merchandising Flashcards
what is a service-goods mix
combination your company offers that includes both products and services
- funeral homes do both
goods that are bought and sold
the purchase, display, and sales of goods
merchandising plan
the types of merch you show, their cost, and how they are displayed
merchandising program should start with …
a sound sale objective
sales objective is based on
evaluation of
- sales history
- availability of suppliers
- recommendation of suppliers
- amount of profit a firm wishes to generate
- price
- quality
the purchase of display items must be …
thoroughly coordinated with profit objectives
sales history can tell you what
what products sell the best, what your market prefers, average sales price, etc
market survey
a study that is used by a business to determine where the potential customers are located
sources of market data
census of…
- population
- business
- housing
- manufacturing
- commerce
what to consider with suppliers
- do they make appropriate provisions with merchandising aids, tech assistance
- good reps (can you work with them
- give discounts
cash discounts
reduction of price for payment within a time limit
quantity discounts
reduction in the amount of bill with minimum quantity is ordered
return of portion paid
do not have to pay until it is sold
price ___ and ___ must comply with applicable federal and state law
determination and quotation
customer value based pricing
effective, involves understanding how much value consumers place on the benefits they receive from the product
- set a price that captures that value
cost based pricing
involves setting prices based on the costs for producing, distributing and selling the product
fixed costs
(overhead costs) do not vary with production or sales level (ex. rent, interest, salaries)
variable costs
vary directly with the level of production
competition based pricing
focus solely on what the competition is charging, and strive to meet or beat those prices
pricing determination
method used by management to establish the selling price for services and merchandise
mark up
difference between merchandise cost and selling price ex. gross margin
mark up types - fixed multiple
(times factor) method where the markup is multiplied by a constant factor. the same mark up is applied to all
mark up types - percent
fixed percent that is added to price
mark up types - fixed dollar amount
add same dollar amount to wholesale cost
consumer value index (CVI)
percentage by dividing the wholesale amount of the merchandise by retail price of the merchandise
CVI equation
wholesale / retail = CVI
what does CVI measure
the value received for each dollar spent by consumer