MGMT 311 Exam 3 - FLASHCARDS - Chapter 12 part 3 (1)
What happens if a person is declared judicially mentally incompetent and a guardian represents them?
If a person is declared judicially incompetent, and a guardian is appointed to represent him or her; contracts entered into by him or her are void.
How can a person not declared incompetent by a court, still be considered mentally incompetent by law?
A person not declared incompetent by a court can be considered legally mentally incompetent if his or her judgment is impaired because he or she cannot understand or comprehend the nature and effect of a particular transaction
A contract that is made by a person who is mentally incompetent (but has not been so adjudicated) is voidable by the mentally incompetent person while he or she is mentally incompetent, or within a reasonable time after regaining mental competency, or by his or her guardian or other representative, when one is appointed
What are lucid intervals?
Brief period during which a person who is incompetent due to age or illness can regain the legal capacity to contract and act on his/her own behalf. People who are incompetent due to age or illness can have Lucid Intervals where every contract formed is valid.
True or false: during lucid intervals, every contract formed is valid?
How does ratification occur?
Ratification can occur after the incompetent period and during a lucid interval; or by a guardian
A contract for necessaries may be disaffirmed, but the mentally incompetent party is liable for the reasonable value of the necessaries furnished.
True or false: any contract to commit a crime is void?
What happens if the purpose or object of a contract becomes illegal because of the enactment of a statute after the contract has been entered into?
The contract may be “void” in the eyes of the legal system and thus be unenforceable. The parties are discharged from their obligations by operation of law.
Do usury statutes exist in every state?
What is the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest?
What is a usury statute?
Usury statutes fix the maximum lawful contract rate of interest that can be charged for a loan of money. The rate varies from state to state, and over time.
What are exceptions for usury?
If the borrower is a corporation. An entity and not a person. People are more dependable
If the borrower is getting a small loan
True or false: gambling contracts are illegal and void?
What is gambling?
Gambling or wagering is defined as the creation of risk and distribution of property by chance among persons who have given consideration in order to participate
Is gambling legal in all states?
No. All states have statutes that regulate gambling, but in a few states, gambling is legal
What are licencing statutes?
Statutes that require licenses to be obtained in order to engage in certain trades, professions, or business
What does enforceability of contracts made by unlicensed persons depends upon?
the purpose of the licensing statute
What if the purpose of the licensing statute is regulatory?
If the purpose of a statute is regulatory (to protect the public from unauthorized practitioners), contracts with the unlicensed professional are void and unenforceable.
What if the purpose of a licensing statute is revenue raising?
If the purpose of a statute is merely revenue raising – to raise government revenue, contracts with the unlicensed professional are enforceable.
What are contracts contrary to public policy?
an agreement which injures an established interest of society, or which has a negative effect on society is void and will not be enforced.
What type of contract is where no legal obligation exists on the part of either party?
Void contract
True or false: If two or more parties enter into an agreement in which they exchange mutual promises not to compete with each other and their only objective is to restrict competition, the agreement is void because it is against a strong public policy favoring free, fair competition?
What is an example of a contract in restraint of trade?
The seller of a business agrees not to open another competing store within the area of the store that he is selling.