Mgl Flashcards
All fire or explosions by which a loss is sustained shall be reported within _____ excluding Sunday and holidays
48 hours
A member of the fire department shall investigate all fires and explosions in which caused property damages
Fire safety inspections of businesses are inducted every ____ months
Fine for failure to comply with removal of rubbish causing unsafe fire hazards
$50 for each 48 hour period
Fine for failure to comply with any duty imposed upon a fire officer
$25 to $200
The board shall hold public hearings on the
First Thursday in May and October in each year
Fine for violating any rule or regulation made by the board of fire prevention
$100 to $1,000
No person shall alter, repair, or install any oil burning equipment except for ____ unless he holds a certificate granted by an examiner of oil burner technicians
Electrical wiring and connections
Age for applying for oil burner technician
18 years old
Application for an oil burner technician shall not be made more often than
Once in thirty days
Within ____ after the date of receipt for application for oil burner technician, the applicant shall be examined
One month
Renewal for oil burner technician even and odd years
Expires on even year subsequent renewal is on next even year
Expires on odd year subsequent renewal is on next odd year
Volatile inflammable fluid storage indoor
Non volatile inflammable fluid storage indoor
Volatile inflammable fluid storage outside
Non volatile inflammable fluid storage outside
-Inside Volatile 1 quart
-Inside Non volatile 10 gallons
-Outside volatile exceeding 1 gallon cannot be stored within 50 feet of dwelling without permit
-Outside non volatile exceeding 30 gallons cannot be stored within 50 feet of dwelling without permit
Fee for permit of volatile and non volatile inflammable liquid storage
50 cents
Buildings not exceeding 70 feet for residential purposes must have
An approved automatic fire warning system
Apartment houses containing _____ or more dwelling units, hotels, boarding or lodging houses, or family hotels shall be equipped with automatic smoke or heat detectors
Buildings more than 7,500 square feet in floor area shall be protected throughout with
Automatic sprinklers
Any public assembly with 100 persons or more shall be protected throughout with an adequate system of ____
Automatic sprinklers
Fine for nightclub owners who do not install automatic sprinklers
$10,000 for first and second offense. Third offense loss of licenses
Lodging or boardings houses require _____
Automatic sprinklers
New construction containing no less than 4 dwelling units must have
Automatic sprinklers
Any owner of a building who does not comply within 6 months of an order from the fire marshal shall be punished by a fine of not more than
Shutting off or destroying any part of a sprinkler system, hydrant, water main, or other device used for fire protection or carbon monoxide detection fine
Imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or both
Whoever unlawfully tampers with any notice of violation affixed under the provisions of section thirty, shall be punished by a fine of
Not more than fifty dollars or by imprisonment in jail for not more than one month, or by both
Fine for selling fireworks
Not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both
Fine for exploding fireworks
Not less than $10 nor more than $100
Inflammable stove polish flash point and quantities
Less than 140 degrees F
Gross not less than 5 pounds if approved
Fine for improper storage of matches for sale
Not more than fifty dollars