Meningitis/Encephalitis Flashcards
listeria mortality rate
gram + rod (positive purple listeria)
listeria empiric Tx
definitive Tx
ceftrixone and ampicillin
definitive: ampicillin and gentamicin
Gentlemen get amped up on Listerine.
most common cause VIRAL M&E in summer/fall
cell wall inhibitors mech (general)
inhibit transpeptidation of peptidoglycan (inhibit cell wall* synthesis)
Listeria monocytogenes
gram ___
big 3 and ___
gram + rod (purple positive listerine)
big 3 and nuchal rigidity and diarrhea from soft cheese, deli, etc.
internalin induces phagocytosis
phospholipase and listeriolysin O allow escape
actin tail
if focal mass lesion, labs
no LP – increased risk of brain herniation = BAD
risks with 3rd generation cephalosporin: ceftriaxone
increased risk of neurotoxic side effects
Why treat empirically with ceftriaxone?
bactericidal small lipophilic can cross BBB not a ligand for efflux pumps streptococci + serious gram -
most aggressive empiric treatment combo
encephalitis vs encephalopathy
encephalitis: infection (fever, headache, focal neuro signals, seizures)
encephalopathy: diffuse cerebral dysfunction WITHOUT inflammation, usually due to toxin or metabolic dysfunction
where's waldo: meningitis encephalitis abscess myelitis
m: subarachnoid space
e: diffuse parenchyma
a: focal parenchyma
my: spinal cord
etiology of encephalitis
33-66% unknown then viral (entero, adeno, herpes, rabies) also nonviral (ricketssia, mycoplamsa, ADEM)
STAT TO DO with CNS infection
- H and P*
- blood culture*
- start abx*
- neuroimaging*
- LP/biopsy
- ID organism (gram stain/PCR/RT-PCR)
- switch to definitive Tx
BM labs
increased pressure increased WBC >80% PMNs elevated protein decreased glucose
VM labs
mod WBC count >50% Ls <20% PMNs mod protein normal glucose
FM labs
increased pressure m100 WBC >50% Lymphocytes mod elevated prto normal glucose
Aseptic meningitis
> 85% VIRAL: enterovirus/picornavirus, HSV2, arthropod, HIV
highest incidence within 12mo old
Sx: fever, HA, photophobia, dec nuchal rigidity, change mental status
CSF: increased Lymphocytes and PMNs, mod inc protein, normal glucose
Tx: supportive therapy
can be fatal in neonatal period
Septic meningitis
BACTERIAL: streptococcus pneumonia+ lancet (adults), neisseria meningitides - diplococci (teen/college), homophiles influenza type B - pleomorphic (babies, w/ no vaccine)
Sx: fever, nuchal rigidity, iritability, neuro dysfxn
CSF: inc PMNs, inc protein, dec glucose
ceftriaxone, vanco (MRSA), acyclovir (HSV2), cefeprime (psuedomonas), ampicillin (listeria)
Chronic meningitis
SPIROCHETES - treponema pallidum/syphilis, borrelia burgdorfori
FUNGI - cryptococcus neoformances, coccoides, candida albicans
Tx: 4 drugs RIPE Ri Isoniazid P E
TORCH infections (perinatal)
Toxoplasma Other: syphilis, VZV, parvovirus B19, group B strep, e. coli Rubella (german measles) CMV cytomegalovirus HSV-2/HIV
HSV associated with
temporal lobe (would see on MRI)
BM gross
particularly dense over engorged blood vessels
VM gross
swollen, or look normal (no pus/exudate)
BM micro
NEUTROPHILS inside vessels = phlebitis, into brain tissue = cerebrates
FIBRIN in exudate: healing stage in exudate > BAD = disrupts absorption of CSF > hydrocephalus
VM micro
lymphocytic infilatrion, mild
mononuclear: round, dark cell
mycobacterium tuberculosis
more chronic fashion acid fast basal exudate that obliterates cisterns (interferes with cistern magnum and CNs) exudate more GELATINOUS/CREAMY ADHESIONS/STRINGY MONONUCLEAR CELLS GRANULOMAS: obliterative endarteritis caseating hisitocytes
pathology of acute inflammation
vessels larger and leakeir
mickey mouse nuclei
abscess: neutrophils stick around
circumscribed collection of pus, GREEN NEUTROPHIL EXUDATE
chronic: mononuclear cells, more uniform than “busy”
astryocyte rxn to injury
migroglial cells
proliferate around single neuron dying off, around areas of necrosis
hydrocephalus from meninigitis…how
if healing blocked ventricles = communicating = all vent sys involved
CNS infections
Meningitis: Neiserria, strep pneu, h influ, fungal
Encephalitis: viral (herpes)
Abscess: strep, staph
mix of bacteria: strep pseudomonas haemophilus staph bacteroides
single stranded + sense RNA
no envelope
muscosal colonization > invasion and multiplication in bloodstream > cross BBB > in CSF > release inflammatory cytokines in CSF by astrocytes and microglia > increased perm BBB > diapedesis of leukocytes > edema > inc ICP > HA > neuronal injury
virulence factors
capsule IMPT IgA protease Pili help attach to mucosa endotoxin (by gram -) outer membrane proteins
Neisseria meningitides virulence special
LOS: looks like brain sphinoglipids, so is recognized as self
skin rash
transmitted through respiratory droplets
H flu type B special because
B capsular polysaccharide help facilitate its invasion into the brain
Mycobacterium tuberculosis special because
ACID FAST bacilli stain
Rifampin - inhibits dDNA RNA pol, inhibits cypP450
Isoniazid - inhibits mycolic acids
Ethambutol - inhibits cell wall synthesis by binding arabinysyl transferase
cryptococcus neoformans special because
inhaled as spores, like yeast
in IC
fluconazole 4 lyfe
site of herpes latency
herpes viruses are Baltimore class
Class I
ds DNA
VZV most comomon cause of encephalitis among
IC patients
particularly if have HIV/AIDS or stem cell transplantation
only alpha herpes virus produce
thymidine kinase
so can use acyclovir
DNA polymerase chain inhibitor, stops new DNA made, dGTP switched out
Tx betaherpesviruses
post-infectious encephalitis
ADEM acute disseminated encephalomyelitis MOST COMMON
inflammatory demyelinating condition, monophasic, pediatric usually, days to weeks post-inf
APME acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (demyelination, M and S defects)
SSPE subacute sclerosing panencepthalitis MOST SCARY
measles virus
Class V, ssRNA -