MGMT 311 Exam 3 - FLASHCARDS - Chapter 12 part 2
What is a contract that is not valid from the start and cannot be enforced? It lacks the essential elements of a legal contract and is treated as if it never existed
Void contract
What is a contract that is initially valid and enforceable, but one party has the right to cancel or void the contract if they desire?
Voidable contract
What is silence of acceptance?
a notion that asserts that a party’s silence or refusal to reply to an offer might be construed as acceptance of the offer
True or false: Acceptance is present if the offeree accepts the benefit of the offered services or goods when the offeree had an opportunity to reject the offered services or goods and knows that such services or goods were offered with the expectation of compensation?
True of false: if there is complete absence of words and actions, there is no acceptance?
How is acceptance in unilateral contracts?
Acceptance is usually evident, and is therefore unnecessary (unless the law requires it or the offeror asks for it). acceptance is affected when the performance is completed; notification of the acceptance is not necessary
How is acceptance in bilateral contracts?
communication of acceptance is necessary, because acceptance is in the form of a promise. The bilateral contract is formed when the promise is made rather than when the act is performed
True or false: in a bilateral contract, acceptance must be timely?
What is the mailbox rule?
If the authorized mode of communication is the mail, then an acceptance becomes valid when it is dispatched (placed in the control of the U.S. Postal Service)—not when it is received by the offeror. An acceptance is timely if it is sent prior to the termination of the offer.
True or false: Acceptance is effective when sent if sent by authorized means of acceptance?
What is express means of acceptance?
when someone agrees to the terms of an offer either by saying it or writing it down. When an offeror specifies how an acceptance should be made. Can be verbal or written
What is implied means of acceptance?
when someone shows they agree to something without saying it directly
What means of acceptance is this: if someone asks you if you want a cookie and you take one without saying “yes”.
Implied means of acceptance
What means of acceptance is this: If a seller offers to sell a car to a buyer for $10,000 and the buyer responds by saying “I accept your offer”
Express means of acceptance
What means of acceptance is signing a rental agreement?
Express means of acceptance
What are e contracts?
an agreement that is drafted, negotiated, and executed completely online
What are online offers?
Online offers are in the complete control of the seller. Terms need to be more clear and specific
What are the requirements for online offers?
- Acceptance of terms. A clause that clearly indicates what constitutes the buyer’s agreement to the terms of the offer, such as a box containing the words “I accept” that the buyer can click.
- Payment. A provision specifying how payment for the goods (including any applicable taxes) must be made.
- Return policy. A statement of the seller’s refund and return policies.
- Disclaimer. Disclaimers of liability for certain uses of the goods. For instance, an online seller of business forms may add a disclaimer stating that the seller does not accept responsibility for the buyer’s reliance on the forms rather than on an attorney’s advice.
- Limitation on remedies. A provision specifying the remedies available to the buyer if the goods are found to be defective or if the contract is otherwise breached. Any limitation of remedies should be clearly spelled out.
- Privacy policy. A statement indicating how the seller will use the information gathered about the buyer.
- Dispute resolution. Provisions relating to dispute settlement, which we examine more closely in the following section.
What are examples of online acceptances?
Click on agreements and Browse-Wrap Terms
What is an online agreement that users agree to by clicking a button or checking a box that says “I agree.”?
Click on agreement
What is a website agreement (typically the website’s terms of use or service) that aims to bind the user by virtue of the user browsing the website?
Bowse wrap terms
Are click-on agreements enforceable?
Are browse wrap terms enforceable?
What law recognizes electronic records as contracts and e-signatures and as valid signatures?
The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) of 1999