Meridian and Acu points 2 Flashcards
These are places of
- Transformation & Transportation
- Regulation
- Irrigation
- Connectivity
Acupuncture Points
Name the Shu-Point:
The point at which the qi rises
Name the shu point:
- point where pathogens enter into joints, bones and sinews
- located at or proximal to wrist of ankle joints
“the strong flow can be used to forcefully clear the surface”
“This channel is abundant in qi and blood” -spiritual pivot
- regulate qi and blood
- treat atrophy disorder, painful obstruction
- pain in lower limbs
Stomach channel of Foot Yang Ming
Name the channel:
- Transports and transforms gu qi and fluids
- Controlling blood
- Dominating the muscles and the four limbs
- opening into the mouth
- raises qi to counteract sinking or prolapse
Spleen channel of foot tai yin
Channel qi comes out at th___ points
Flows at the ___ points
pours at the _____ points
moves at the ____ points
enters the body more deeply at the _____ point
This shu point has the following clinical uses:
- Clear heat from deficiency
- Foster yin-blood
Name the shu point:
- Resolve dampness & bi syndrome (heaviness, joint pain)
- channel disharmonies - especially yang channels
- disharmonies of the Zang - Point for Tonifying and Harmonising
- Intermitten symptoms - that come and go
- traditionally were used for acute, excess of hot patterns
- especially fu
- located on soft regions where needling can deeply reach them
- can be used for excess of deficient, heat or cold conditions of zang and fu
- treat disorders of their respective zangfu but not channel
- likely to become tender in response to disharmony of their zangfu
Name the shu point:
- fullness below the heart
- shen disharmony
- restoring consciousness
- clearing heat
- used for fainting, collapse or coma
This shu point has the following clinical use:
Promote proper movement of channel qi
The nature of a given point is determined by it’s
- Channel (location)
- Point category
- and what?
Historical empirical uses
Name the 5 shu point?
- Jing-well
- ying-spring
- shu-stream
- jing-river
- hue-sea
In these points - yin disease travels through the yang region and yang disease travels through the yin region.
Back shu & Front mu
Mu - are in the yin region and treat yang disease
Shu are in the yang region and treat yin disease
The widest and deepest of the shu points are usually located at?
The elbow and knees - He-sea
Twelve of these points treat the twelve Zangfu and are located on the back?
Back-shu points
Sea points move in a centripetal movement inward or centrifugal movement outward?
centripetal movement inward
The L.I. connects with what Zangfu
These points have the following clinical uses:
- Augment the qi and warm the yang
- Transform dampness
Strengthening the mother or draining the child:
On the Spleen (earth) channel
- to Tonify what point would you use?
- to Drain what point would you use?
- Ying-spring SP-2 (fire)
- Jing-river SP-5 (metal)
Name the Yin or Yang point:
- It is the 3rd point from the distal end of the channel
- Identical with the shu-stream and earth point
- Tonify deficiency or wekness to their pertaining organ
- Regulate the Yin/Yang balance, restoring homeostasis
- They stabalize (earth point) - emotions & mind
Yuan source point - Yin channel
This channel meets with these other channels
Spleen Channel
Name the points:
Where there is rebellious qi below, then the channels in the upper region do not move and there is a lack of clarity of vision and hearing, sudden loss of speech, convulsions and dizziness
- regulate the qi flow between the head and the body
- Sudden onset of condition
- disorder of sense organspsycho-emotional disorders
Window of Heaven / sky
most are located on the neck
Name the point:
- Treat disorders of the interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zangfu
- Treat disorders of the corresponding zangfu and channel
- Treat disorders in the regions reached by the channel
- Treat psycho-emotional problems (especially yin)
- Wander off on their own path
In excess:
Skin discolorations and swelling occur
- pain due to cold - bluish / greenish
- heat syndromes - reddish
- if chronic stagnation - dark / dark purple
In deficient:
Muscular flaccidity
- dip or depression in the area of the point
How many Hui-meeting points are there
This shu point has the following clinical uses:
- Drain excess and dispel stagnation
- Disband obstruction and open up clumps
“sometimes, a channel is blocked like a river full of branches. This point shakes the channel to open.”
Channel polariy changes at the extremities from yang to yin and from yin to yang at these points?
Name the point:
This is where the qi of the zangfu gathers and concentrates on the anterior surface of the body
- they are located on the chest or abdomen
- in close proximity to their zang or fu
- except GB - located at 12th floating rib
- of the twelve points 3 are on the channel corresponding to their related zang or fu
Front Mu
Name the shu-point:
- three of this yin shu points are located on the crease of the wrist
- nine others are located proximal (closer to the body) the meta capral/tarsal and phalangeal joint (knucles)
- except KD-3 - posterior medial malleolus
Name the shu point:
- Qi at this point is more full and increasing
- fire and water points
- sensitive points
“This is where channel qi collects and begins to slowly flow in a particular direction. They generally hav a cooling yin-nourishing nature”
Name the Shu-Point:
The point at which qi pours
This primary channel has meeting points with these channels
Name the Shu-Point:
The point at which qi flows
Connect the points of the Four Seas:
The Sea of Qi / The Sea of Blood / The Sea of Water and Grain / The Sea of Marrow
- In Excess: abdominal fullness - Deficient: Hunger with inability to eat
- In Excess: fullness in chest, urgent breathing and red complexion. Deficient: Scanty energy, Insufficient speech
- In Excess: lightness in the body and much strength. Deficient: whirling sensation of the brain, dizziness, tinitus, pain in ,ower legs, impairment of vision, indolence and desire to sleep
- In Excess: sensation of the body being big; one feels disquiet, but does not know the disease. Deficient: Sensation of being small, reduced but does not know the disease
- The sea of water and grain
- The sea of qi
- The sea of marrow
- The sea of blood
The Spleen channel connects with what Zangfu?
Name the shu point:
- digestive disharmonies - rebellios qi & diarrhea
- Stomach disease
- yang organ disharmonies - any disharmony of stomach and intestines
- Skin disease on yang points
Name the Shu-Point:
The point at which qi enters inward
This organ has these functions
- governs qi
- controlling disseminating and descending
- regulate water passages
- controlling skin and body hair
- opening to the nose
This primary channel connects with the:
Large Intestine
The Lung channel of hand taiyin
The Luo-Channel of this channel connects with the intestines and the Great lUo speads through the chest and lateral costal region
Spleen Channel
Shu points based on the Seasons:
- Points balance seasonal effects
- Wouldn’t use if functions of the points contradict overall treatment
- Winter use:
- Spring use:
- Summer use:
- Late Summer use:
- Autumn use:
- Well points
- Spring points
- Stream points
- River points
- Sea points
This point has the following clinical uses:
- Treat counterflow
- Regulate organ qi transformation
These are located between two channels, if puncture, symptoms of the exteriorly-interiorly related channels can be treated.
- between fingers and elbows on upper extremities
- between toes and knees on lower extremities
- they branch out connecting the interiorly-exteriorly paired yin and yang channel
The Nan Jing (Classic of Difficulties) base the actions of the shu point on what 2 things?
Five phases
Name the point:
- Facilitate the movement of qi
This is the most common use of this point and refers to unblocking channel circulation in cases where lack of free and open circulation has led to pain. This function of this point is especially releveant on the yang channels, as these channels and their associated organs require constant movement for optimum function.
- Redirect counterflow
These are cases where counterflow qi in the channel has led to a kind of stagnation. The stagnation, in turn, has built up in the channel and has led to bleeding or bruising. This point can be used to unblock the circulation, reduce stasis and slow the rate of bleeding. The net result, somewhat counterintuitively, is an increase in channel circulation that actually reduces bleeding or bruising. This function often applies to this point of the tin channel, as these are the ones which tend to produce, direct and nourish the blood.
Xi cleft
- alleviate pain and swelling in yang channels
- Stop bleeding in yin channels
There were originally 11 of these points and they were made into a song, a twelfth point was added by Xu feng
Ma Dan-Yang’s Heavenly star point
Name the shu point:
- transport qi - pours through
- flow of qi is more rapid and channel begins to get larger and deeper
“These points are areas of lively qi circulation. Qi begins to pour along with great activity but without the volume”
Name the Shu-Point:
The point at which the qi glides
Huangdi Neijing (Spiritual Pivot) bases the actions of the shu points on this?
What are the effects of the Gao Wu command points and how many are there?
They increase the therapeutic effect in particular areas
there are 6 and two were added later
Name the shu point:
- cough, wheezing, dyspnoea
- change in voice - tone or mania
- Sinews and bones - especially yin channels
Name the Yin or Yang point:
- it is the 4th point from the distal end of the channel (except G.B. 5th point)
- located between the shu-stream and jing-river
- expel pathogenic factors in excess
- tonify their pertaining organ
Yuan source point: Yang channels
Thes points are located on the back and are roughly in the same anatomical level as tehir pertaining Zanf or Fu?
Back-shu points
Actions of this channel:
- treasts rebellion qi
- restores function of the organ
- treats nasal disorders
- treats throat disorders
- regulates water passages
- treats vomiting due to rebellion stomach qi
Lung Channel
Name the shu point:
- clear heat
- “for hot sensations of the body”
- pathological change in complexion
- channel problems
- Zang organ problems (yin channels) - in combination with stream points
Treatment for collapse of yang
9 needles for returning yang
Name the point:
- where qi and blood gather and plunge more deeply
- between fingers and elbows and toes and knees
- Treat acute conditions - facilitate the movement of qi to alleviate pain and eliminate swelling
- Treat disorders of blood on yin channels - Redirect counterflow to stop bleeding
Name the shu point:
- First or last point of the channel
- Change of polarity between yin and yang
What is the thinnest and most superficial of the shu points?
- Each primary channel has one of these points
- the qi of this respective organ system emerges to the surface of the body at this point
- THese areas have a higher degree of nerve and blood concentration
“If the five yin organs are diseased abnormal reactions will appear at these points. If we know the correspondence of this point of the releveant organ we can diagnose when a yin organ is diseased”
Yuan-source points
The stomach channel connects with what zangfu?
Well points move outward or inward?
Channels originate at the extremities
Yang channels direct to the ?
Yin channels direct to the ?
- Although this channel travels to the upper body, it’s pertaining fu is in the lower abdomen
- In clinical practice it is used much less than points of the spleen and stomach
- there are no points indicated for defecation or constipation
- treats - yangming - heat
Large Intestine channel
Name the points:
- disharmonies of the corresponding Zangfu
- primarily used for tonifying chronic disorders and deficiency syndromes
- acute or excess patterns of their pertaining zangfu
- disorders of the sensory organs
- do not treat channel disorders
- traditionally were contraindicated to needling
- warned against deep and long needle retention
Name the shu point:
- channel is deep and vast, qi collects
- located close to the elbow or knee joints
“The ability of it to regulate comes from their location at places where deep, strong channel qi enters the internal organs. THe place of intersection can regulate large-scale counterflow”