Methodological issues - Paper 1 Flashcards
Definition of validity
How accurate research is in measuring what it aimed to measure
Internal validity
The extent to which procedures in a study achieve the intended measures and manipulations
High internal validity means the IV definitely changed/didn’t change the DV
Face validity
The extent to which research has face value and appears to test what it claims to
Construct validity
The extent to which a study is accurate in measuring a concept/phenomenon that has been properly operationalised
Concurrent validity
The extent to which other similar tests produce similar results
Criterion validity
The extent to which one measure of a phenomenon predicts the value of another measure of the same thing - ie could be used as an accurate predictor
Population validity
The extent to which findings can be generalised from the sample to the target population
Ecological validity
The extent to which findings from one scenario generalise to other scenarios - ie is the research accurately measuring real life
Definition of reliability
The consistency of a measure
Internal reliability
How consistent results of a test are across items within the test - ie all test same thing
External reliability
The extent to which a test score varies from one time to another - ie will it produce similar results with similar people in a similar situation
Inter-rater reliability
The extent to which two researchers consistently rate, score or observe the same the same behaviour and produce a positive correlation
ie if multiple researchers agree
Test-retest reliability
Testing reliability by using the same test twice
If the scores correlate well, the test is reliable
Split-half reliability
A way to test internal reliability
Comparing two halves of a test - if the scores correlate well, the measure has high internal reliability
Ethical considerations
Consent - informed consent
Observation - must be in a public space for covert observation
Withdrawal - ppts should have right to leave
Protection from harm
Advice - should be offered to ppts whenever they need it
Debrief - ppts should have everything explained to them afterwards/offered counselling