Metabolic deficiencies Flashcards
Unstable repeat sequences
Specific nucleotide copies within a gene increases resulting in increased disease severity
Huntington’s, Fragile X
Uniparental disomy
Both members of a chromosome or gene pair are inherited from one parent
Genomic imprinting
A gene defect is expressed solely based on the sex of the parent passing on the defective gene
Intrinsically abnormal process forms an abnormal tissue
Mechanical forces exerted on normal tissue resort in abnormal tissues
Normal tissue becomes abnormal after being subjected to disruptive forces
Collection of seemingly unrelated abnormal features occur in a familiar pattern
AFP, unconjugated estriol, and B-hCG in Down’s
Decaeased AFP
Decreased estriol
Increased B-hCG
Marfan’s Syndrome
AD disorder due to defective fibrillin gene on Cr. 15
S/S: Tall stature w/ elongated fingers Decreased U/L ratio ***Upward lens subluxation ***Aortic root dilatation, MVP, aortic regurg.
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Genomic imprinting caused by the absence of the paternally inherited gene on Cr. 15
S/S: Almond-shaped eyes Fish-like mouth downturned) FTT in first year of life ***Hyperphagia in childhood Hypotonia MR Hypogonadism
-Obesity can lead to obstructive sleep apnea (childhood) and cardiac disease (adults)
Happy puppet syndrome
Angelman Disease; caused by genomic imprinting and loss of maternally inherited gene on Cr. 15
S/S: Jerky arm movements Ataxia ***Inappropriate laughter ***Severe MR Small head, large mouth w/ widely spaced teath, blonde hair, blue eyes
Male version of Turner Syndrome
Noonan syndrome; **(AD) gene on Cr. 12
S/S: Short webbed neck Shield chest Short statue ***Right sided heart lesions
Most common cardiac issue w/ Noonan syndrome
Pulmonary stenosis
right sided heart lesion
Cardiac anomaly
Abnormal facies
Thymic hypoplasia
Cleft palate
22q11 chromosomal defect
-Describes a combination of DiGeorge Syndrome and Velocardial syndrome
DiGeorge Syndrome
Defect in the structures derived from the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches
Short palpebral fissures, small chin, low ears (craniofacial probs)
Aortic arch anomalies, TOF, VSDs (cardiac)
Thymus and parathyroid hypoplasia
Comps: Infnx, seizure
Velocardiofacial syndrome
Neurologic findings of neonatal hypotonia, learning disabilities
Cardiac findings of VSDs, right-sided arches
Facial findings of cleft palate, fish-shaped mouth, wide and prominent nose
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Type V collagen defect
S/S: Hyperextensible joints Loose, fragile skin =>> Tissue-paper thin scars MVP, fragile blood vessels Constipation, rectal prolapse
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Type I collagen synthesis prob
S/S: Blue sclerae Fragile bones (genu valgum, scoliosis, fractures) Gray teeth Easy bruising
Comps: ***Conductive hearing loss
VACTERL association
Vertebral defects Anal atreia Cardiac anomalies (VSDs) TE Renal and genital defects Limb defects (radial hypoplaia, syndactyly)
CHARGE association
Colobomas (absence of ocular tissue, usually the retina) Heart defects (TOF) Atresia of the nasal choanae Retardation of growth and cognition Genital anomalies Ear abnormalities (hearing loss)
Cocktail party personality
Williams Syndrome; (AD) deletion on chromosome 7
Elfin facies (flat nasal bridge, short palpebral fissures)
MR and loquacious personality
Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Idiopathic hypercalcemia in infancy
CT abnormalities =» hoarse voice, hernias
Child with synophrys and short stature
Cornelia de Lange syndrome
S/S: FTT Single eyebrow (synophrys) Thin, downturned lip Infantile hypertonia MR Small hands and feet Autistic features
Small-triangular fafce, limb asymmetry, and Cafe-au-lait spots
Russel-Silver Syndrome
-Kids also have excessive sweating and short stature
Micrognathia, cleft lip/palate, large protruding tongue
Pierre-Robin Synrome
-have recurrent otitis media and upper airway obstruction often requiring tracheostomy
Cri du chat Syndrome
Partial deletion of chromosome 5; sporadic
S/S: Microcephaly Downslanting palpebral fissures Catlike cry MR Hypertelorism
Complications assoc. w/ Downs
Atlantoaxial cervical spine instability (20%)
Celiac disease
Early Alzheimer’s
Cataracts, glaucoma
GI features of Down’s
Duodenal ATRESIA
Pyloric stenosis
Second most common trisomy syndrome
Trisomy 18 (Edward’s Syndrome)
- Defined by MR, hypertonia of the lower extremities, small facial features, rocker bottom feet, clenched hands
- 95% die within one year
Patau Syndrome
Holoprosencephaly, severe MR, seizures, cleft palate/lip
Syndrome to consider in any female w/ developmental delay
Turner Syndrome
MCC of male hypogonadism and infertility
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
-Variable intelligence, tall, gynecomastia, possible antisocial behavior
Proximal bone abnormalities
-Short humerus, femur
Medial long bone abnormalities
Short ulna and tibia