First Circuit of Qi Flashcards
Divergent Channel for Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
- Separates on the hand
- travels medially to the spinal column
- crosses Supraclavicular fossa and descends to lung and Large Intestine
- a branch ascends the throat to unite the primary channel

Actions of the Stomach Channel
- treats disorders of yangming channel in the head ( eyes, face, cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, gums, teeth)
- treat disorders of ear and throat
- treats disorders of upper and middle jiao ( lung, heart, chest, stomach, spleen, uterus, bladder)
- tonifying Qi, blood, yin and yang
- treats disorders of the breats
- treat disturbance of spirits (mania, depression)
Path of Luo Channel for Large Intestine Channel of Hand of Yangming
- Joins with Lung Channel 3 cun above the wrist
- Ascends the arm to the jaw and cheek, dividing connecting with cheek and ear.

Pathway of Luo Channel on Spleen Channel of Foot TaiYin
- Originates on Medial aspect of the foot (where skin changes colour)
- Connects with the stomach channel
- Enters the abdomen and connects with the intestine and stomach

Path of Divergent Channel of Lung Channel of Hand TaiYin
- Diverges at the axilla
- Enters the lung
- descends & disperses in the L.I.
- Converges with the L.I.

Palpation of Skin Temperature, Texture and Tenderness along Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
- If skin feels hot?
- If skin feels cold?
- If skin is flaccid?
- If skin feels rough?
- If tenderness is elicited with light pressure?
- If it is elicited with deep pressure?
- spontaneous tenderness that is alleviated by palpation?
- Tenderness aggrevated by palpation?
- Heat in the channel, tooth abscess or tonsillitis
- Cold condition
- Empty condition of L.I. such as diarrhoea
- Full condition of L.I. such as Damp-Heat diarrhoea
- Stagnation in Superficial Connecting Channels
- Stagnation in connecting channels proper and deep connecting channels
- Empty condition of the channel
- Full condition of the channel
Path of Divergent Channel of Stomach Channel of Hand Yangming
- Branches the middle of the thigh
- enters thje abdomen
- enters the stomach and disperses in the spleen
- penetrates the heart
- ascends oesophogus to mouth
- runs along nose to connect with eye and unites with primary Stomach Channel

Path of Sinew Channel of Lung Channel of Hand TaiYin
- Radial Aspect of Thumb
- Thenar Eminence
- binds Thenar Eminence and Wrist Joint
- along anterolateral aspect of forearm
- binds at elbow with bicep tendon
- follows bicep and lateral portion of deltoid muscle
- binds at the anterior shoulder region
- Continues to axilla
- Spreads from supraclavicular fossa to chest, to floating ribs and diaphragm

Actions of the Spleen Channel
- treat failure of the spleen T&T function (loose stools, undigested food, poor apetite)
- treat disorders of intestines (diarrhoea & constipation)
- treat retention of dampness and consequent Qi stagnation (pain in abdomen, edema, heaviness of the body, soreness of muscles, swelling of limbs, difficul urination, lethargy)
- tonifying Qi and Blood
- resolve blood stasis, in uterus and cooling the blood
- reinforce spleen function of holding blood
- raise Qi and treating prelapse
- treat disorders of the genitals
Landmarks of the Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
- Index finger
- Anatomical Snuff Box Bicep
- Brachii Tendon
- Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus
- Acromian and Medial Divot
- SCM (sternocleidomastoid)
- Philtrum
- Nasal Groove

Major Landmarks for the Lung Channel of Hand TaiYin
- 1st Intercostal Space
- deltopectoral triangle
- bicep muscle and tendon tendon of abductor pollicis longus
- radial artery
- thenar eminence & first metacarpal

Path of Luo Channel for Lung Channel of Hand TaiYin
- Separates at the wrist
- Spreads through the thenar eminence
- Connects with L.I. channel of Hand Yangming

Landmarks of the Stomach Channel of Hand Yangming
- infraorbital ridge
- angle of the mandible
- corner of the hairline
- mamillary line - 4 cun line of the chest
- abdominal muscles
- femur
- tibia

Path of Sinew Channel for Stomach Channel of Hand Yangming
- begins at middle three toes, binding with ankle
- runs along tibia and binds with knee
- ascends thigh and binds with pelvic regions (above genitals)
- ascends abdomen and chest and binds at clavical
- ascends the neck to jaw, mouth and side of nose and binds with nose
- joins blader sinew channel to form a net around the eye
- branch sepeartes at the jaw and binds around the ear
- a branch ascneds along the lateral aspect of the tibia and binds at the lateeral aspect of the knee
- ascends to bind at the hip joint
- passes through lower ribs into spine

Pathway of Divergent Channel for Spleen Channel of Foot TaiYin
- branches from the primary channel in the middle of the anterior thigh
- follows the Stomach divergent channel to the throat where it penetrates the tongue

Actions of the Lung Channel
- Treats rebellious Qi (coughing, wheezing, short breath)
- Restores lung function, impaired by pathogens
- Treat Nasal disorders
- Treat throat disorders
- Treat Edema & impairment of the lung
- Treat rebellious Stomach Qi
Palpation of Skin Temperature, Texture and Tenderness along Lung Channel of Hand Tai Yin
- If skin feels hot?
- If skin feels cold?
- If skin is flaccid?
- If skin feels rough?
- If tenderness is elicited with light pressure?
- If it is elicited with deep pressure?
- Hot indicates Lung Heat
- Cold indicates Cold - Phlegm in the lungs
- Lung - Qi Deficiency
- Full Condition
- Stagnation in superficial layers of lung channel
- Stagnation at deep energetic layers of the channel (sinew and bone)
Path of Sinew Channel for Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
- begins on index finger
- ascends forearm, binding at elbow
- ascends upper arm binding at shoulder
- a branch spreads across the scapula to the upper thoracic spine
- a branch ascends the neck, splitting to the cheek binding at the nose, other branch ascends over the face, across the head and ends at the lower jaw

Actions of the Large Intestine Channel
- Treat Yangming channels in the head (face, cheek, forehead, eyes, nose, lips, gums, teeth)
- Treats Ear disorder
- Expels Wind - wind Cold, Wind Heat from exterior
- Assists the lungs function of opening the water passages
- Clears Heat, wind heat, fire, poison
- Clears yangming fire, which disturbs the Heat and Spirit
Palpation point for Lung Channel of Hand Tai Yin
- whole channel
- radial artery on the right side
Pathway of Great Lou of Spleen
- Seperates from primary channel at the end point of the primary channel on the lateral aspect of the chest (sixth or seventh intercostal space at midaxillary line)
- spread through chest and lateral coastal region

Landmarks of the Spleen Channel of Foot TaiYin
- Big Toe & First Metacarpal
- Medial Malleolus
- Tibia
- Midline - 4 cun lateral & 6 Cun lateral
- Deltapectoral Triangle - one intercostal space below LU-1
- Seventhe Intercostal space on the mid-axillary line

Diagnostic area for palpation on the Large Intestine Channel of Hand Yangming
- LI-4
- LI-5
- Latter where radial artery can be felt
Path of Luo Channel for the Stomach Channel of Hand Yangming
- Originates midpoint of lateral side of lower leg
- Joins with Spleen Channel
- Ascends to nape of Neck and Head
- Travels internally to terminate the Throat

Pathway of Sinew Channel for Spleen Channel of Foot TaiYin
- Begins at medial side of Big Toe
- Ascends foot to bind at medial malleolus
- ascends medial aspect of tibia binding at medial side of knee
- follows medial face of thigh, binding in groin, converging at the external genetallia
- ascends abdomen, binding at unbillicus
- enters abdomen, biding at ribs and spreads in the chest
- adheres to spine