Mental & Physical Health Elements Flashcards
Elements of Health
Optimistic Outlook Freedom from pain/illness Satisfying job Clean environment Supportive home life Ability to relax Energy to enjoy life
Health Domains
Psychological Physical Social Spiritual Intellectual Environmental
Physical fitness
Flexibility Muscular strength and endurance Cardiovascular fitness Agility Balance
Physically fit people:
Can meet all daily physical needs
Have realistic image of selves
Work to protect selves from future health problems
Exercise inhibitors
Self conscious about body
Women don’t want to gain muscle bulk (altho unlikely)
Lack of time or facilities
Self talk
Positive self talk leads to success
Self beating up leads to negative reinforcement
Locus of control
Internal: indiv. believes she can positively influence own health MORE LIKELY TO MAKE LONG LASTING CHANGE
External: believes that external forces determine health LESS LIKELY TO SEEK HELP, RATE HEALTH MORE POORLY
The highest state of health. Actively enhancing health, not just maintaining. Psych, social and physical factors
1 in 10 experience major depression in any given year
1 in 3 will seek treatment
Help w/ psychotherapy; meds
Depression symptoms:
Sadness/discouragement for long period Fatigue Inability to concentrate Suicidal thoughts Withdrawal from social activity No libido Change in sleeping/eating
Irrational intense fear of object or situation.
1 in 10 will devel. at some point in life
Meds only effective with behavioral therapy
Increase exposure while demonstrating coping strategies
Obsessivecompulsive Disorder
Anxiety disorder
Plagued by recurring thought cannot escape
Repetitive, rigid behavior
Throughts of violence, contamination, doubt
Hand washing, cleaning, counting, checking locks
Gets in way of functioning
Treatment: meds and behav. therapy
Hard time controlling motion and sustaining attention.
Not outgrown, adults just as likely to suffer from it
Treatment: Ritalin, stimulants, behav. therapy
Loses unity of mind and impaired function in almost every mental area
See/hear things
Believe external force is controlling
Delusions about identity
Sever anxiety, obsession about protecting self
Antipsychotic drugs can help, but cause apathy and are $$
IPT- Interpersonal Therapy
Does not attempt to treat origins of disorder Helps indiv improve socially Depression Systhymia Bulimia
95% of suicidals have mental illness Depression or alcoholism Lost hope Hereditary influence Low level of seratonin Easy access to guns
Mental & Emotional Health
Self-confidence, goal setting, coping skills, communication skills
Spirituality contributions
purpose and meaning, connectedness, service to others, positive self concept
Positive Youth Development
Engages youth in school, comm, peers, families
Recognizes strengths & promotes positive outcomes
-providing opportunities,
-fostering positive relationships, and
-furnishing the support needed to build on their leadership strengths