerobic sludge
Also present in rumen of cattle
Cellulose material present in the food of cattle also present in rumen
Bacteria- breakdown of glucose and important role nutrition of cattle
Explain biogas plant ?
Consist of concrete tank (10-15 feet)
Floating cover placed over the slurry
IARI and KVIC full form ?
Indian agricultural research institute
Khadi and village industries commitee
Aphid and mosquito killer ?
Microbial biocontrol agent to control butterfly and caterpillars
Bacillus thurengenesis
Available in sachets
Mixed with water and sprayed into vulnerable plants such as brassicas and fruit trees
Example of plant resistant to attack by insect pest
Bt cotton
Which biocontrol agent used for treatment of plant disease ?
Fungus tricoderma
Found in root ecosystem
Pathogens that attack insects and other arthropods
Biocontrol agent in genus nucleopolyuhedrovirus (npv)
Viruses are excellent in species - species,narrow spectrum intestidal application
No negative impact on plants mammals,birds,fish
Ipm full form
Integrated pest management programme
Biofertilizers are organism that enrich the Nutrient quality of the soil.
Soarces are bacteria, fungi, cyanobacteria
Symbiotic association?
Leguminous plant
N2 fixation into organic forms
Other examples of N2 fixation are
Azospirillum and azotobacter
Symbiotic associaton(fungi )?
Plant mycorrizha
Genus of glomus form mycorrhizal
Absobs phosphorus from soil
And passes to plant
Provides resistance to reot borne pathogens,tolence to salinity and drought
N2 fixation cyanobacteria ex
Blue green algae
Add organic matter to the soil and increases fertility
STPs full form
Sewage treatment plants
Treatment of waste water is done by ?
Heterotrophic microbes
primary treatment ? Explain
Physical removal of particles -large and small
Through filtration and sedimentation
Initially, Floating debris is removed by sequntial filtration
Then, grit(soil and small pebbles) by sedimentation
Then the supernatent forms the effluent
And taken to the secondary treatment