Merchant of Venice Act 2 Scene 2 Flashcards
What does Bassanio ask Leonardo to do?
Bassanio gives Leonardo a list of items and asks him to buy the items and have them ready. Bassanio also asks Leonardo to do this quickly because he is having dinner with a very good friend in the evening.
How does Launcelot respond to Gobbo offering to present a gift to Shylock?
Launcelot says that he has decided to run away so he will not rest until he has come some distance from Shylock’s home. He says that, because Shylock is a Jew, he should not get any gifts. Instead, he should get a rope to hang himself with. Launcelot says that, in Shylock’s service, he is starving and that his father will feel his ribs.
He asks his father to instead give his present to Bassanio, who is giving new jobs. He says that, if he will not serve Bassanio, he will run to the ends of the Earth. He ends by saying that, if he stays with Shylock any longer, he can be called a Jew.
What does Bassanio ask his servants to do?
- Make supper ready by 5
- Make sure all the letters get delivered
- Make sure all the uniforms are made
- Tell Gratiano to meet him soon
What does Launcelot’s conscience support doing and what does it say to support that?
Launcelot’s conscience supports Launcelot staying with his Jewish master, Shylock.
He says “No; take heed, honest Launcelot; take heed, honest Gobbo or take heed, honest Launcelot Gobbo; do not run, scorn running with thy heels”
The conscience also says that Launcelot’s father is honest.
The conscience also says “Budge not!”
Who(between the fiend and the conscience) does Launcelot support and why?
Launcelot supports the fiend. He does this because, in his opinion, Shylock is the devil in the flesh and, by staying with Shylock, he would be serving the devil.
How does Launcelot introduce his father?
Launcelot introduces his father by saying that his father is ‘sand-blind’, ‘high gravel-blind’ and he does not know his son.
Why does Launcelot constantly describe himself as “Master”?
He does this in order to elevate himself.
What is Gobbo’s wife’s name?
What does Gobbo say about Launcelots’ beard?
Gobbo says that Launcelot has a large beard and that he has more hair on his chin than Gobbo’s fill-horse Dobbin has on his tail.
Which words/phrases does Launcelot misuse and what are those words actually supposed to mean?
- the short and the long: this is an inversion, he meant to say the long and the short
- frutify: notify
- impertinent: pertinent
What words/phrases do Gobbo misuse and what are those words actually supposed to mean?
- infection: affection
- defect: effect
What gift does Gobbo carry?
A dish of doves
Following his conversation with Launcelot and Gobbo, what does Bassanio ask his servants to do?
Bassanio asks his servants to get Launcelot a livery that has more gold braided than the other outfits, perhaps showing that Launcelot is Bassanio’s jester.
Does Bassanio accept Launcelot as his servant? Why/why not?
Bassanio accepts Launcelot as his servant. He does this because Shylock had spoken to him on the same day and had recommended Launcelot.
What proverb does Launcelot use to describe Bassanio and Shylock and how?
Launcelot uses the proverb “The grace of God is gear enough”. He says that, Bassanio, having the “grace of God” and being a good man, has all he needs for salvation and that Shylock, not having the grace of good and being a bad person, has “enough”.
According to Launcelot, what does his line of life show him?
- He will have fifteen wives, nine maids and eleven widows.
- He will escape drowning thrice.
- His life will be in danger when he is at the “edge of a feather-bed”.
What is Gratiano’s request to Bassanio and on what condition would Bassanio fulfil that request?
Gratiano requests Bassanio to let him go with Bassanio to Belmont.
Bassanio says that Gratiano is too wild, too rude and bold of a voice. To Bassanio and Gratiano, Gratiano’s behaviour is normal but, to strangers, Gratiano’s behaviour may seem too wild. This is why he requests Gratiano to “take pain” and act more decently. If Gratiano wouldn’t change his behaviour, Bassanio may be misunderstood where he goes and he may lose his chance with Portia.
What does Gratiano say he will do to meet Bassanio’s conditions?
- He will “put on a sober habit”.
- He will talk with respect.
- He will swear only now and then.
- When grace is being said, he will hood his eyes with his hat and say ‘amen’.
- He will use all observance of civility like one well studied in a serious appearance.