MGMT 311 Exam 4 - FLASHCARDS - Chapter 20 part 1
What is employment at will?
When a person provides services to another for compensation without the duration of the relationship specified
What is Application of the Employment at Will Doctrine?
the employment relationship may be terminated by either party at any time and for any reason, subject to certain exceptions.
True or false: an employee can even be fired for a bad reason or no reason at all?
True. For example, your boss doesn’t like how your lunch smells
What is the diference between employment at will vs employment under contract?
Duration is main factor. With a contract, you have a duration of time
What is embesslement?
Stealing from the company
What are exceptions to employment at will?
Implied contract
Implied Covenant of Good Faith
Public Policy
What is implied contract?
Implied contracts are guarantees of continued employment. Employees are not fired without cause
True or false: implied contracts can be oral or written?
What is an example of an implied contract?
Employer says you will have a job in this company as long as you do a good job.
True or false: with an implied contract, employees are not fired without cause (for no reason at all)?
If a worker brings a wrongful discharge case, and they argue there was no expressed contract, employees can argue based on the employer’s actions that there was an implied contract. If they can prove that, they can win a wrongful discharge case
What is Implied Covenant of Good Faith?
some states hold that the employment relationship creates an implied promise to act in good faith. So, if the employer fires an employee for an arbitrary or unjustified reason, it may be considered bad faith.
What is an example of implied covenent of good faith?
If someone is fired because of a piece of clothing or a lunch that smells bad
What applies when the employer fires a worker for reasons that violate a fundamental public policy of the state?
Public policy
What are policies that are good for society as a whole?
Public policy
Where do you find public policy?
In the laws
What happens if an employer is asking an employee to commit a crime, and the employee refuses to commit the crime, and they get fired?
Wrongful discharge
What is when an employee tells a government official, upper management, or the press that her employer has engaged in some unsafe or illegal activity?
What only applies to federal employees blowing the whistle to report illegal activities of the government?
Federal Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989?
True or false: most states have whistleblower statutes to protect employees who are fired for blowing the whistle?
What method does Texas use for protecting employees fired for blowing the whistle?
Texas selects pieces of the workforce (types of workers), and creates a statute around that type of worker
What is the Public Employee Whistleblower Act?
Any level of public worker in Texas is the employee. That worker has to prove illegal activities they have observed to appropriate authorities in good faith
Are government workers for the state of Texas, public employees?
What is the Nursing Home Workers Act?
Texas statute where employee’s job is protected when reporting suspected abuse of the elderly