Mexican Independence/Mexico 1821-1876 Quiz Flashcards
External causes
- Spain allied with France and became dependent of them/invades spain and put brother joseph as king
- spaniards unhappy
- colonies of america see an opportunity
-ideas from french rev
-high taxes and loans because of war costs
internal causes
-social pyramid
-abuse of power(rich take land from poor)
-bourbonic reforms (spain passed good laws, affected the criollos)
-political office unavailable for everyone
caste system
- Peninsulares (spaniards living in new spain)
- criollos (children of spaniards born in new mexico, limited to positions in gov)
- mestizos (children of white and indigenous)
- mulatos (half african + half american)
- indigenas (natives)
- esclavos (africans)
what happens in the first stage?
- colonists insatisfied with sharing with rich + social inequity
- two conspiracies to overthrow gov
- the one in queretaro is succesfull
important characters 1st stage
- Miguel Hidalgo
- Doña Josefa Ortiz & Don Miguel Dominguez
- Ignacio Allende
el grito de dolores
oct 2 1810 originally but moved to sep 16 because they found out
Miguel Hidalgo
3 groups
Royalists: Those who fought on behalf of the Spanish crown
2. Autonomists: Those who fought for the interests of the New Spain (conservatives)
3. Insurgents: Those who fought for the independence (ex: Hidalgo & Allende)
Decreto de Valladolid
Abolition of slavery
* Exemption of taxes
* Laws for protection of lands of native people
* Set Catholicism as the main religion
what happens in second stage
post hidalgo death
-indpendence was finaly defines in this stage (that was not the main intention)
- sentimientos de la nacion
- in the end jose maria morelos y pavon captured and killed
sentimientos de la nacion
- america free of everyone
- catholic religion only tolerated
- liberal government to replace, explusion of spaniards
- caste system and slavery prohibited
main characters in second stage
jose maria morelos y pavon
what happens in the third stage
- royalists start winning
-only surviving vicente guerrero - fight for indpendance failing
-napoleon exiled to st helena, ferdinand VII reinstated
-removed all liberal ideology from gov - spaniards rebell and accept consitution of cadiz
main chracters in third stage
felix maria calleja (royalist)
vicente guerrero (liberal)
napoleon (exiled)
ferdinand VII (new king)
what happens in the 4th stage
independance finally achieved
agustin de iturbide betrays royalists
embrace of acatempan
plan de iguala (feb 24 1821)
main characters in 4th stage
vicente guerrero (insurgent)
agustin de iturbide (royalist traitor)
plan de iguala
feb 24 1821
independant mexican nation be a constitutional monarchy
roman catholic religion be a monopoly
criollos and peninsulares equal in state
A flag also called the Three Guarantees
was created with the representative colors:
Green: independence
* White: religion
* Red: union
Treaty of Córdoba:
August 24, 1821,
recognized the
effect of the war of independence
Economy is devastated
* Agriculture falls with the destruction of fields and
* No income, external debt acquired
* Deep political & ideological divisions and social
* Federalists vs. Centralists
Coronation of
Iturbide as
Emperor in what year
constitution of 1824
iturbide abdicates and leaves
country wanting to separate states
provisional government installed
centralism vs federalism(wins)
Designates 20 states, 4 territories and 1 DF
National sovereignty
Division of powers
Privileges for the military and clergy (same as under Spanish rule)
No protection of individual rights/guarantees
independant governments
42 presidents in 31 years with all dif ideologies
pastry war
veracruz attacked by france to collect a debt
no money
Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty
accepts the Rio Grande/Bravo as the
frontier, and agrees to give New
Mexico, Arizona and Upper California
over to the US.
Ayutla Revolution
removal of santa anna
Plan de Ayutla:
1854 revolution that attempted to remove
Santa Anna from power and sought to create a new
Restricted clerical
and military
privileges by
submitting both
under civil authority
Prohibited the
collection of
parochial fees and
tithes (diezmo) from
the poor
Prohibited civil
corporations and the
church from owning
Took away voting
privileges of the
war of reform
armed conflict
between conservatives and liberals due to disagreements
about the Constitution of 1857 and who would lead Mexico