meninges and raised ICP Flashcards
describe the dura mater
protective covering on the brain
“Hard mother”
Sensory supply from CN V
- Encloses dural venous sinuses
describe the arachnoid mater
looks spider like, has arachnoid granulations projecting upwards
what is the purpose of the meninges?
protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord
what does the pia mate adhere to?
the brain
what is found within the subarachnoid space?
circulating CSF and blood vessels
where does the subarachnoid space end?
inferiorly at S2
what are the 2 causes of raised ICP?
increased pressure in the fluid surrounding the brain or increase in pressure within the brain itself
what is the order of the meninges from superficial to deep?
what does raised ICP do to the eyes?
compresses optic nerve which can lead to papilloedema (bulging / swelling of optic discs)
what kind of visual symptoms can occur in papilloedema?
transient visual obscurations (graying-out of vision)
transient flickering
blurring of vision
constriction of the visual field
decreased colour perception
describe the dural septae
Folds of dura mater
Create septa in cranial cavity
Divide cranial cavity
- Falx cerebri
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Falx cerebelli
- Diaphragma sellae
Brain can herniate through openings
what can happen to the oculomotor nerve in raised ICP?
can be compressed / stretch if medial temporal lobe herniated through tentorial notch
what would happen is the oculomotor nerve was compressed?
Paralysis of somatic motor innervation
4 extra-ocular muscles and eyelid
Paralysis of parasympathetic innervation sphincter of pupil
lose/slowness of pupillary light reflex, dilated pupil, ptosis, eye turned inferolaterally
‘Down and Out’
what happens when the trochlear nerve is compressed / stretched?
long course so susceptible to damage
Paralysis of superior oblique muscle - only extraocular muscle supplied by CN IV
Inferior oblique is now unopposed
eye cannot move inferomedially
diplopia when looking down
what happens when abducens nerve is compressed or stretched?
Paralysis of lateral rectus muscle - only extraocular muscle it supplies
Eye cannot move laterally in horizontal plane
Medial deviation of the eye