menstrual cycle irreg Flashcards
diagnosis of PCOS made by
2 of 3 factors:
chronic anovulation
polycystic ovaries on US
heavy menstrual flow or prolonged duration of flow occurring at irregular intervals
excessive menstrual flow or prolonged duration of flow occurring at regular intervals
PE for menstrual cycle irregularity
BMI thyroid skin, hair changes (thyroid disease) breasts-galactorrhea unexplained bruising, easy bleeding
pelvic exam (urethral, rectal, vag wall, or cervical bleeding?)
signs of infec-cervicitis may predispose to cervical bleeding
Pap smear
bimanual exam-uterus, masses? adnexa?
unpredictable bleeding in terms of timing and flow-dysfunctional uterine bleeding-usu implies
abnormality within hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis
dysfunctional uterine bleeding in women younger than 35-what to do?
not at increased risk of endometrial cancer, so tx may be offered w/o workup beyond HPI and PE
a common cause of vaginal spotting