Ching-Ching Pediatrics Flashcards
Anterior neuropore fusion defects
Anechephaly, encephalocele
Posterior neuropore fusion defects
Spina bifida, myeomeningocele
Risk factors for neural tube defect
Folate deficiency, AEDs, maternal diabetes, vitamin A and vitamin A analogues toxicity
Signals for neural tube differentiation
From mesoderm of notochord: sonic hedgehog
From lateral epidermal ectoderm: bone morphogenic protein
Cell of origin of CNS
Ectoderm, from neural tube
Cell of origin of PNS
Ectoderm, neural crest cells
Cell of origin of vertebral bodies
Mesoderm of notochord
Balloon cells
Focal cortical dysplasia, a cortical development disorder of cell dysplasia (proliferation) - if FCD with normal cells, this is a disorder of cortical organization
Failure of prosencephalon to divide into cerebral hemisphere and other structures. Problem during 4-8 week of gestation.
Reduced visual acuity, panhypopituitarism, absent septum pellucidum
Septo-optic dysplasia
Smooth brain, small chin, thin upper lip, intractable seizures
Lissencephaly type I: Miller-Dieker syndrome, LIS1 gene, chasm 17, disorder of microtubulins and dynenin
Most cases occur de novo
DCX gene (doublecortin protein) abnormality: phenotype, mode of inheritance
X-linked lissencephaly, DCX gene, X-linked: gene mutations lead to smooth Brainin males, double cortex in females
3 disorders associated with cobblestone malformations
Walker-Warburg syndrome, muscle-eye-brain disease, Fukuyama muscular dystrophy
Molar tooth sign
Joubert’s syndrome and other disorders of cerebellar hypoplasia
Inappropriate laughter, arm flapping, ID, seizures, prominent jaw
Angelman’s syndrome
Childhood obesity and ID
Prader-Willi syndrome, Laurence-Moon syndrome
Genetic disorder in Prader-Willi and Angelman’s syndrome
Chromosome 15q11-q13. Prader-Willi when paternally inherited due to maternal imprinting and Angelman’s syndrome when maternally inherited due to paternal imprinting
ID, protuberant ears and large testes
Fragile X, CGG trinucleotide repeat expansion (mnemonic: Child with Giant Gonads)
Development regression at ~6-18 months with hand wringing and microcephaly in female
Rett’s syndrome, MECP2 mutations, CDLK5 mutations result in Rett-like symptoms with earlier onset mutations
Cafe au lait macules
Shagreen patch
Tuberous sclerosis complex
Shagreen patch
Tuberous sclerosis complex
Cutaneous neurofibromas
Gene in NF2
MERLIN gene, chsm 22
Gene in NF1
Neurofibromin gene, chsm 11
Axillary or inguinal freckling
Bilateral schwannomas
Lisch’s nodules
Iris hamartomas, NF1