Metre Flashcards
Accentual syllabic (main post-medieval system of prosody in English)
Qualitative prosody which disregards syllable length and is concerned with the formal patterns of un/stressed beats
Analytical language (Modern English)
Distributes meaning among words and has a grammar dependent on prepositions and word order rather than inflected endings
the mark ’, used with or without ‘s’ to indicate possession (the
genitive case), or the elision of a letter.
a word or syllable/s bearing stress (x) or unstress (u).
a fall, in tone, pitch etc.
originally the ‘authorised’ books of the bible, as distinct from the apocrypha ; more generally, the body of work that is at any given time (and in a specified culture) taught and valorised.
Catalectic lines
missing one or more beats
a line of two feet.
of a foot, type-face, or fount, different from that normally
an initial letter in a larger fount that ‘drops’ below its own line
duple metre
Feet with two beats (iambs, trochees)
duple of a foot
having two feet, the rhythm they produce
free verse
poetry in which metre varies
Elision/to elide
Conflating or multiplying syllables
Omission, as of one or more letters from a word (usually indicated with an apostrophe)
Falling rhythm
Lines of trochee and dactyls (xu) - voice pitched lower on unstressed beat
feminine of an ending
with one or more unstresed hypermetrical beats
a prosodic unit of stressed and/or unstressed beats, the component of a line
7 ft line
6 ft line
those beats in a line which are surplus to the metre; stressed and unstressed hyperbeats are politically corrected masculine and feminine endings
of a line in a given metre, with one or more hyperbeats
iamb, iambic
foot of 2 beats ux
ictus, ictūs (pl)
stressed beat of a foot
inverted (of a foot)
reverse of that normally used in a given line
A single sequence of characters read from left to right
masculine (of an ending)
one or more stressed hypermetrical beats