Hematology Flashcards
Physiologic nadir of Hgb levels
Between 2-3 months of age
Preterm= 1-2 months of age
-Reaches adult levels after puberty
Most common blood disease during infancy and childhood
Iron deficiency anemia; usually caused by inadequate intake but also occasionally to occult blood loss
-Iron stores are depleted by 6-9months of age, therefore, they need iron-rich cereal
- Pallor
- tachycardia, tachypnea, fatigue
- spoon shaped nails
- diminished attention and inability to learn
Lab findings of anemia
Early: Low serum ferritin
Later: Increased transferrin, decreased transferrin saturation
-Increased free erythrocytes protoporphyrin
Occurs predominantly in Southeast Asians; has four levels
- Silent carrier; one gene deleted
- A-thalassemia minor: mild anemia
- Hb H disease: severe anemia at birth with elevated Hgb Bart’s
- Hydrops fetalis
B-thalassemia (2 kinds)
Major: Total absence of B-globin prod.; ️Occurs predominantly in Mediterranean people
Signs/Symptoms: Hepatosplenomegaly, bone marrow hyperplasia ➡️frontal bossing, chipmunk cheeks, skull deformities)
Minor: Mild, asymptomatic anemia
⭐️may be confused with iron deficiency anemia, BUT, The iron levels will be NORMAL
B-thalassemia labs (2 types)
Major: Microcytic, Hypochromic RBCs; elevated unconj. Bilirubin, iron, and LDH Poikilocytosis Absent Hb A and elevated Hb F
Microcytic, Hypochromic RBCs
Target cells
B-thalassemia Tx.
Chronic transfusions; sometimes splenectomy
⭐️Chronic transufsions➡️ HEMOCHROMATOSIS
-Use deferoxamine to prevent this complication
Sideroblastic anemia
Characterized by the presence of ringed sideroblasts in the marrow resulting from the accumulation of iron in the RBC precursors
-Causes: Inheritance, chloramphenicol, isoniazid, lead poisoning, alcohol
Folic acid deficiency
Causes a macrocytic, Megaloblastic anemia; presents as failure to thrive, chronic diarrhea, and other signs of anemia
Causes: GOATS MILK FEEDING, diet with no fruit or vegetables, and decreased absorption (IBD, celiac, anticonvulsants)
Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency
Inadequate dietary intake due to strict vegan diet
Inability to secrete intrinsic factor from parietal cells (Pernicious anemia)
Inability to absorb B12 (Crohn’s)
B12 deficiency signs and management
Characteristic anemia signs
Smooth, red tongue
Ataxia, hyporeflexia, Babinski (+)
Tx: Monthly B12 injection
Most common inherited abnormality of RBC membrane
Hereditary Spherocytosis; AD disorder usually in Northern Europeans
-Due to spectrin deficiency
Signs/Symptoms: Splenomegaly Pigmented gallstones Aplastic crises w/ Parvo B19 infxn Pallor Weakness
Lab: (+) Osmotic fragility test
Tx: Splenectomy after age 5
Hereditary elliptocytosis
AD disorder of spectrin; usually asymptomatic
Can Tx. W/ splenectomy IF symptomatic
PK deficiency
AR disorder resulting in ATP depletion an decreased RBC survival
Signs/Symptoms: Pallor jaundice Splenomegaly Possible kernicterus
Tx: Transfusions, splenectomy
G6PD deficiency (from table)
Occurs in Mediterranean and African people
Triggers for hemolysis are fava beans, sulfa drugs, antimalarials, and infxn
-️Occurs 24-48hrs after exposure
Lab findings: Hemoglobinuria Increased reticulocytes count Bite cells Heinz bodies
Tx: Transfusions as needed
Fulminant Acute type AIHA
Acute onset of pallor, jaundice, hemoglobinuria, and splenomegaly in an infant w/ a history of RESPIRATORY INFECTION
-Complete recovery expected unlike prolonged type AIHA (due to chronic illness)
ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn
Mother has blood type O and fetus is any other blood type
=» Abs cross the placenta causing slight hemolysis
***DAT=WEAKLY positive
*Can occur in first pregnancy unlike Rh disease
SS trait
Having only one HbS substitution of Valine for Glutamic Acid at the #6 position of the B-globin chain
**Electrophoresis shows HbA (50-60%), HbS (35-40%), and small amnt of HbF
-Usually asymptomatic but possible hematuria in adolescence
Most common crisis w/ SCD
Painful bone crisis
-occurs due to infarction of bone marrow
Signs/Symptoms: Deep, throbbing pain lasting 3-7 dys
-Subtype=Acute dactylitis
Tx: IV pain control
2x MTX fluids
Abdominal pain and distention in SCD pt.
Acute abdominal crisis
-caused by sickling within the SMA
DDX: Cholecystitis, appendicitis, splenic sequestration
Tx: IV pain control
2x MTX fluids
Dysarthria, hemiplegia in an SCD pt.
Tx: IV pain control
2x MTX fluids
**Urgent exchange transfusion
**Chronic transfusions to prevent reoccurrence
Painful, sustained erections
Priapism =»> SUSPECT SCD
Tx: IV pain control
2x MTX fluids
New pulmonary infiltrate w/ SOB, cough, and chest pain in SCD pt.
Acute chest syndrome
Causes up to 25% of deaths in SCD; caused by infxn, sickling, atelectasis, fat embolism
Tx: Careful hydration
Azithromycin and Cefuroxime if indicated
Rapid accumulation of blood in the spleen causing abdominal distention in an SCD pt.
Sequestration crisis
-Occurs in pts.