Actions of Channels Flashcards
- Treat rebellious Qi (eg coughing)
- Treats nasal disorders
- Treats throat disorders
- Treats edema and water passages
- Treats rebellious stomach qi
Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin
Connects with:
Large Intestine, Stomach, Lungs
Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin
- Expel wind, wind cold and wind heat
- Treat yangming in head - face, cheek, forehead,eyes, nose, lips,gums, teeth
- Treat disorders of the ears
- Opens water passages
- Clears heat - wind heat, interior heat, fire, poison
- Clears Yangming fire of the Heart and Spirit
Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
Connects with:
Large Intestine, Lungs
Large Intesting Channel of Hand Yangming
- Treats disorders of yangming in the head
- Treats ear and throat
- Regulates Intestine function
- Treats disorders of upper middle and lower jiao
- Tonifys Qi, Blood, ying and yang
- Treats Breasts
- Treats disturbance of spirit and shen
Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
Connects with:
Heart, Spleen, Stomach
Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
- Treats failure of T&T function (Transportation and Transformation)
- Treats disorders of the Intestines
- Treats dampness and retention
- Tonify Qi, Blood
- Resolve blood stasis
- Raise Qi, treating prolapse
- Calms and regulates spirit
- Treats genitals
Spleen Channel of Foot Taiyin
Connects with:
Spleen, Stomach, Heart, Intestines
Spleen Channel of Foot Taiyin
- Treats pain in the chest
- Disorder of tongue and speech
- Disorder of throat
- Disorder of eyes (eg. redness)
- Various disorders of face complexion
- Regulates and calms shen - deficiency of excess heat or phlegm
Heart channel of Hand Shaoyin
Connects with:
Lungs, Small Intestines, Heart
Heart Channel of Hand Shaoyin
- Clear heat from the pathways of the channel, reducing fever
- Transforms phlegm and clears heat from heart zang
- Cooling Heat & alleviating pain along the arm, axilla, shoulder, scapula, neck, throat, jaw, teeth, tongue, nose, cheek, eyes and ears
- Treat swelling - neck, throat and cheek
- Treat disorders of the breasts and lateral costal region
Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang
Connects with:
Stomach, Heart, Small Intestines
Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang
- Eliminates interior & exterior wind
- Treat Shen diharmonies
- Posterior portion of the thigh treats lumbar region, anus and leg
- Distal Channel treats interior, exterior yang pathogensof the head, brain and sense organ
- Inner back - effects the zangfu, tissue, substances and senses
- Outer channel has similar indications to the inner points
Urinary Bladder Channel of Foot Taiyang
Connects with:
Kidneys, Heart, Bladder
Urinary Bladder Channel of Foot Taiyang
- root pathologically ascending yang
- nourishes yin
- clear deficiency heat
- night sweating
- tidal fever
- nourish Liver yin to root liver yang
- headaches
- dizziness
- clear deficiency heat
- Constipation due to dryness
- Balance heart fire and harmonising shen
- restlessness, insomnia, poor memory, palpatations
- Benefits the throat
- Root Qi and harmonising the relationship between the kidneys and lung
- Strengthens lumbar spine
- Benefits the ears
- Regulate the Ren & Chong channels
- Regulate bladder and intestines
Kidney Channel of Foot Shaoyin
Connects with:
Urinary Blabber, Kidney, Liver, Lung, Heart
Kidney Channel of Foot Shaoyin
- Treats disorder of Heart Zang
- Pain, palpatations, irregular heart rythym
- Treat disorder of the Shen
- Treats disorder of chest in general, including diharmony of the lung
- Treat disorder of stagnation in the upper / middle jiao
- Treat disorder of lateral costal region (sinew channel)
- Treat febrile disease (blocks pathagens that might injure heart
- Treat swelling and ppain of the axilla
Pericardium Channel of Hand Jeuyin
Connects with:
Heart, Pericardium, San Jiao
Pericardium Channel of Hand Jeuyin
- Reduce fever
- upper jiao defensive qi
- clear heat from neck and throat
- Benefit the ears
- Soothes Hart and Calms Shen
- Treat Headaches
- Harmonizes middle & lower jiao
- vomiting & constipation
San Jiao Channel of Hand Shaoyang
Connects with:
Pericardium, San Jiao
Sanjiao Channel of Hand Shaoyang
- Treat disorder of eyes & ears due to heat
- Treat headaches
- one-sided headaches at temple & side of head
- Treat disorder of Liver organ
- Treat phlegm
- swelling nodules
- Clear damp-heat from the organ
- jaundice, hypochondrial pain, nausea, vomiting & fever
- Treat Shen disharmonies
- Inluences the Girdling channel
- Treat disorders of Sinews
Gall Blader Channel of Foot Shaoyang
- Assists decending stomach and lung Qi
- Assists ascending spleen Qi
- Pacify interior wind, uprising of yang fire
- headache, dizziness, epilepsy, spasm
- Benefit the eyes
- Treat disorders of the external genitals
- Regulate menstruation and menstrual cycle
- Treat shan (mountain) disorder
- hernia, severe lower abdomenpain, genital swelling
- Treat shen disharmonies
Liver Channel of Foot Jeuyin
Connects with:
Lung, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Liver
Liver Channel of Foot Jeuyin
- Gynocylogical disorders
- Treat local areas
- counterflow qi - stomach & lungs
- abdominal disharmony, shortness of breath
- Atrophy of the leg
Chong Mai - Penetrating Channel
- “Sea of Blood
- Strong relationship with uterus, liver and kidney
- Strong Relationship with Ren and Du
Chong Mai
- Treat disharmony in local area
- umbilicus - urination, defication, genitals
- stagnant / rebellious stomach qi
- dantian - tonify jing and mingmen
- Zangfu - at coresponding area
Ren Mai - Conseption Vessel
- Ascends the midline anterior body
- Associated with yin of body
- Originates at the uterus
Ren Mai - Conseption Vessel
- Treat local area
- spine
- zangfu - corresponding location
- sense organs
- disharmonies with heart zang
- Treat wind (wind is yang pathogen)
- Treat fever (reduce heat in the body)
Du Mai - Governing Vessel
- Ascends inside spine and along it
- All yang channels meet it at C7 “Sea of yang channels”
- Enters brain, kidneys and heart
- Winds around anus and external genitals
Du Mai - Governing Vessel
- Treat local area
- abdominal fullness, shan disorder
- pain - umbilicus, abdomen, waist and lumbar spine
- difference in sensation, above and below waist
- Irregular menstruation, infertility, red and white leucorrhoea
Dai Mai - Girdling Vessel
- Encircles the waist like a belt
- Only horizontal channel in the body
- Harmonizes above and below
- affects the flow of qi through the vertical channels
- influences circulation of qi to the legs
Dai Mai - Girdling Vessel
- dizziness, fever and chills
- shortness of breath
- acute pain and swelling of the lumbar region
- links together yang channels of the body
Yang Wei Mai - Yang linking channel
- Links together yin channels of the body
- Pain
- Heart, chest, lumbar region
- Lateral costal region - fullness
Yin Wei Mai - Yin Linking Channel
- contracted sinews
- flaccidity of the muscles of the lateral leg and tightness of the muscles of the medial leg
- night time epilepsy
- eye disease
- painful obstruction of the skin due to damp heat
- hypogastric pain, shan disorder, chills, fever
- pain in genitals, uterine bleeding, leuccorhoea
Yin Qiao Mai - Yin Stepping Motility
- Flaccidity of the muscles of the medial leg and tightness of the muscles of the lateral leg
- Chronic painful obstruction, lumbar pain, rigidity of the body, contracted sinews
- Daytime epilepsy, eye disease
- Loss of consciousness
- Aversion to wind, hemiplegia - internal wind (uncontrolled movement), external wind (sick)
Yang Qiao Mai - Yang Stepping, Motility
The following Channel connects with:
- Stomach
- Large Intestine
- Lung
Lung Channel of Hand Yaiyin
The Lung primary channel meets with what other channels?
This channel has these five principal functions:
- governing qi and controlling respiration
- controlling disseminating and descending
- regulates water passages
- controlling the skin and body hair
- opening into the nose
The Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin
Name the Channel:
- treats rebellion of qi - coughing wheezing and shortness of breath
- restores function impaired by pathogens
- treat nasal disorders - nosebleed and nasal obstruction
- treats throat disorders - dryness, soreness, congestion, swelling & pain
- regulates water passages - edema and urniation obstruction
- treat vomiting due to rebellion stomach qi
The Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin
The Large Intestine Channel connects with these organs:
Large Intestine
What channel helps Yangming Heat
Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
This Stomach Primary Channel connect with which organs
This channel connects with the following channels:
Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
This channel functions are:
- control rotting and ripening of food
- control descending
- first stage in the digestion of fluids
Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
Diharmony of this organ manifests as:
- disorder of apetite and digestion
- distention & pain in apigastrium due to failure of qi to descend
- belching, nausea, or vomiting due to rebellious qi
Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
The spiritual pivot says this Yangming channel is abundant in qi and blood
The Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming
This channel is used to
- regulate qi and blood
- treat atrophy disorder, painful obstruction and pain in the lower limb
The Stomach Chanel of Foot Yangming