Metabolic disorders Flashcards
Lysosomal storage disorders - overview
GM1 Ganliosidosis
Tay Sachs disease: Cherry red spot
Sandhoff disease: Cherry red spot
Landing disease: Cherry red spot
Gaucher disease
Niemann-Pick A/B: A with cherry red spot in some
Fabry disease: XLR*
Lipogranulomatosis/Farber’s disease
Metachromatic leukoydystrophy
Krabbe disease
Mucopolysaccharidosis - Type II Hunter: XLR
- Others: Hurler (I H), Scheie (1 S), Hurler-Scheie (1 H S), Sanfillipo (III), Morquio (IV), Maroteaux-Lamy (VI)
- Sialidosis I: Cherry red spot
- Others: alpha-mannosidosis, mucolipidosis II, galactosidasosis
*Others are AR
Peroxisomal disorders
Peroxisomes are more numerous in cells that metabolize complex lipids
Characterized by dysmorphisms, neurologic abnromalities, hepato-intestinal dysfunction
Zellweger spectrum disorder
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: XLR
Classical refsum
*Others are AR
Disorders involving ER and Golgi body
Congenital disorder of glycosylation: AR
1/2 with neurological manifestations, usually psychomotor delay
Molybdenum cofactor deficiency/sulfite oxidase deficiency
Non-ketotic hyperglycemia
* All are AR
Organic acidemias/acidurias
Maple syrup urine disease
Isovaleric academia, propionic acidemia
Methylmalonic acidemia
Glutaric acidemia
Glycogen storage diseases
I Von Gierkes
II Pompe
V McArdles
VII Tarui
Fabry - lysosomal
Hunter - lysosomal
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy - perixosomal
OTC deficiency type 2 - urea cycle
PDHC (pydruvate dehydrogenase complex) deficiency secondary to pyruvate dehydrogenase - congenital lactic academia, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, disorder of energy metabolism
Menkes disease - NOS
Lesch-Nyhan - XL but NOS
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease - NOS
Urea cycle disorders
Carabmoyl phosphate synthetase deficiency (type 1)
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (type 2): XLR
*Others are AR
Key is no metabolic acidosis, they are alkalotic
Typically associated with hyperammonemia, though some organic amino acidemias/urias can have elevated NH3
Mitochondrial disorders
Leigh syndrome
Kearns-Sayre: Mostly sporadic
Alpers-Huttenlocher disease
Others are a mixture of AD, AR, and maternal
Congenital lactic acidemias
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency: Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, PEPCK deficiency
Fatty acid oxidation defects
Carnitine cycle defects: Carnitine transporter, CPT-1, Carnitine-Acylcarnitine translocase, CPT-2
Beta oxidation defects: MCAD deficiency, VLCAD, SCAD, Trifunctional protein deficiency
Nieman Pick type A/B - gene/enzyme/accumulation
Lysosomal storage disease - sphingolipidoses
Genetics - AR, SMPD1
Deficiency - Sphingomyelinase
Accumulation - Sphingomyelin in CNS, liver, spleen
Niemann A/B clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: sphingolipidoses
A: Clinical deterioration in the 1st YOL w/FTT, MASSIVE hepatosplenomegaly, hypotonia, head lag, inability to sit, decreased reflexes, most do not survive past 3 years old. Dx by measuring enzymes in leukocytes/fibroblasts. Tx with supportive care. BUZZ WORDS: Cherry red spot in 50%, F_oam cells (aka Niemann-Pick cells) in bone marrow - vacuolated histiocytes with lipid accumulation where sphingomyelin adopts the form of concentric lamellar bodies_
B: S(x)s start in late childhood adolescence, most have HS after infancy with hypercholesterolemia, pulmonary involvement is common (ILD), but rare neurological problems. Tx with BMT and replacement therapy tried but not for the A bc it does not improve neurological outcomes.
Niemann Pick C - G/E/A
*Not really a lysosomal storage disease, sphingolipidoses
AR, NPC1/NPC2 on 18q11
Leads to impaired cholesterol transport and metabolism that results in accumulation of sphingomyelin
[Normally, cholesterol is hydrolyzed in lysosomes and later transported to the plasma membrane; in Niemann-Pick type C, however, there is a problem in cholesterol transport and it, therefore, accumulates in perinuclear lysosomes.]
Niemann Pick C
*Not really a lysosomal storage disease, sphingolipidoses
Variable s(x)s that can present at any age: hepatosplenomegaly, cherry red spot, vertical supranuclear gaze palsy (high yield), developmental regression, ataxia, seizures, dystonia, cataplexy, pathology - visceral accumulation of lipids and foamy histiocytes with membrane-bound lamellar structures and lucent vacuoles. Neuronal ballooning → neuronal loss and cerebral and cerebellar atrophy
Dx: Filipin staining - Demonstrates impaired ability of cultured fibroblasts to esterify cholesterol. Unesterified cholesterol accumulates in perinuclear lysosomes, and this is detected by the fluorescent stain Filipin.
Tx: Miglustat - inhibits glycosphingolipid synthesis
Gaucher disease - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR, gene GBA
Deficiency of beta-glucocerebrosidase
Accumulation of glucocerebroside lipids
Gaucher disease - clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Most frequent LSD, most prevalent disease among Ashkenazi Jews
Type 1 - MC, typical adult onset, n_o neuro s(x)s, but with hepatosplenomegaly with anemia and thrombocytopenia, skeletal involvement, and pulmonary infiltrates._
Type 2 - infantile onset, severe progressive CNS disease, HS, death by 2 years old (also hydrops fetalis and cutaneous changes)
Type 3 - Intermediate between 2 and 3, onset age 2
Tx: Enzyme replacement for 1&3 (miglustat), Type 2 supportive
*Glucosylceramide forms fibrillary aggregates that accumulate in macrophages, leading to the cell cytoplasm presenting a characteristic ‘crumpled tissue paper’ appearance.
Fabry Disease - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
XL deficiency of alpha-galactosidase A
Accumulation of ceramide trihexoside
Fabry disease - clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Female carriers have s(x)s
S(x)s result from storage of glycolipids in blood vessels, heart, peripheral nerves, kidney, cornea
Recurrent attacks of burning pain in distal extremities (acroparesthesias), cardiomyopathy (valvular disease, arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease), stroke (from endothelial and vascular smooth muscle involvement) , aneurysm, angiokeratomas over “bathing trunk” area, renal damage (secondary to endothelial and glomerular damage), corneal opacity
Dx: measure alpha-galactosidase in fibroblasts or leukocytes, genetic testing; see Maltese cross (birefringent lipid deposits) in urine (lysosomal storage of birefringent lipids, with membrane-bound lamellar deposits on electron microscopy)
Tx: enzyme replacement, phenytoin, carbamazepine, gabapentin - Na blockade
Farber’s disease - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR inheritance, deficiency in ceramidase, accumulation of ceramide
Farber’s disease - clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Infantile onset, swollen and painful deformed joints, progressive neuro s(x)s, subcutaneous nodules, dyspnea, death 2 y
Dx: Ceramidase activity in fibroblasts
Tx: Supportive, steroids for joint pain
GM1 Gangliosidosis - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR, deficiency of beta-galactosidase (as opposed to alpha-galactosidase A in Fabry disease), GLB1 gene
Accumulation in GM1 ganglioside, GM2 = Tay Sachs
GM1 Gangliosidosis - clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Infantile - dysmorphic, hypotonia, rapid progression, hepatosplenomegaly, seizures, cherry red spot (50%), death by age 2
Juvenile - normal 1st year then lose skills, ataxia, seizures, spastic paresis, death by 10 y
Adult - dystonia or Parkinsonian features in childhood than severe dementia
Dx: B-galactosidase activity in leukocytes
Tx: Supportive care
GM2 Gangliosidoses - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Hexosaminodase A deficiency - infantile version: Tay-Sachs
Sandhoff disease - combination of hexosaminidase A/B deficiency
Hexosamindase activator deficiency - rare
AR inheritance
Involved genes: HEXA/B, GM2A
Accumulation of GM2 ganglioside
Hexosaminidase A Deficiency
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Infantile form Tay-Sachs, juvenile, adult
MC in Ashkenazi Jews
S(x)s: Infantile - developmental regression by 6 months, exaggerated startle, loss of visual attention, cherry red macula, hypotonia->spasticity, seizures, progressive macrocephaly, bright thalami on head CT, death 2-4 y. NO HS. Juvenile: Ataxia dementia 2nd year or later, cherry red macula rare. Adult: psychosis, dystonia, supranuclear opthalmoplegia, ataxia, anterior horn cell disease
Dx: enzyme activity in fibroblasts, leukocytes, plasma
Tx: supportive
Sandhoff disease - G/A/E + clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Hexosaminidase A/B deficiency
Accumulation of GM2 ganglioside
Same clinical features as Tay-Sachs EXCEPT can have HS
Dx: Enzyme activity in fibroblasts, leukocytes, plasma
Tx: Supportive
Metachromatic leukodystrophy - G/A/E
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR, 2/2 mutations in 1.) arylsulftase A gene resulting in arylsulfatase deficiency that leads to accumulation of sulfates or 2.) PSAP gene, leading to deficiency of a sphingolipid activator protein (SAP-B or saposin B) that normally stimulates the degradation of sulfatides by arylsulfatase A
Accumulates cerebroside sulfate
Metachromatic leukodystrophy - clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Central and peripheral demyelination
MRI with central demyelination sparing U-fibers (vs posterior demyelination in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy)
Decreased velocity on NCS
Elevated CSF protein
Sxs: Infantile form - onset 1-2 years, absent DTRs, spastic quadriparxsis, dementia, optic atrophy, death; juvenile form - onset 3-16 years, initial decline in school performance, then ataxia, decreased DTRs, spastic quadraparesis, dementia. Can have seizures, bulbar symptoms, temor; adult form - more than 16, psychiatric symptoms, dementia, spastic paresis, optic atrophy, dystonia, may not have abnormal NCV
Dx: urine sulfatides elevated, enzyme activity may be decreased in leukocytes or fibroblasts but limitations
Tx: BMT, supportive
Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy)
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR, deficiency of galactocerebroside B-galactosidase
Gene: GALC
Krabbe disease (globoid cell leukodystrophy - clinical)
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
Also see central and peripheral demyelination with MRI with central demyelination, sparing U-fibers (diffuse and not posteriorly predominant like X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy). Decreased velocity on nerve conduction studies. CSF with elevated protein.
S(x)s: Infantile form - begins 3-6 most with irritability = crabby baby, tonic spasms with stimulation, optic atrophy, blindness, deafness, unexplained fever, then opisthotonus, seizures, loss of bulbar function, death by 2 yo (also have demyelinating polyneuropathy with areflexa); late infantile form: begins 6 mos-3 years, irritability, failing vision, ataxia, motor deterioration, stiffness; adult form reported, can have normal NCS
Dx: Enzyme activity in fibroblasts or leukocytes. See multinuclear macrophages (globoid cell) in cerebral white mater.
Tx: supportive are for infantile (one small study showed benefit of unrelated umbilical cord blood stem cells when given to as(x) patients with infantile form), BMT for mild cases, later onset early in course of disease
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis - G/A/E and clinical
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
CNS accumulation of cholestanol, cerebellar demyelination
Clinical - tendinous xanthomas, progressive ataxia, dementia, cataracts (HIGH YIELD)
Multiple sulfatase deficiency
Lysosomal storage disorders: Sphingolipidoses
AR, deficiency of arylsulfatases A, B, C, mucopolysaccharide sulfates, steroids sulfates, clinical picture between MLD and mucopolysaccharidoses
Mucopolysaccharidoses - general
Type of lysosomal storage disease
From deficiency of enzymes that degrade heparan sulfate - nervous tissue, dermatan sulfate - skin, lung, heart valves, and keratan sulfate - skeletal; these are all
Accumulation of mucopolysaccharides causes clinical features - coarse features, short stature, HS, bone and joint problems, reduced life span, corneal clouding and CNS s(x)s in some
Dx: measurement of glycosaminoglycans aka mucopolysaccharides in urine, measurement of enzyme activity in cultured fibroblasts or leukocytes
Tx: recombinant alpha-L-iduronidase for Hurler, H-S, moderate-severe S but only improves pulmonary f(x) and endurance, for hunter, enzyme replacement with idursulfase, limited success with umbilical cord blood, stem cell or bone marrow transplantation for some
Lysosomal storage disorder: mucopolysaccharidoses
MPS I H/S/HS: accumulation of dermatan and heparan sulfate, S/HS also alpha-L-iduronidase implicated
The diagnosis of MPS type I is based on elevated urinary excretion of dermatan and heparan sulfate and confirmed with enzyme analysis in leukocytes and fibroblasts. Pathologically, there are cells with vacuolated appearance, expansion of perivascular spaces in the CNS, and neuronal lipidosis. Electron microscopy (not light microscopy) demonstrates reticulogranular material in epithelial and mesenchymal cells, and lamellar material in neurons, some of which adopt a layered appearance and are called zebra bodies. Enzyme replacement therapy can be used to treat non-CNS manifestations of the disease. Stem cell transplantation can be potentially helpful
Lysosomal storage disorder: mucopolysaccharidoses
Hunter no corneal clouding bc “Hunters need to see” -> accumulation of dermatan and heparan sulfate (also Hunter XL because Hunters also hit the X)
MPS III: accumulation of heparan sulfate, main manifestation is ID
Hunter’s syndrome or MPS type II is caused by a defect in iduronate sulfatase, with accumulation of dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. These patients have the Hurler phenotype but lack the corneal clouding and have characteristic nodular ivory-colored lesions on the back, shoulders, and upper arms.
MPS IV: N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase OR B-galactosidase deficiency resulting in accumulation of keratan sulfate
MPS VI: N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase
Peroxisomal disorders
Characterized by dysmorphisms, neurological abnormalities, hepato-intestinal dysfunction
Dx: begin with plasma very long chain fatty acids +/- phytanic acid
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy - G/A/E/Imaging
Defect in ABCD1, peroxisomal membrane transport protein, causes impaired beta-oxidation of VLCFA
Posterior white matter changes sparing U-fibers, can have rim of contrast enhancement differentiating it from other white matter diseases (except Alexanders)
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy - clinical
MC peroxisomal disorder
Childhood cerebral form (40%) - symptoms start at 4-8 years old, behavior problems in school, ADHD, seizures, regression of spatial orientation, auditory discrimination, speech, spastic paraparesis, visual loss, impaired swallow, death wi 2 years - by 10 years old, impaired cortical response in 85%
Adult cerebral form - dementia, seizures, psychiatric symptoms, spastic paraparesis after age 21, rapid progression
45% with adrenomyeloneuropathy (45%): slowly progressive spastic paraparesis, impaired vibratory sense in legs, bladder dysfunction, begins in 3rd decade, loss of myelinated axons in spinal cord and peripheral nerves, Addison’s disease in 67%, abnormal cerebral white matter in half, subtle cognitive deficits *Also some with pure adrenal form
Tx: Steroid replacement therapy, “Lorenzo’s oil” (4:1 glyceryl trioleate-glyceryl trierucate) to reduce levels of very long-chain fatty acids in plasma, may be beneficial in young asymptomatic patients but not in patients with neurologic deficits. Bone marrow transplantation may have a role in early stages of the disease.
Classic Refsum disease
Retinitis pigmentosa very unique feature here
Due to mutations in PHYH or PEX7 gene resulting in defects in alpha-oxidation leading to a build-up of phytanic acid
Classic Zellweger syndrome
Mutation in PEX gene ->accumulation of VLCFA, branched FA, AA, and toxic substrates
Smith Lemli Opitz
Presents as a static encephalopathy
Disorders causing intoxications
Amino acidopathies
Organic acidemias
Urea cycle defects
Sugar intolerance
Newborn screen
Lightly pigmented typically in board review questions
AR, disorder of phenylalanine metabolism 2/2 deficiency of p_henylalanine hydroxylase_ (converts phenylalanine to tyrosine) leads to accumulation of phenylalanine metabolized by phenylalanine transaminase→ phenylpyruvic acid→oxidized to phenylacetic acid: musty odor of the sweat and urine of these patients.
Also, Tetrahydrobiopterin is a cofactor for phenylalanine hydroxylase: its deficiency may produce hyperphenylalaninemia (and PKU). (Reduction of phenylalanine levels in blood and urine after trial of tetrahydrobiopterin makes this dx)
Newborn screening detects hyperphenylalaninemia, dx via elevation of phenylalanine levels in blood.
Tx: dietary restriction of phenylalanine, low-protein diet and phenylalanine-free feeding formula ASAP after birth, to prevent neurologic deterioration. Tetrahydrobiopterin is used as a tx adjunct in select patients.