Cell Biology Flashcards
Leewenhoek ne kya kiya tha ??
Sabse pehle LIVE CELL ko dekha
Robert brown ne kya kiya ?
Nucleus discovery
Schleiden ne kya kiya aur kab aur kaha se ?
Geman botanist
Plants me sare parts different type ke cells and tissue se bane hai
Schwann ?
British zoologist
Animal cells have plasma membrane
Cell wall is unique characteristics of plants cells
Animals and plants are compose of cells and product of cells
Cell theory and it’s drawback
Given by schleiden and schwann
Did not explain how new cells were form
Rudolfh virchow ?
Omnis cellular e cellular
All living organisms are compose of cells and product of cells
Cell arises from pre existing cell
Ribosomes ??
Non membrane
Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic
Found in chloroplast,mitochondria,rough er
Cell size
Mycoplasma 0.3µm
Largest isolated single cell is the egg of an ostrich
Rbc 7.0µm
PPLO 0.1µm
Viruses 0.02-0.2µm
Eukaryotic cell 10-20µm
Prokaryotic cells ex and their basic shapes
Bacteria, blue green algae,mycoplasma,PPLO( pleuro pneumonia like organism)
Bacillus(rod like)
Prokaryotic me cell wall kiske pass nhi hoti
In bacteria Small circular DNA outside genomic DNA ?? and it’s characteristics
Resistance to antibiotics
Characteristics of prokaryotic cell and it’s name and functions
Differentiated from of cell membrane
Infolding of membrane
It can be in the form of vesicles,tub ules, lamellae
Helping cell wall formation DNA replication and distribution of daughter cells
Also help in respiration secretion processes to increase the surface area of the plasma membrane
In cyanobacteria other membranous extension into the cytoplasm called chromatophores which contains pigments
Cell envelope and it’s structure functions
Glycocalyx - 2 types
Slime layerloose sheath
Capsulethick and tough
Cell wall - determines shape and
Structural support
Cell membrane - selectively permeable
Gram positiity
What is flagella
Filamentous extensions from cell wall
Composed of three parts
Filament - longest portion extended from the cell surface to outside
Hook, basal body
Difference between pili and fimbriae
Pili Fimbriae
Elongated tubular | small bristle
Structure. | like fibres
Made of protein | they attached to
Called pilin | rocks and tissue
What is ribosome ?
Associated with plasma membrane
2 size —- 15 nm to 20 nm
Made of 2 subunit 50S and 30S together gives 70S
Site of protein synthesis
Several ribosome attached to Single mRNA and form chain called polysome
And ribosome translate mRNA into protein
What is inclusion body
Reserve material in the cytoplasm
Non membranous lie free in cytoplasm
Eg- phosphate granules and glycogen granules
Gas vacuole found in blue green and purple and green photosynthetic bacteria